Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cloak and dagger.....and someone dies

Elyscia Devaroiux

Elyscia Devaroiux said:

The Assasine wrapped herself in cloak of darkness using the force to hide her presence. She wove though the patrons, she was eager to exit the shanty establishment. The dark and dank tavern, she was ashamed that civilians called it hospitable. She had suffered long enough until she got what she wanted. A data pad containing rival crime lords her and father wanted eliminated. The said individuals were believed to be stealing contracts from her father and needed to be dealt with. The tavern at the time had too many witness for her to dispose of her contact. He had contacted her father, and for a large sum of money would hand over those responsible. Scowling to herself that she was unable to dispose of him, she had to wait for a clear opportunity. Not to say she wasn’t prepared, she did her homework she knew where he was staying, and every detail of his life, his family his organization. He did his best to hide his identity but Elyscia was good she found him. She had already investigated his ship downloading everything about the man. He had to die.

Finally able to take in a breath of fresh, she took in every breath trying to forget the odor. She hated places like this, dark, dirty and the people that visited places like this. Elyscia was a lady of luxury and had exquisite tastes, even her black robes were woven with shades of maroon and lavender, one would almost call it cape. A brisk wind fluttered through her robe, her blonde hair was a wisp on the wind while she walked.If the civilians could see her she would probably get a few double takes. She had what she wanted, and a few loose ends she needed to be taken care and she could get out of this god forsaken planet. But first she needed a decent meal, there was not chance in hell she was going to order something from that dump. The sith had already chose a place to eat before she had arrived, at first she was going to eat first, but decided to scope out his ship, which was wise, his docking permit changed and he was staying a few more days which gave her time to plan her next move.

The gala escape was known for its notoriety and prestige, almost every noble in the galaxy had been there. To anyone else there is a six months waiting list, fortunately for her one of her Identities Elyscia was the queens third cousin from nabou, completely forged of course, she had a birth certificate, and every 8 years according to the records voted.To top it off she even has her citizen papers. Today she assume the Identify of Salina Yashar.

Releasing the force cloak she entered the establishment, a gentlemen smiled, and she may have probed his mind forcing him to acknowledge her notoriety without looking at her credentials. She hated playing nice but knew how to play the game. Gently caressing his arm as she walked, the man thought he died and went to heaven, with a smile she walked to sit at the bar. Ordering an expensive drink, the bar keep placing the glass on one of the establishments glass coasters, she sat one leg draped over the other, scoping the room absorbing ever detail.

The Assasine wrapped herself in cloak of darkness using the force to hide her presence. She wove though the patrons, she was eager to exit the shanty establishment. The dark and dank tavern, she was ashamed that civilians called it hospitable. She had suffered long enough until she got what she wanted. A data pad containing rival crime lords her and father wanted eliminated. The said individuals were believed to be stealing contracts from her father and needed to be dealt with. The tavern at the time had too many witness for her to dispose of her contact. He had contacted her father, and for a large sum of money would hand over those responsible. Scowling to herself that she was unable to dispose of him, she had to wait for a clear opportunity. Not to say she wasn’t prepared, she did her homework she knew where he was staying, and every detail of his life, his family his organization. He did his best to hide his identity but Elyscia was good she found him. She had already investigated his ship downloading everything about the man. He had to die.

Finally able to take in a breath of fresh, she took in every breath trying to forget the odor. She hated places like this, dark, dirty and the people that visited places like this. Elyscia was a lady of luxury and had exquisite tastes, even her black robes were woven with shades of maroon and lavender, one would almost call it cape. A brisk wind fluttered through her robe, her blonde hair was a wisp on the wind while she walked.If the civilians could see her she would probably get a few double takes. She had what she wanted, and a few loose ends she needed to be taken care and she could get out of this god forsaken planet. But first she needed a decent meal, there was not chance in hell she was going to order something from that dump. The sith had already chose a place to eat before she had arrived, at first she was going to eat first, but decided to scope out his ship, which was wise, his docking permit changed and he was staying a few more days which gave her time to plan her next move.

The gala escape was known for its notoriety and prestige, almost every noble in the galaxy had been there. To anyone else there is a six months waiting list, fortunately for her one of her Identities Elyscia was the queens third cousin from nabou, completely forged of course, she had a birth certificate, and every 8 years according to the records voted.To top it off she even has her citizen papers. Today she assume the Identify of Salina Yashar.

Releasing the force cloak she entered the establishment, a gentlemen smiled, and she may have probed his mind forcing him to acknowledge her notoriety without looking at her credentials. She hated playing nice but knew how to play the game. Gently caressing his arm as she walked, the man thought he died and went to heaven, with a smile she walked to sit at the bar. Ordering an expensive drink, the bar keep placing the glass on one of the establishments glass coasters, she sat one leg draped over the other, scoping the room absorbing ever detail.
Sitting with three men, Renn would spin his chair around and see the new visitor entering the place. Laughing he would let the poison settle in the mens systems. Keeping a close eye on her, he would turn back to the men choking. Standing he would take the credits putting down a full house. Walking over to the bar he would sit and order a drink. A scan of [member="Elyscia Devaroiux"] was happening and he was having her file read to him. He ordered hard liquor nothing special for him, he just wanted to learn more about this person and leave. People were avoiding him so to not stare at her the table would be very nice all of the sudden. Sitting there quiet he waited, listening to her file, it wasn't long, and wasn't much, very little information.

Elyscia Devaroiux

During her little assessment of her surroundings she watched a little scenario unfold, a couple of men kneeling over dead. The bounty hunter was a not very discreet about either and left the table and was headed her in her direction. Her first thoughts was that it was clumsy and reckless, Elyscia was more subtle, than again she wasn’t a bounty hunter but an assassin
Her second thought as he sat down next to her, second guessing removing her force cloak. What is done is done she thought, and thirdly mabe he could be some use to her. Normally she preferred to work alone, but perhaps she could make an exception just this once.

Elyscia dropped the nice girl persona when she left the gentleman at the front, she was a sith, who effectively killed people. He obviously didn’t have the same taste as herself, and didn’t care to much. She knew the bounty hunter type she dealt with them regularly, she wondered who he was and what kind of contract he just executed
Elyscia knew she was a pretentious sith and came by the pretentious part honesty and didn’t like to many people. One thing is she liked how he killed those men without remorse, she has been killing people since she eight years old, it’s all she knew how to do.
“And here I thought poison was the handy work for women" She remained emotionless, testing his temperament.
[member="Renn Garrick"]
“At least it’s better than what you do, sleep with them then cut them. Plus I was told to leave the bodies intact.” Renn is now flipping the script, he saw what she was doing and decided to do the same. He was playing with her now, based on what he can see, she wants to crack him. His love for breaking people’s plans was never more evident, but this was to him. A grin would appear behind his visor. “Currently I’m trying to determine if you’re trying to kill me or just toying. Either way, go for a weapon and you’re shoulders will have less of a burden.” He just laughs quietly and leans back in his chair.

[member="Elyscia Devaroiux"]

Elyscia Devaroiux

Elyscia, cocked a brow, she didn’t have to scowl, her facial expression would have given away that much.I would like to see you try The assassin thought to herself. Her light saber wasn’t the only weapon she relied on. Each boot concealed a weapon of their own, and two vibro shivs neatly conceal behind her back. She would not make it easy for him to get his shot in as he so proclaimed. As for the moment she had yet to decide if she needed to kill him she had enough on her plate right now. It wouldn’t be feasible to kill him when she might find him useful but she wasn’t going to tell him that.
“I haven’t decided if its worth my while” She scowled
The bar keep set another drink down in front her replacing the one she finished. Elyscia still hadn’t decided what she thought of him, but she knew as in most bounty hunters already scanned her looking for her dociea confident his search would come up empty,
“That’s for me to know, and you to find out” Now she was just having fun, she would play the song and dance for the time being. She would play the field to see if she invite him in on her plans.
[member="Renn Garrick"]
This was not new to Renn, the cut-throat attitude and the "It might not be worth my while" bull crap. "Why wouldn't it be worth your while? I'm worth a lot." Pausing he would laugh. "No it wouldn't because I know you're not stupid, I know this game, I'm the one who always wins. When the opposing side saw an opportunity, I seized it, but to get back on topic. I know you're not stupid, and I know you think I haven't discovered your hidden blades. One in the shoe, a classic, I never do it though, too cliche. Probably some on your back, a very bad place to have them, hard to draw them quickly. I know this because, I remember putting on this act, the tough person with a blade, then I realized it doesn't work, I got shot. Anyway, you and I both know that a mutual agreement to work, and not kill each other, would be beneficial. I must take these men back then I will be on a job, it can get boring to work alone. But I won't blame you to not join me, if you do, here are the coordinates of my ship, I'll be there in an hour. And as for the knives, stick one in your sleeve, it may be spottable but if an attacker knows what he's doing, he would've accounted for hidden blades."

Renn got up and put some credits down on the table of my drink and hander her a piece of paper with the coordinates. He wondered if she would join, or attack. He took a shot in the dark by turning her back, but he was ready as he got closer to the table with the dead men around it.

[member="Elyscia Devaroiux"]

Elyscia Devaroiux

[SIZE=14pt]Anger flared up inside her, slightly turning to him giving a sideline glare. She wasn’t impressed with his tone speaking to her as though she was unknowledgeable in such things.”I’ve been killing people since I was in diapers I’m well aware of concealing daggers triggered with the flick of my wrist” Scolding the individual.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]She did give the man credit, she knew had to push peoples buttons, she analyzed people their reactions, their demeanor, how they react to confrontation. Unknowingly to him she past her test. If he cowardly slumped from her, she would not hesitate slicing his throat. Standing up to her she thought he proved to be an asset, she would have killed him if he had no use for her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]In her mind she thought she would allow him to have his moment of glory with her. Unlike the bounty hunter she manipulated the barkeeps mind.”This one is on the house” She spun out of her Chair. A fleeting thought of killing him quickly passed while he turned from her, either he was clumsy or had a plan of his own. Smirking she folded the piece of paper he left behind into her pocket. And than another idea she was toying with came to mind, another test to see how efficient he was.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]“I have a one who needs to be dealt with…That’s if you want to see me rob him of his life” Quickly as she spoke the door to the establishment closed behind her.[/SIZE]

@Renn Garrick
Renn noticed the act, trying to one up him laughing to himself. “Why watch you kill when I could do the same.” Looking at the time kn his HUD, he had time, if what she spoke was truth. Dropping off the bodies, he would pull up her position, using the piece of paper, he had an invisible tracker on it, he doubted she didn’t know. He followed to where she was staying out of sight and watched quietly. He thought to himself, Since she was in diapers, when was that a year ago.

He quietly amusing himself. Truly he didn’t care, he had about half an hour left so he decided to watch the show.

[member="Elyscia Devaroiux"]

Elyscia Devaroiux

Elyscia felt his presence while the bounty hunter followed, she fumbled with piece paper she placed in her robe. Only soon to realize she was being tracked.”That bastard” Angry with herself she fell for his trickery she should have known better. She masked her presence with force cloak he would have had a difficult time tracking her but it was impossible, he was following her all to easily.
Throwing the paper aside she was not returning to the place she was staying, as of right now she had no reason to return, she had left nothing behind that would give any indication she was there. Elyscia was going to kill the man she had met earlier. Masked in the force she had disappeared, he was staying at a hotel, but earlier that day she had already disabled the security system, and if it was turned on in the mean time she hacked the system so the video would be downloaded to her com systems on her ship. She would be the only one who saw the video.

The security guard had no idea she walked through the main lobby up the stairs to the top floor, her destination was the room at the end of the hallway, retrieving the a card key which she already had it hacked open the door. She could sense he was inside. He was just coming out of the bathroom only wearing a bath robe when he spotted her. He made an attempt to run for a blaster that he placed on the night stand. Within seconds the blaster was in her hand, tossing it behind her. She planned not to have blood splattered everywhere she needed a clean kill. Pinching her index finger against her thumb she felt his trackia crush with the force, with a wave of her hand the door to the balcony slide open on its rails. Within moments the man learned how to fly, his body soared through the air out the window to the pavement below. Fowling suit she jumped, using the force to brace her descent, landing comfortably beside him. Making it look like he killed himself.Sensing the bounty hunter near, still masked in the force, disappearing from view, appearing beside him.”I have a whole list”She turned on a heel making her way to her ship.

[member="Renn Garrick"]
“This does bring us back to you calling poison a woman’s weapon. At least you could defend against it, currently what I’ve seen isn’t brave it’s more cowardly. Cheap underhanded tactics. Force cloak? I could’ve gotten in there and killed him without a trace, and definitely no force powers.” Disappointed he would walk back to his ship and start the hyperdrive, letting it warm up.

“Eranacia, how long until it’s done?”

The ship would respond, he had a couple minutes. He wondered if she would follow, his heat scanners would’ve picked her up. Truly, he kind of liked her. She was however, arrogant, and that was not what he wanted. Though he wouldn’t mind working with someone, he had before and now he wants their head. The death he wanted for his former friend was great, and he wouldn’t let another opportunity slide.

[member="Elyscia Devaroiux"]

Elyscia Devaroiux

She gave him a smug look while handing him a data pad, the serveilance footage she hacked, and only she would see.”I know you liked it, don’t be shy”She looked back over her shoulder before he left.”We have something in common. You think you’re the best, Id like to beg the differ.” Elyscia knew she was getting under his skin. Purposly becoming that annoying rash that wouldn’t go away. No matter how long you scratched it.

Elyscia didn’t stay on her ship for long, gathering a few extra daggers she hid in her sleeves, with a flick of her wrist she should could slice just about anything. Fitting two vibro swords to her hip, along with two daggers she slid into their respected holsters on her thighs. Over the next few minutes she had made arrangements for one of fathers agents to pick up her ship within the net few days, and extending her boarding pass till the end of the week.
She didn’t want to admit it, but she had some respect for the man, not too many people stood up to her and lived to tell about. Elyscia didn’t like people, she had little or no trust for anyone and nobody trusted her for good reason. She was curious to see how this would play out.
[member="Renn Garrick"]
He didn't see her, but the hyperdrive wasn't close to ready, it had another blowout. "Eranacia what happened?"

"Maybe if you stop putting experimental tech into my system it would work fine, why'd you replace the old one anyway?"

"Because, it took to long to warm up and we would be stranded."

"It still went quicker than this, and why don't you have an expert work on it."

Not this argument again, it was getting annoying, Eranacia would hate that he replaced the hyperdrive, and he would explain why he did. Then he would fix it. "I don't want anyone touching my ship but me! You are well aware of that and I will mute all the microphones."

"I will decompress the chamber when we get into space."

"I will delete you from the system."

"You know that won't work you already tried, deleting me deletes the entire ships navigation and many other things."

Renn would curse, she wasn't wrong, he couldn't delete her without messing up the ship. "God damn, why are we having this argument. What's done is done I cannot change that, you cannot change that, and arguing will not change anything. So shut the hell up and let me work."

Renn was really pissed off, but deep down he knew he still cared for the AI, they had been friends for a long while and he hated fighting with her. Sighing he would say, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't just burst out like that, but I'm doing what I can and we'll get a new engine for it, I have enough just haven't found the right one." It would be complete silence as he quietly worked on the ship. The sounds of the outsides came in and Renn would have it ready and just decided to draw his pistol and wait.

[member="Elyscia Devaroiux"]

Elyscia Devaroiux

Elyscia gathered the bounty hunter never saw her, than again she never thought she would abandon her own ship to fly with someone she had only first met. She usually wasn’t this reckless, one should could end up dead, she didn’t like being in unknown surroundings. While he wasn’t looking she scoped the lay out of his ship familiarizing herself in her new surroundings. She didn’t know what to make of his conversing with an AI, as though he thoroughly enjoyed the company. Either he’s already flew over the coo coos nest or spends way too much time on his own.

“We could take my ship” pouring salt on an open wound of his broken ship.
Twirling one of her daggers’ in off hand spinning it in the same fashion as a butterfly knife.”I could give her nice push if it would help” A sly smile crossed her lip. Slyly she moved beside him. Biting her lip” She sheathed the dagger in its holster. Twirling her index finger, while she was scoping out her target earlier that day she had a manicure done, her nails coated in rouge speckled in black pointed at the hyper drive. A lighting bolt surged from her finger tip fusing together the canister where the hyper drive blew out.
“Can we go now”She smirked.

[member="Renn Garrick"]
Watching the canister fuse, he would curse. "Fine we'll take your ship, and I assume you're going to drag me off to somewhere so, why not. Eranacia send the droid to do the repairs, and keep the bodies preserved and tell the employers I'll be late." He got up and went to his quarters, the place was very well kept and he would grab his blaster rifle and his lightsaber. The thing was old but it was a relic from the republic. Remembering what he had to deal with to get it he sighed, quietly he clipped it along his belt.

"When you die, I'm going to delete you from all my memory files, you're never this reckless."

"Oh cry me a river, if I don't come back, your job is to delete all known information about me."

He would step out, he knew he was being reckless and he would follow her. "But where are you going take me, I have a long while before my paycheck is gone?"

[member="Elyscia Devaroiux"]

Elyscia Devaroiux

Whatever happened to his ship she had no idea, but sooner or later she knew she was going to get blamed for it. She hoped that conversation could wait until they were aboard her ship. She had infact temporarily fixed his hyper drive, but who knows they could explode while they entered hyperspace. Nonetheless his ship needed repairs and hers was the only viable option.
“My ship ofcouse”She said smugly Enjoying the moment at his failed attempt to leave this planet.

Elyscia was lean and athletic, passing by several deck officers, paying little attention as their eyes took in her beauty. Her long flowing robe looked as though it changed colors from maroon to black glimmering in the moon light. “Prepare my ship, we’re leaving”She commanded the deck officer with a hint of the force behind her voice making sure they did as they were told.

The ramp lowered, The Sith scimitar was her favorite ship, one of the perks for having a father who was an well established crime lord. Entering the ship, their were droids everywhere, who served a particular purpose. Motioning her pilot droids to prepare the ship. It wouldn’t be long before they were ready for take off.”There's a guest room down the hall off to the right.No body has used it for some time it should be adequate, and the armory is on the left.You may use it but what ever you take I WANT it back.”
She stood over a circular pedestal a holographic image of the galaxy appeared as she inserted the data pad with the locations of six individuals she plans on killing. “Any objections” Elyscia surprised even herself she never invited smugglers, bounty hunters or anyone for that matter aboard her ship. At least she felt she had control over the situation.

She did though have advanced AI, but opted not to have ones that talk. She preferred to work in silence where she would have the last word. The ramp closed while the ships restraining bolts were lifted, the pilot droids punched in the coordinates for the outer atmosphere while they discussed there plan. “Salina” Ofcourse she offered her fake Identity.

[member="Renn Garrick"]
Renn noticed the officers give her "the glance" he smirked and when she pointed in the direction of his room he went and took off his blaster. First order of action is he hooked up his helmet to the door controls, only he could unlock or lock it now. He realized how tired he was, so he decided to lay down in the bed with the door locked, he was in a very light sleep, in full armor. At one point he had woke when the air conditioning in the room went up slightly. But eventually sleep prevailed and his remained there passed out, even though he was in a light sleep it wasn't the best dream he had though.

Standing there with a pistol in hand he was surrounded by Jedi, all with the same face and lightsaber. They would charge and he would take them out one by one, but more would come as others fell, eventually it was too much. He couldn't fight them off, feeling the lightsaber cut through him he collapsed, looking up a second stike would come down. As it hit he watched his friend, Talon, former partner, standing over him with a blaster to his head. The trigger pulled but all Renn saw were the faces of the dead, friends, loved ones, enemies surround him and point all saying "You."

Jolting awake he was distressed, and would just mutter to himself, "What have I been doing with my life."

[member="Elyscia Devaroiux"]

Elyscia Devaroiux

The scimitar hovered in the atmosphere, she wasn’t in too much of hurry, and she didn’t know if she could trust her nameless friend, she spent part of the evening going over the list. Two of her contacts were two busness men on Coruscant who have funneled enough money stealing some of her fathers shipments. Another is on Nabou which was odd, Sullust, Nar shadaa, and some remote planet in the outer rim. Scouring through data bases trying to find a link between them all and getting nowhere, perhaps she would talk with her new friend when he awakes.
But for now she needed to concentrate, and focus. She hung her robes, and slipped into something more comfortable she could train in. Slipping into a pair of leggings and threw on a loose fitting top, tied her hair up into a braid. The scimitar had a small training room, where should practice her combat forms and meditate.

Falling into a Form III: Soresu stance, except she practiced with two vibro swords, if one could perfect the form they would be impenetrable. Elyscia moved with grace, repelling invisible swords, twirling with a round house kick knocking away an imaginary opponent. Her anger, strive was her weapon, keeping a tight leash. Burrowing it deep so she could bend the force around here. Elyscia felt satisfaction as she felt the dark side in the bounty hunters room, but she could not see its intent there was a fog around him. But it was present.Dismayed should not see any further, but had the understanding there was some purpose for their meeting, Unclear what that may. She needed rest, once in her room, showering she changed into a silk night gown, pulled the blankets over her head and drifted into a deep sleep dreaming of killing her targets.
[member="Renn Garrick"]
Renn was walking around the ship and looked around and found the training room, he loaded up the system, he hadn’t seen one of these in a while, Never really got into them, he worked better with his life balancing on a thread. Looking through the different levels he went to the highest and programmed five of them to attack. Picking up two blades he decided not to use his own. The five were gone within seconds, he thought it was easy so he decided to download a system and upload it to the practice room, it was simply labeled “Jedi”. He loaded it at its highest level. This did prove to be more of a challenge than the normal system, but still easy. Soon as he got progressively bored of fighting Jedi after Jedi, he just decided to overload the system and make one highly skilled opponent, basing it off of his fighting tactics. Managing to take it down was still easy, the computer couldn’t predict what he was going to do next he was to unorthodox.

Eventually he decided to sit down and rest, he was tired training for a couple of hours. He had a little fun fighting his own techniques, but eventually he realized the system wasn’t good enough to keep up with him. So he sat there and held his flask and drank quietly.

[member="Elyscia Devaroiux"]

Elyscia Devaroiux

Every security camera on the scimitar is wired into the central computer matrix. With the flick of a wrist and the proper remote Elyscia would be able to watch the footage from her bed if she wanted too. Elyscia rolled over onto her side, reached behind and took the remote was sitting on the headboard behind her.

Sliding into her slippers at the side of her bed, footage from the security feed was projected through a holographic image in an adjacent corner. Watching intently as she hopped in the shower. Once she dressed in one of her training out fit, Elyscia attached her saber her right hip. Her long blonde hair flowing around her shoulders still damp from her shower. Stepping into her robe she left her quarters

A protocol droid attempted to converse with her, waving him away.Eyscia walked the hallway until she walked into the training area. Most times she practiced her lightsaber forms with all different types of weapons. She wished to learn the forms – in combat she wanted to be versatile in all forms of combat.
“What’s in the flask" Elyscia commented with a sly smirk
“Impressive,care to put that to the test, computer instinct is one thing,care to try the real thing"Elyscia taunting the bounty hunter.”Pleasant dreams” Knowing one did not sleep well when the darkside had its way.
[member="Renn Garrick"]
Renn would look up, "The flask, oh that's my homemade liquor, don't try it I killed a wombrat with it once."

Hearing he challenge him, "I'll try not to hurt you that bad." A grin would cross his face, she had no idea what he was capable of, yet still he doesn't like to show off his capabilities. He got into a basic position, a very known position that many people who didn't know how to fight knew. With his fists up he just waited.

[member="Elyscia Devaroiux"]

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