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Clarisse Silver


NAME: Clarisse Silver aka High Priestess Argentum
FACTION:Order of the Silver Crystal, Silver Cross United, Healers Guild
RANK: Rogue Padawan, High Priestess
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 120 lbs
HAIR: Dark Blue
SKIN: Blue, Purple Lips


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Miracle Worker: She abandoned the Jedi Order and trained greatly in healing abilities, she can bring her patients back from near death with the help of a healing crystal, and still heal many grave wounds without one.
Proficient in Shien Form V: Clarisse trained in defensive combat, being able to deflect blaster fire easily, and generally many other opponents at the same time.
Proficient in Shien Form V: Clarisse is weak in one on one combat.
Weak in Offensive Force Powers: She is not sufficiently trained in offensive force abilties.
She is petite, blue skinned, and blue haired, with red eyes. She wears a cloak over herself with her hood drawn over her short hair. Under her cloak she wears light cloth armour. Her body is proportionate to her size.
She was taken into the Jedi Order as a young girl and was sent to train in the Hall of Healing because of her talent in the area, also lacking lightsaber skill. The other Healers didn't take a liking to her because she outshined many, and was able to do what they could with a healing crystal, without one. A Healer who had been learning secretly under the Sith attacked her when she was alone, and in self defense she killed her. She knew she had no place among the Jedi, no one liked her anyways, so she left. She joined Healers guilds, and continued her work as a traveling Cleric, and the founder and High Priestess in the Order of the Silver Crystal.

The Song Bird is her personal craft, sleek and silver with metal wings like a bird's, engraved with runes and magics she received from witches.

-Compressed White Crystal, Reversed Grip, Curved Handle Lightsaber
-Satchel of Lesser Healing Crystals
-One Jedi Flame Crystal which she stole



Please understand that this is a suggestion and an observation, not a critique.

Clarisse Silver said:
Proficient in Shien Form V: Clarisse trained in defensive combat, being able to deflect blaster fire easily, and generally many other opponents at the same time.
Proficient in Shien Form V: Clarisse is weak in one on one combat.
The Shien variant of Form V is just as capable at close quarters combat as the Djem So variant. It doesn't lack of offensive power in the slightest, and was indeed designed explicitly with offense in mind.

I think the form you're looking for - heavy defense, low offense - is Form III: Soresu.
[member="Fabula Caromed"] No, I am aware of all of the limitations in the combat forms, Form V Shien is used primarily in deflecting blaster fire and offensive-defensive techniques to take on many opponents at once, and also renders the user weaker in a one on one scenario.

"Shien, considered the classical variant of Form V, was more adept at blocking blaster bolts than for blade-to-blade combat, whereas Djem So was developed later and was specifically intended for use in lightsaber combat. Both Shien and Djem So were designed to use an opponent's attack against them, as evidenced by Shien's focus on returning blaster bolts to their origin and Djem So's emphasis on immediate counter-attacks."

The above was taken directly from the Star Wars Wiki.

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