Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Claire Ikon

Claire Ikon


NAME: Original name is Unknown.
FACTION: None currently.
RANK: Rogue Padawan
SPECIES: Eldorai
AGE: 17
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5 Foot.
WEIGHT: 110 lbs.
EYES: Light blue
HAIR: Blue
SKIN: Pale.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
True Empathy: She can be crippled if in a large area with several emotions around.

S Low Mental State: She cannot drown out the emotions of her Empathy, nor is trained in having a mental barrier.


Due to having Empathy, the voices got abit too harsh and annoying for her, so the girl went to find out who caused them. Before any officials came, she ended up killing her parents, severly injuring her silbing. When the Officals came, she killed one of their numbers before finally being subdued and apprehended.

After being apprehended, the girl was forced to join the Jedi Order in an attempt to control her Empathy. She remained with them for a few years, but everything seemed so boring. She felt out of place. By 14, she had decided to leave the Order, changed her name, and went on the nearest shuttle off the planet.

Her Empathy was not yet fully controlled or handled.

None currently.

None Currently.
Not a Bounty Hunter.


None currently.

Claire Ikon

[member="The Cartographer"]

I try. Its about time I made the Ikon that I had told [member="Cross Ikon"] about making.
Hm? You mean you need a place to stay? Well, there's plenty of room at my estate! Comfy beds, gourmet meals, and the most pristine rose garden in the Galaxy! Doesn't that sound nice, Clairy dear?
[member="Claire Ikon"]

Claire Ikon

[member="Ashe Ikon"]

Miss, you obviously didn't understand the reference xD... and we'll see in character Mm?

Yes yes, we can have a girl's day out! I can invite all my other nieces to meet you! We can go shopping, have lunch, get a mani-pedi and talk about anything! :p

[member="Claire Ikon"]

Claire Ikon

[member="Ashe Ikon"]

Mm... Claires on Corasaunt currently in the public thread I made...
Oh really? Well, perhaps I could just mosey on in.... Ashe probably won't take you for an Ikon at first glance. The whole red hair trademark, you know? :p
[member="Claire Ikon"]

Claire Ikon

[member="Ashe Ikon"]

Mmm... Again, she is using it as an Alias. Never knew it was a family name.

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