Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Clutch in the Kitchen [PM for Invite]

Parmi's feet fell upon the ground with a thud. Her masters blade in her hand came whining down, crashing against the electrostaff. Before she knew it, her legs were kicked out from under her, and she was propelled over the woman, crashing onto the pavement with her back slapping against the stone. Parmi was stunned. She hadn't been expecting a non-force user to be able to overpower her. She focused her mind on reaching for her dropped lightsaber and pulling it towards her. She felt out for the blade, the long double ended pike. She held it with the force and pulled it towards her. She swiftly rolled over and jumped back onto her feet. She had still been wearing her long, cumbersome cloak. Knowing it would impede her efforts, she tore it off and threw it against the ground. She slid her thumb down the hilt and brought the blade back to life. She offered surrender to the would be assassin. "You can't win. Surrender."

@[member="Skrik Piper"]
Metal Man was getting serious, bringing out one of the most unorthodox weapons to be found. While she had easily dealt with your average variety of whip before, a lightwhip was something else and its user's form desperately unpredictable. Not to mention it could dismember her if he had it on the highest energy output.

But there was still room for a final act, and possibly an extension of this play should she succeed. Drawing her stun gun, she fired a burst at the Padawan, who was devoid of armor. She did not eve wait to see if her target was incapacitated. With one swift motion, she lunged towards the Togruta and sought to bring the electrostaff against her neck and take her as hostage. It was a last-ditch effort--the only foreseeable way out of this situation. Curse the Knight and his metal body.

[member="Parmi Miemant"] [member="Hasjo Hallu"]
Through the use of her montrals, Parmi sensed the Rattaki begin to move behind her. She felt the migration as her arm lifted through the air in one swift motion. The gun at the end of her slender, pale arms threatened to fire, with Parmi as the target. The adrenaline surge induced by the battle had made Parmi more aware than usual. She did not normally have to resort to using her montrals in battle. They were a natural advantage that the Togruta had developed in order to hunt, along with their sharp canine teeth. This opponent was gifted, and nimble. She had to use every asset she possessed. Parmi raised her lightsaber and batted aside the charge emitted from her foes weapon. The red headed rival thrust herself towards Parmi, electrostaff prepared to strike. Parmi had been taken off-guard once, but would not let it happen again. This time she had been fast enough. Electrostaff and Pike collided with a clash. The drone of her masters pike sounded as Parmi slashed through the air. She had been trained to aim for her opponents arms, just as all Jedis were.
@[member="Skrik Piper"]
Hasjo's focus had reached it's zenith. He felt the tremor in the force as his padawan faced grave danger. He faltered in his movement, coming to a grinding halt, bringing the lightwhip hilt high over his head to avoid it from crashing against him. He snapped it out, allowing it to stretch and crack. He watched as Parmi and Skrik clashed, the assassin had attempted to take his padawan unawares. Hasjo reacted instinctively and without thought, but this was not a Force User reacting to the guidance of the Force, but of an animal reacting to it's natural instincts. He flung the coil of his whip, attempting to catch the back of the Rattaki. It's power setting was lowered so that it would not pierce flesh, but it would come with a mighty sting.

@[member="Skrik Piper"]
She had failed to overtake the Padawan. Now, she was no longer the aggressor, and once this shift occurred in battle with a Jedi, it almost always spelled defeat. But Skrik was resilient, if she was anything. The Jedi may have the Force on her side, but the assassin knew all about their saber forms. She twisted her staff and transferred all her weight onto one end, attempting to rotate the handle of the lightsaber until it was too painful for the Togruta to retain her grip on the hilt.

Skrik staggered as she was stung. The lightwhip cracked and sizzled against her back, charring a dark line in her shirt and introducing a glistening white stripe into her powdery skin. The pain was immense, but her endorphins flow was still running swiftly after her self-imposed laceration, making it just bearable enough for someone as rage-filled as she to maintain her resolve for one last effort. The fact that she was still alive, however, was significant, meaning that the metal encased Jedi had kept the lightwhip dialed down. Self-righteous narcissist.

But one more lash could be the end. With her future currently looking very short, Piper made one final calculation and reached for the Padawan's nearest arm, hoping to twist it and knock her heel against the back of the young Jedi's shin before grabbing her other shoulder from behind, her goal being to bring the horned one to the ground on top of her and prevent the armored Knight from striking again. They never struck their own.

[member="Parmi Miemant"] [member="Hasjo Hallu"]
The Togruta thought their foe would resign with her counter. She was persistent and Parmi could see that this would be a tough battle. The Rattaki forced the lightsaber to twist until Parmi could no longer hold on. Their would be assassin had her wits about her. She was a formidable opponent, even without the advantage of The Force. Recoiling back, she began to attempt to sift out possible counter attack through her rapid thoughts. This was Parmis first mission outside of the Silver Jedi Temple. She had not expected such a tenacious fight. Doubts of her own ability began to flood her mind. Clearing herself of apprehension, Parmi noticed that the crowd around them had dispersed. Through the gap in the mass, she saw her iron clad mentor hurtling towards them. The explosion from his lightwhip sounded as if the weapon had been charged with all the power of lightning. Parmi heard the burst of energy strike the Rattaki's back. A moment of pain flashed across the frosted skin stood across from her. The injured attacker was faster than Parmi had allowed herself to believe. A wound like that was sure to slow down anybody, or so Parmi thought. She had underestimated the abilities of the Rattaki.
The pain seared it's way through her body as her arm was torn back. The solid kick committed to her leg had forced the Padawan to hit the pavement with a hard thud. Her mind was occupied by the fear of what the Rattaki would do to her.

@[member="Skrik Piper"]
@[member= "Hasjo Halu"]
Hasjo moved cautiously and slowly. He had watched his Padawan go down with the assassin, crashing atop her. He knew this woman was cold and calculating. Though he understood not her reasons of attack. He pondered this as each step came ever more slowly. He towered above the two women on the ground. He disengaged his Lightwhip and unholstered his blaster. He spoke gravely to [member="Skirk Piper"] who seemed to be using [member="Parmi Miemant"] as a meat shield, "Give up." It was hard to control the emotions that swirled in his gut. He wanted to be scared. He wanted to be furious. Those were not the Jedi way. He pushed aside thoughts of revenge, thinking only of justice. He lowered his pistol, allowing her to know the full seriousness of the situation. His left hand was empty, wary and ready. He knew at a moments notice she could retrieve a vibroblade and slit his padawans throat. Thus ending her life. He warned her, "You're under arrest. The local government will deal with you. Surrender now and your sentence will be shorter. Make harm upon the woman, and my blaster will punch a fist-sized hole through your arm." It was an empty threat. He had dealt with Sith all his career as a Sith-Hunter, and knew that they did not surrender easy. Sometimes it took some persuading.
Skrik glared through her icy blue eyes into the receptors of the Jedi Knight's suit with a hatred so intense. How she wanted to crush the Togruta's neck! But she knew it would serve no point. One dead Jedi would hardly be a pinprick to the whole of their elitist and destructive Order. She needed to survive now so that more might fall at her hands in the future, even if that meant momentarily sparing the life of one of the Force vermin.

She did not trust him at all, but she knew how the Jedi operated. They would keep their word for now, allowing her to live so that praises and honor may be bestowed upon them by their weak-minded worshippers. Tomorrow, they would massacre a thousand.

Loosening her grip on the Padawan's arm, the assassin pushed off the ground and mutually lifted the other woman to her feet. Scowling, she steadied the Togruta with a hand to her back while kicking the electrostaff aside. She then slowly removed the second knife from her belt and dropped it harmlessly to the ground, simultaneously attempting to at least draw some satisfaction from her defeat by digging the cruel nails of her other hand through the younger Jedi's garments and into her flesh.

Sneering, Skrik shoved the woman towards the metal Knight and spat at him before raising her hands in surrender. Defiantly, she made sure to clearly exhibit his Padawan's blood streaked across her fingertips. "You have win, Jedi." She winked.

[member="Parmi Miemant"] [member="Hasjo Hallu"]

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