Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cole Dannpat


NAME: Cole Dannpat



AGE: 31

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5' 8"

WEIGHT: 155 Pounds

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: White

WEAPON OF CHOICE: DH-17 blaster pistol


+ Cole is a very fast runner. He can run fast and also can run for a long time.
+ Cole is a sweet talker. He can persuade people generally easily, however this can not always be the case.
+ Cole was born to be smart. He has an intelligence rate higher than most humans.
- Cole can't hear to well. He can hear decently, but you need to be close to him or speak up in order for you to hear him
- Cole sometimes has random seizures. They are never fatal, but they have stopped him from catching a suspect here and there.

APPEARANCE: (See above)

BIOGRAPHY: Cole Dannpat was born on Coruscant. His father was a Detective, and so was his father. Coles mother died at birth, leaving him to be raised by a father who was rarely there. Cole was dependent on himself 90% of the time, and he learned a lot about the world from that. He taught himself how to read, write, and other things. Eventually he became smarter than the average boy. By fourteen he knew most of the history of the universe. The small 10% of time that his father was with him, he was teaching him as well. Detective runs true in the blood of the Dannpats, and so Coles father taught him how to be one. When Cole was 20, his father died. Cole didn't do anything for 11 years. He gambled what he had, and lost a lot of it. Cole managed to scrape by with next to nothing. Several months ago, Cole decided to use his skills for the better. He has since been looking for detective work.

SHIP: X-X Landspeeder



RPS: None

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