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Approved Tech CL-AWD

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  • Manufacturer: Crimson Laboratories
  • Model: Crimson Laboratories Aegis Weapon Detection System
  • Affiliation: Customer [Closed Market]
  • Modularity: Different customers have the sensor calibrated differently, and so it varies.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Sensor Components
  • Pulse Beat Sensor
  • Detects Weapons over vast distance
Pulse Beat Sensor: The pulse beat sensor's primary function is that it tracks lifesigns that are registered to the database of whatever console or system that it is calibrated to. Additionally, it is capable of detecting whether the person has a weapon on their person or not.

Weapon Detection System: The weapon detection system is capable of detecting weapons over vast amounts of area, specifically calibrated to detect blaster power cells, and even the metals they use. They are even capable of detecting slugthrowers and lightsabres or whatever other form of weaponry are within scanning range, as registered to the system that supports it.


  • Vast Operating Distance
Weaknesses :
  • Location Varies
  • Susceptible to being Sliced
  • Susceptible to EMP / Ion Interference
Crimson Laboratories had recently become a legitimized company in the norm of the Galaxy. Previously only manufacturing undocumented weapons that were typically used by the Sith Purebloods of Athiss, Lord Drakash and his apprentice, Vraukt, had ventured into the Galaxy and came to the realization that it was lacking in the ways of security. Which meant, there was a gap in the marketplace that they could fill.

Monopolize it too, if the two Sith thought it was necessary.

Operating at a maximum range of 513.2km², the CL-AWD sported a registry that allowed a person, or organization to calibrate the system to recognize a specific weapon and who it belonged to. This, in tandem with the pulse beat sensor that it also came in tandem with, allowed it to detect as to whether or not an authorized person was carrying the weapon in whatever area that it was detected in.

Weapons that weren't registered to the system weren't detected, and thus wouldn't come up on sensors.

Where the sensor fails however, is in locations where heavy metal is in high concentration (salvage and construction yards) due to the use of metals that would typically be of similar composition to the weapons in use, it'd disrupt the readings that are received. Additionally, in underground facilities, the CL-AWD wouldn't see much use where as one above surface would reach long distances, depending upon the size of the structure, there would need to be multiple detection systems linked to one server for the registry to function correctly.

That is a very, very far distance to scan for people and weapons. I would imagine there to be significant drawbacks to using this in a highly populated area, for instance a city, or a planet such as Coruscant where people are everywhere. What is the likelihood of false positives or incorrect data? I'd like to see something written either in the weaknesses or the range dialed back quite significantly.
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

The canon sensor was capable of scanning over a large distance, sure, it's not actually specified.

Toronto City in Canada is roughly the same size as the range of the sensor, and I feel as if comparing it to Coruscant, a city-planet is extreme.

I added in another part to the bottom of the description to further explain the weakness that is already in place as 'Location Varies.'

The point I was getting at with the comparison to Coruscant was density of population, not the overall size of the sample. The addition however clarifies enough to pass this.
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