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Approved Tech Chwayat - Law

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Factory Judge


[*]Restricted Missions: N/A
[*]Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Kanezka
  • Model: Chwayat - Law
  • Affiliation: Kanezka
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Semi-Unique (2)
  • Material:
  • Blood-poison Gem
  • Leather

  • Classification: Longsword
  • Size: Large - 2 meters
  • Weight: Heavy - 4 kgs.
  • Sith By Design: Created via Sith Alchemy, The weapon is resistant to lightsabers, reflect blaster bolts, retains a lightning rod effect, And Dark sided presence.
  • Blood for the Blood God: The sword crafted with the intent of causing immense amounts of pain. A Devaronian Edge allows the weapon, when striking skin, will cause intense pain to whoever touches the blade. Altered with Sith Alchemy, the edge is influenced with the Gem in mind to cause not just pain, but the victim to more easily be hit with bouts of rage or anger. A small dark sided corruption effect.
  • Big sword, for a Big Man: The sword is very large. Measuring at two meters, and weighting about middle of the road for Sith Swords, weighing 4 kgs, its heavier than most other swords on the field. It's meant to be wielded by a large being such as Kanezka. While it is still possible for smaller beings to use or wield the weapon, yet it will prove to be difficult for those who are not physically strong enough, or able to feasibly wield it.
  • Attack or Attack: The weapon has no guard, or any form of "protection" against other weapons. Simply a grip and the blade. While one could block or defend with the blade like any lightsaber, the hands when wielding the weapon are completely exposed.
  • Nullified: Nullification fields remove any force enhanced effects.
  • The Light Burns Us: Force Light, or any variation of it can damage, destroy or render the weapon as a simple sword.
  • Fleshly: As the Devaronian gem requires the victim to touch it with flesh, anything from a simple layer of clothing, or armor can protect them from the effects of the sword.
There is one thing that Kanezka is clearly wanting. Pain and Rage. This sword is the epitome of that. Created for the purpose of causing as much pain possible to those who have been struck by the weapon. While this pain is limited to being damage done to flesh, it is still very painful and has a chance to corrupt those who are struck with it through the force. The weapon could incite rage within both the user, and the victim. For any users who are not of the dark side, it can cause them to fall, or be prone to bouts of rage until the wound is completely healed.

Inciting rage within the user allows for them to fight with more ferocity and strength with the weapon in hand. While this is mostly dependent upon the users own ability to use such abilities, and skills, it can aid in the use of starting the abilities prerequisite of having pain, anger, and hatred.

The sword, while one handed in the hands of Kanezka, acts much like a long sword in design with its length and use. The use of a spike, or point on the back of the blade is possible for greater penetration through meshed armor, and thinner plate armor should enough strength, and pressure be applied.

Created by Kane for his own personal use, two of these blades were constructed for greater effect upon himself, as well as using them both in a dual wielding fashion.
Hello, I'll be judging your submission this evening. Please tell me if you have any questions!

Kanezka said:
Image Source: Lord of the Rings - Uruk Hai Machete/Scimitar
Please include the link to the image source.

Kanezka said:
Classification: Mechete Size: Large - 2 meters
Two meters is incredibly large for the classification of machete. I realize it has a standard machete appearance but at over six feet long it's better classified as a long sword.

Kanezka said:
For any users who are not of the dark side, it can cause them to fall,
I'll need this to be a little less absolute. "Can cause a person to fall to the dark side, or be tempted by the Dark side." As it's written it hints there would be no defense from it's abilities.

Kanezka said:
The sword, while one handed,
Please state that it is one handed for a person of it's users size. Just so there is no confusion.

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