Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Class you can't forget! (Yuroic/Kyra)

Walking around, Yuroic paused as he stopped in his tracks and thought on what he was playing to do today. He was in the training area, was he here to learn, no. Not here to learn, no, he needed to teach. Yuroic was a Jedi Knight, yeah, he had a Padawan didn't he? Hm, what was her name? Shaking his head, it would come to him at a later point he was sure. It didn't matter, too much at least, as long as he could teach the class then it didn't matter if he remembered the name, they had only just been paired by Master Jyoti... Wait, no that wasn't right, Jyoti had left years ago. Rubbing his temples, Yuroic breathed deeply and slowly, it was not a good day. He was feeling more confused than normal and he wasn't happy about this, he wasn't sure what was going on but he had an idea and knew no one would like it. But it wasn't something he could change.

Sitting down in the training room, he was feeling weary, his body was drained from mental exhaustion. Yuroic wasn't sure if teaching was a good idea today but he made a promise to Dreidi, no, Nitya, no. No, it was a Padawan and both his daughters were too young. Wait, it was Asaraa! That was who it had to be, he knew that he saw them more as a daughter from time to time and Asaraa fitted that description. Yes, Asaraa. Standing up, he stretched and massaged his muscles, he waited for Asaraa to arrive. So, when a Zeltron walked into the room, Yuroic squinted and shook his head. Nope, it had to be her. "Asaraa... changed your look... Anyway, lets start today's class then!"
Kyra walked in, the girl's energy subdued as she arrived early. She blinked up at Yuroic as he called her the name of the girl that taught her how to break into the lunch halls.

...Was this a joke? Cause they were both pink? She gave Yuroic a long, confused glance, then rolled with it.

"Master," came her soft greeting. In a manner than had become her ever since Kintan, Kyra sat down quietly and unloaded her things. She joined him in stretching, her saber at her hip. What would they be doing today? Kyra of old would have asked, but words were still exhausting and she knew that given time, he'd simply tell her.

So she prepared herself, tying her hair and her padawan braid back into one elastic.
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There was something off about the Padawan, she didn't seem to be acting like the one he knew. She seemed off and less energetic, the Asaraa he knew was bouncing off the walls and ready to learn with almost too much energy. Someone else had reminded him how similar they were in personality but who was it? Began with a K, he was sure of it. Sighing, Yuroic gave up, the memory was gone for now, he had to just focus on teaching the class to Asaraa like he had agreed.

"Right, so I might not be a Jedi Master yet, but I can teach you a couple things my old Master taught me." Yuroic stated as he breathed in deeply and found it surprisingly easy for him to hide his Force Signature, also appearing invisible in the Force to others. "Hiding your appearance in the Force is a powerful ability, it means that others will not be able to sense you or locate you through the Force. Gives you an upper hand on Sith and other Dark Side users." Yuroic explained then turned to the Padawan. "So, lets go Asar... no, Kyra!" Yuroic corrected himself, finally remembering the Padawan's name. There was a slight vacancy in Yuroic's eyes but was fading as he remembered more.
Kyra slowly looked up, her brows furrowing further the more Yuroic talked. It didn’t makes sense, not any scope of how she knew him. She immediately reached out to sense the aura around him, but she found it to be normal. Unaffected. So no dark side shenanigans.... then what was it?

She got to her feet, her movements careful as she studied her speaking mentor.

“But... Yuroic...” she started carefully. “You are a Master. And I’m not Asaraa. Are you feeling ok?” She squinted at his pupils, looking for signs of spice.
Yuroic shook his head, "I... yes, of course. I know that I am a Master, Kyra!" His voice was sharp, unnecessarily so, like he had been caught out on a lie. He sat down, his breathing a little shallow as he tried to calm his mind. His thoughts were swirling, how could he forget he was a Master? How could he forget that Asaraa wasn't his Padawan anymore. Rubbing his temples, "I am fine Kyra, sorry for the outburst. I am a little more tired than usual today so my temper is more on edge it seems. I didn't mean anything by it." Yuroic stated in his more normal cool tone, with a small smile to reassure her.

However inside, there was a worry, something was happening a lot faster rate than he thought it would. Perhaps because it was happening to begin with, he was unhappy. Yuroic wanted to be this invincible being that could not falter but here he was, faltering pretty damn hard. He looked up to Kyra and offered a tired smile. "Give the exercise a go. See if you can hide your signature from me."
Kyra jerked back, as if she had been slapped. Things hadn’t been the same between the two ever since that night in the words, layer of unresolved tension that had been left undealt with. His tone brought this back to the forefront of her mind, Kyra’s throat tightening a smidgeon. He apologized, gave a reason, but it didn’t erase the moment for her.

Something was wrong, and frankly, she thought it was her.

He smiled and urged her on. She looked down. Her hand shaking ever so slightly as she wrapped her arms around herself and tried.

Noteworthy enough, there was immediate effort from Kyra. In the past he would have been lucky to get her to settle down and concentrate at all, and at times the task would take multiple attempts and minutes to gain progress. He would feel her tap into the force immediately, something different about the girl that allowed her to concentrate well for the first time. But she did not manage to hide much, the force fluctuating around her without proper direction.

She made a face.
It was clear to see that his apology, while accepted, might still not be enough to smooth over the sharpness of his previous actions. Yuroic sighed, lowering his head, there was a large amount of guilt on his actions and he wasn't even sure why he would have lashed out, normally he would have laughed it off as old man syndrome. For some reason, it hit hard that he was called out on his memory loss and some reason he lashed out. It was confusing and Yuroic was worried that this would be something that would happen more often, he didn't want it to become more frequent, it wasn't who he was.

Kyra was silent, which was unusual as Yuroic started piecing things together, their meeting had been tense but Yuroic knew that she would bounce back from that since that was what Kyra did. However, he had heard things at Kintan had been tense, reports showed that Kyra faced off against some seriously powerful Sith. Her attempts were well tried but not as effective as she clearly wanted it to be.

"Breath, think of the Force surrounding you as an extension of yourself, you want to this extension inside you and hold inside you." Yuroic stated in a tone that aged him a lot more than normal.
Yuroic tilted his head and paused for a bit as he thought on Kyra's question. "Sure, a blanket could be an apt description. Give it another go." Yuroic sat as he thought on his mind. There were blank areas in his mind, or at least he kept feeling like there were, it was hard to describe as he tried to meditate on his mind while Kyra practised.
Kyra took a shaky breath, trying to give it another go. The room was quiet, but that did not exempt her from all distractions. Yuroic's own mind reeled, and in her attempts to focus on herself ... made his growing concern that much more prominent to the squirming paddie. ]

She latched onto it instead.

"Why are you worried?" Came her voice, direct but soft. He'd open his eyes to find her looking at him, her eyes a little wide as they mirrored his apprehension.
It took a moment for Yuroic to realise that Kyra had sensed his feelings. He was not sure what he should and should not say to Kyra, he didn't want to worry her but he knew there would be a time that he couldn't play it off as nothing. Looking up to her, "worried about how you are coping since the invasion? Going against the Sith can be life changing, and not always for the best. I have many scars both physical and mental from my time fighting them. Can always talk to me if you ever feel the need to."

He offered her a reassuring smile as he looked at her with concern for her. He was hiding his own worries about himself to focus on her, see how she was coping with everything. Might be bad of him to hide his troubles but he wasn't quite ready to admit them himself yet.
Kyra's expression hardened in an instant, the girl's lips twisting as if she had tasted something sour. She had spent so much time trying to forget it an move on, but very little time processing. A fact she wouldn't come to terms with.

He had meant to distract her from what she had sensed. It worked. She crossed her arms over her chest, closed off and retreating into the depths of her mind again. She sensed nothing from him now. She had gotten particularly good at that lately.

"I'm fine. And we have a lesson to do. So." Ironic, that she was the one to chastise him. She closed her eyes, trying to look inwards again. For a flickering moment, her signature disappeared altogether.
Yuroic realised that his redirection had worked perhaps a little too well. Now, he was really concerned about Kyra and what was going on with her. Yuroic leant forward and watched as she focused on her training for the class. Now he knew something serious was going on with her. He swallowed hard, perhaps he had to demonstrate some honesty if he wanted to teach Kyra to be honest with what was going on with herself.

"Talk to me about Kintan and how you are feeling, and as long as you are honest and open, then I will be open and honest about what is going on with me." Yuroic offered her, he studied her closely, he didn't want to admit it but perhaps that was how Kyra was feeling as well. Together they could help each other, share the burden.
Yuroic shook his head. "I never said that. I just said that I was worried about you, which I am. But there is something else going on with me as well." Yuroic stated, admitting that he had held back information when she asked about him, however, he was still waiting for her to be honest and open up.

"Sit down so we can talk Kyra." Yuroic offered as he looks at her.
Kyra bristled, her gaze wary as she obeyed. Yuroic had been relatively steadfast in her life. Up until recently he had been a rock. Hearing that he had something happening to him put her on guard almost immediately. She sat, her movements careful as she crossed her legs and watched him all the while. For the first time she realized she didn't have to wait for an answer.

She could try to read it herself.

But the answer to that idea came as she as she had it-- that wouldn't be right. She didn't want that. Her hands felt cold and clammy as she folded them before her. She swallowed hard.

"Okay. I'm listening."
Shaking his head when Kyra sat and put it on Yuroic to start it. No, she would have to start so Yuroic knew that Kyra would be ready to accept the truth that he was going to lay on her. "No, you must be honest and open to me. Talk to me about Kintan and how you are feeling, don't hide anything. Then, only then, will you be ready to hear my side."

Yuroic leaned forward, looking close to Kyra and staring into her eyes. He was not hiding his thoughts but he trusted that she would not cheat or try to circumvent his want to talk to the young Padawan honestly and openly to help her, to stop her becoming him.
Kyra looked down ... then away.... then back to her hands-- anything to avoid his prying gaze. The hair on her arms stood up; she rubbed them back down, squirming.

"There's nothing to talk about. I got hurt. Everyone got hurt. I'm not special. I'm not even good-- shocker, right? I just want to practice. There's no point in talking about it-- aren't we suppose to be moving on and looking forward? Why do we gotta look back? It's not very jedi of us. We should just get back to the lesson," she rattled, using the words of the counseling she had received after the incident against him.
Shakes his head, "if we don't look back, then how we will learn from our errors. No, you cannot linger in the past, can't live in fear of it or the future. However, one should regularly look back and see where you can improve and do better." Yuroic argued, she was preaching words without thinking long on them, like back when he first met her. "Is it important to be special? Is not being a Jedi special enough? Not many can be Force Users, not many can follow the way of the Light Side. Not every Padawan can escape a Sith Lord with all their limbs and life, so what more do you need to feel special?" Yuroic pointed out, he never saw himself as special, he was just a Jedi Master, he was no more powerful or stronger than anyone else.

"Why can this not be the lesson? Dealing with defeat, dealing with the emotions of war, dealing with facing the Sith. It is not healthy to bottle things, we can't just let the Sith win in here." He taps her head. "We are strong, together, when we share. Everyone in that battle knew the risks, we can only do what we can to protect those that we love."
Kyra chewed at her lip, looking no less strained after his soothing words. Only one thing he said really stuck, and Kyra, in that way of hers, focused on it entirely. "...I don't want to let them win." Her voice was soft, pain finally seeping out as he said the one thing that bothered her greatly. Even after the battle, what the Sith Lord did still affected her. It reached her dreams, her mind, everything felt tarnished.

Was she lingering on it too much? She didn't know how not to. What happened felt like the end of the world to her. A pressure started building in her tear ducts, the girl struggling to swallow back the emotions. "How can i beat them?"

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