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Private Christmas Miracle In a Casino - [ Cord Starfall ]

Location: Vorzyd V
Wearing: xxx
Tag: Cord Starfall Cord Starfall

It was the anniversary of her... of Cord's... well, it was the anniversary, no need to dwell on it. Stacy was more than a few drinks into the evening and was pleasantly tipsy, and this place... it held a lot of memories. Countless black out nights, and wild, wild adventures. There were memories of drinking, and piracy, and thievery; dozen of nights of passionate sex and countless orgasms. Stacy closed her eyes and the world around her faded until she was lost in those moments, lost in time and space, lost in the past. It was like she was there, in those moments, reliving each minute. She felt lips on the nap of her neck, warm breath making her body tremble, hands on her hips, breathless moans. Time was a cruel queen; it never stopped the hurt, never healed the wound. Stacy loved Cord, something that had once seemed impossible. She'd never needed anyone the way she needed Cord - had told herself the on-again-off-again relationship was a fling, something to pass the time.

And then they had gotten married and it had become real and it wasn't longer about sex. It was love, honest and true love. It was the happiness she felt seeing Cord's face in the morning, and the sound of her breathing while she slept. It was the feeling of fingers tracing faded scars, and the taste of her lips. And then the kids had come along, and it had all changed again but that was okay. As long as she had Cord nothing was impossible. And three kids hadn't seemed so daunting. They were a beautiful and horrible mixture of the two of them. Kahlan, too much like Stacy for her own good; promiscuous and daring, unafraid. Genesis, smart-mouthed, and quick-witted, daring. And Kaiden, confident and dangerous, deadly. There hadn't been hospital visits, or colicky babies, or midnight feedings. No, time had ruined that too. But they were a family and that had been enough.

And now it was gone. The kids were spread far and wide — she couldn’t remember the last time she had seen them. And Cord was gone, dead as dirt; her bones ground to dust, her ashes lost on the breeze. And no amount of liquor was going to wash the pain from her heart. Stacy opened her eyes, blurry with tears she would not tolerate, and for a moment the casino didn't exist. She saw a hotel room, a pool, the ship, a dozen placed their had been in together. She saw Cord's face, smiling. And in the background had been their babies, teasing each other and shouting profanities as their mothers kissed. And for a moment, one teeny tiny moment she was happy again.

But it faded, like it always did. It faded and the roar of casino conversation came back to life, and there she was, alone and sad, dic ein her hand, gambling her life away. A moment passed, breath blowing the dice for good luck, and she had tossed them.

And just like that it was over, the memories, the moments, gone.
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Location: Vorzyd V
Wearing: XXX
Tag: Stacy Nairne Stacy Nairne

This place held so many memories of family, not the kind built by blood but by bond. This was where the old pirate crew truly bonded cemented themselves as true family. It was here they drank themselves into oblivion singing songs until the night became three days later. Not a single one of them new what hell happened but they all walked away despite the pirate code they all signed they would never again leave each other side or betray their brothers and sisters.

That was a long time ago and the family did slowly splinter, so aged and died but most went their own way. In the end Cord and her beloved Stacy remained until one day the day Cord lost her. Cord wandered the outer edges of the Galaxy from that day on losing track of her children who where off living. She didn’t even remember how long it had been since she seen her daughters or son. For a second she wondered if they ever thought about her, but of course she knew they did.

She remembered the look on Stacy’s face after they had bathed in the waters on Millinar with their mystic powers and telling her she was pregnant. Stacy laughed at her at first and then when she realized Cord was telling the truth her face turned from laughter to dread. Stacy had never seen herself as a mother, and to be honest up until that moment Cord had never seen herself as a mother either. Then came their daughters and it wasn’t easy at first, but they managed.

Cord looked at the Tender and tapped the bar top signaling she wanted a refill of her whiskey. As he moved towards her, she returned to her thoughts of Stacy and how much she missed that woman, though it had been a long time since her death Cord could still smell her. It almost seemed closer than reality, that scent of her beloved. Cord didn’t shed a tear as she though about her love because so much time had passed and now, she just wanted to remember the good times and not the saddest moments.

Cord could have moved on over the years, but she had chosen not to. Though this was the hardest time of the year for this day was a day of remembering the good times with her wife and family both children and those of their old crew. She took a sip of her drink as she looked down the bar, she swore she caught a glimpse of someone who looked exactly like Stacy. Nah it couldn’t be, it was just her mind playing tricks on her or maybe she already had one to many drinks. She took a second look no it couldn’t be, no it was just someone who looked like her. If it was Stacy how, why? If was her…no that was impossible then again, most people would think Cord herself was impossibly old.
Location: Vorzyd V
Wearing: xxx
Tag: Cord Starfall Cord Starfall

There was a moment when the world turned to ice and froze around her as the dice left her hand and hit the table, tumbling and rumbling, and a shiver trembled down her spine. And it was all caused by the familiar feeling of Cord staring at her from across the room. The world faded until it was all the blonde could feel; all she could focus on. Her eyes closed in an attempt to steel herself against the emotions threatening to come to the surface, the same ones threatening to undo her right then and there. Stacy had spent literal years with Cord. And every morning would waking to the sound of her breathing, the smell of her skin, the warmth of her embrace.

They were practically attached at the hip - where one went, the other followed; that was how it was meant to always be. Except one day... she'd woken and Cord wasn't there... and she'd been lost again. Broken. And right now all Stacy could think was how she'd taken their time together for granted. She'd assumed Cord would always be there, no matter what travesty's crossed their paths. As long as they had each other, there was nothing that they couldn't handle. And she hated herself because she hadn't expressed her feelings very well. Sure, she'd told Cord she loved her, had married her, had had a family with her. But it wasn't enough.

Hearing the cheering of the ground around the table bought her back to reality, and her eyes lowered to look at the winning dice roll, sad and lonely. Normally she would be excited, would smile, would cheer with them. But she didn't. If felt wrong being happy when she was celebrating Cord's death. And then the ice encasing her world shattered when she met Cord's eyes across the room. There was a brief moment of hope; of blissful disbelieve. But it was a trick. Cord wasn't there. She was dead as dirt. Gone. Yet Stacy was transfixed, unable to tear her gaze away from the apparition of her lover.
Location: Vorzyd V
Wearing: XXX
Tag: Stacy Nairne Stacy Nairne

Their eyes stayed locked on one another; Cord wanted to pull away she knew it wasn't real. Her heart and mind longed for something that was no longer with in this realm. She saw those eyes look right back at her with longing familiarity Cord could read person wanting to kill her or harm someone from a mile away but she had always been daft at reading the body language of love. Yet she had been with Stacy so long she knew her moves, emotions, and tells despite Stacy insisting she didn't have any tells. This woman looking back at her had all the signs and yet still this Master of the Force thought it was her mind playing with her.

Curiosity got the better of her and she stood up from the bar and made her way to the game chance table This impossible woman was at. Cord didn't gamble other then friendly games of cards or dice no matter how many times Stacy had tried to get her to claim they could win big with her force powers. Her abilities int eh force where exactly why Cord didn't play such games of chance, even for a pirate Cord did have moral integrity. Which was odd given who her e parents were and her friends.

Cord looked at the table only a second before her eyes met the woman's again stand exactly across the dice table from her. The Casino attendant then asked her if she wanted to place a bet. Cord who didn't gamble for motioned to a person next to her who turned to her, Cord handed them some credits. "I don't know the game, place it on the most impossible bet." The other gambler looked at her oddly then shrugged and put the credits on snake eyes. This whole time Cord had looked away from the Stacy imposter trying to figure the woman out. Also, it was a lie though Cord didn't gamble, Stacy had rattled off how to play every single game of chance in existence's rules many times. So, she knew snake eyes was an extremely bad bet.

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