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Character Commander Ewan Isaacs

Ewan "Raider" Isaacs


  • Name: Ewan Isaacs
    Callsign: “Raider”
    Rank: Commander Silver Jedi Defense Naval
    Commission: Commander. Air. Group. SCAR Wing,

    Political & Military Information

    Affiliation: Silver Jedi Concord
    Species: Human
    Age: 45
    Born: Commenor
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5’10
    Weight: 203 lbs.
    Physique: Athletic
    Iris pigmentation: Blue
    Hair color: Black
    Skin complexion: some color


    Current conditions: Diabetic
    Former conditions: N/A

    Occupation: Naval Fighter Pilot
    Primary allegiance(s): Silver Jedi Concord
    Current status: Active Deployment aboard carrier “Retribution”
    Homeworld: Commenor
    Language(s) known: 5

    Language(s) spoken: Basic, Huttese, Ewokese, Rodian, Shyriwook, Jawaese

    Force sensitive: No
    midi-chlorian count: N/A
    Force Alignment: N/A
    Marital status: [REDACTED]
    Spouse: [REDACTED]
    Children: [REDACTED]
    Parent(s): [REDACTED]
    Sibling(s): [REDACTED]
    Friend(s): Lieutenant Commander Sarah “Fever” Pepper.

  • Character ethics:
    "A hero can be anyone, even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy's shoulder to let him know that the world hadn't ended."

    Character traits:
    Ewan is a combat specialist. A pilot at heart, but just as efficient with a rifle in his hands and grenades on his web gear. The Commander is a born leader, always working to bring each man and woman under his command home alive. A long-time wingmate of Commodore Liram Angellus Liram Angellus , he learned how to take the risks that he did not want others to take, he learned how to keep everyone alive and be deadly at the same time. Calm, but direct, Ewan will throw out a joke around his subordinates once in a while but is more professional around his pilots and deck crew.

    Personality Overview:

    Ewan learned quickly to take things seriously when he lost his first SIO. Flying into a colleague’s “wash” (unavoidable by any means, not his fault) and having to bail, the SIO, his best friend and “brother” at the time cost him a level of confidence that affected the CAG for a long time. Through the friendship of others and not being the “jokester” he used to be, but a more direct, noble officer made Ewan what he is now.

    Ewan is a good leader, and very personable to anyone who approaches him, however, his orders are his orders, do not question them. He will never steer anyone around him wrong (unless you’re in his gun sites) and truly cares about everyone he knows. He is also the type to set the best example possible, not afraid to speak his mind and not afraid to take in all comments from his subordinates, he is a calm, cool and collected officer.

  • Civil Training:
    Ewan was quiet about it, but he learned a lot from his former Commander. Isaacs learned that the most effective way to gain and earn respect was to show those around you the respect of knowing them. Not just knowing them by name, but knowing something about them. This is something that he embraces because it brings the people closer together, it gives purpose to watch each other's backs, to elevate them. A natural leader, he follows the 1st rule in leadership as if it were gospel, even ordering a subordinate to do something he wouldn't do himself. When he leads, people follow.

    ... and he's earned that.

    Military Training:

    His father, uncle, his father's father, and a long line of Isaacs were in Special Forces dating back to the "Old" Republic. Ewan was no different, it's in his blood, after all, in fact, he was the `training officer" who evaluated Aien Mueller and Omega Squad. Some of his operations on record are still considered "Classified". One mission though was a mess from the beginning, their transport was hit and the pilot was killed instantly and he was forced to take the seat and land the shuttle.

    It crashed.

    However, the ensuing effect spurred something in him, the desire to fly. It started with shuttles and morphed eventually into fighters. The pilot's Special Forces training gave him a unique approach to his flying. A transfer to the starfighters was only a natural move and while his rank afforded him specific stations, he turned them down preferring to earn his commands. Did we say he is well respected?

  • Character Strengths:
    • Supportive – Defenders are the universal helpers, sharing their knowledge, experience, time, and energy with anyone who needs it, and all the more so with friends and family. People with this personality type strive for win-win situations, choosing empathy over judgment whenever possible.
    • Reliable and Patient – Rather than offering sporadic, excited rushes that leave things half-finished, Defenders are careful, taking a steady approach and bending with the needs of the situation just enough to accomplish their end goals. Defenders not only ensure that things are done to the highest standard but often go well beyond what is required.
    • Imaginative and Observant – Defenders are very imaginative, and use this quality as an accessory to empathy, observing others’ emotional states and seeing things from their perspective. With their feet firmly planted on the ground, it is a very practical imagination, though they do find things quite fascinating and inspiring.
    • Enthusiastic – When the goal is right, Defenders take all this support, reliability, and imagination and apply it to something they believe will make a difference in people’s lives – whether fighting poverty with a global initiative or simply making a customer’s day.
    • Loyal and Hard-Working – Given a little time, this enthusiasm grows into loyalty – Defender personalities often form an emotional attachment to the ideas and organizations they’ve dedicated themselves to. Anything short of meeting their obligations with good, hard work fails their own expectations.
    • Good Practical Skills – The best part is, Defenders have the practical sense to actually do something with all this altruism. If mundane, routine tasks need to be done, Defenders can see the beauty and harmony that they create because they know that it helps them care for their friends, family, and anyone else who needs it.
    Character Weaknesses:
    • Take Things Too Personally – Defenders have trouble separating personal and impersonal situations – any situation is still an interaction between two people, after all – and any negativity from conflict or criticism can carry over from their professional to their personal lives, and back again.
    • Repress Their Feelings – People with the Defender personality type are private and very sensitive, internalizing their feelings a great deal. Much in the way that Defenders protect others’ feelings, they must protect their own, and this lack of healthy emotional expression can lead to a lot of stress and frustration.
    • Overload Themselves – Their strong senses of duty and perfectionism combine with this aversion to the emotional conflict to create a situation where it is far too easy for Defenders to overload themselves – or to be overloaded by others – as they struggle silently to meet everyone’s expectations, especially their own.
    • Reluctant to Change – These challenges can be particularly hard to address since Defender personalities value traditions and history highly in their decisions. A situation sometimes needs to reach a breaking point before Defenders are persuaded by circumstance, or the strong personality of a loved one, to alter course.
    • Too Altruistic – This is all compounded and reinforced by Defenders’ otherwise wonderful quality of altruism. Being such warm, good-natured people, Defenders are willing to let things slide, believe that things will get better soon, and not burden others by accepting their offers of help, while their troubles mount unassisted.
    • "CAN'T GO HOME AGAIN."- What he is doing, what he is prepared to do is warping his mind into believing that he cannot be a Jedi anymore, let alone a Temple Guardsmen. To him, this is the fault of no one but the Sith, and if he can't go home, neither will they.
    • UNSTABLE - He knows nothing other than what he has learned. His life was literally sheltered, and to have the very foundation of it destroyed in the way it had indeed destroyed him.
    • CONFLICTED - His desire for his twisted sense of "Justice" is mired by his loyalty to the Code. He does not know what to do.

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