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Approved Location City of Chanapsys

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Name: Chanapsys (Pronounced "kih-NAWP-sis")

Image Source: (Artist Unknown)

Classification: City (Medium-sized)

Location: Rendili, northwestern hemisphere.

Affiliation: The Republic

Population: 237,609

Demographics: 72% Human, 10% Duro, 8% Rodian, 6% Sullustan, 5% Twi'lek

Points of Interest: One large spaceport, Zen's Diner, a sea port, open-air markets

Description: Chanapsys is a wide but short city, located on a continent in the northwest hemisphere. The terrain of the land is relatively flat and open, hence the sprawling. It sits just off the coast of the ocean, which contributes to the city being fairly cool for most of the year.

The city itself lacks a lot of the "futuristic" feel of other cities, contributing to its planetary nickname as being a country city. The buildings are usually no more than ten stories tall, and the dirt streets are wide. While many citizens own landspeeders, the speeder bike is the preferred method of travel -- that, or on foot.

Chanapsys is fairly noisy, particularly around the ports and the markets. Even so, it is not as busy or chaotic as other, larger cities found throughout the galaxy (the noise level would be just a few notches above the portrayal of the Mos Eisley spaceport in The Phantom Menace).

Because it is under Republic control, it is not unusual to walk down the streets and find the Republic insignia here and there.

History: If Necessary (the primary purpose of the city is to provide a location for Zen's Diner)

Links: Zen's Diner
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