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Approved Location Club Nightland

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Intent: To create a sleazy hangout for Xiann to own and run
​Image Credit: Source
Canon: N/A

Structure Name: Club Nightland
Classification: Speakeasy-like cantina / nightclub.
Location: Coruscant
Affiliation: Xiann Syndulla
Accessibility: For many, it is considered out-of-the-way and in an undesirable location, located in the underlevels of Coruscant’s otherwise shining metropolis. It is only accessible to people who grant the correct password toward the TT-8L/Y7 Gatekeeper stationed at the entrance, which changes monthly. However, as many people frequent the establishment, it would not be hard for someone to find a loose lips that knows the password - if they are that desperate to spend their credits. However, anyone who has proven to be trouble enough for being blacklisted shall be denied entry.
Security: Nothing more than small, privatized force of enforcers and bouncers loyal to Xiann (or at very least, her credits).
Description: On the outside, Club Nightland looks like a posh, but still sleazy, building illuminated by violet holo-neon displaying the word “NIGHTLAND” in Aurebesh. Inside is an array of neon lights, dancers, and alcohol. The name is a reference to the Nightlands of Ryloth’s orbit, often filled beautiful yet dangerous plant-life and fauna. While Club Nightland is a place of pleasure, there are rules to be followed:

No violence on the premises, especially towards the female entertainers.
First round of drinks is free to newcomers, but you pay what you drink every time else. Credits only, no bartering.
Out by last call. This is a Club, not a hostel
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