Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chasing Ghosts

‎Down in the undercity, the light seemed to move lazily. What little natural light managed to filter down to these depths had lost its urgency and appeared to just hang in the murky air. The inestimable, multi-coloured phosphorescent artificial lights only seemed to cast small halos, as if the air itself was a shadow that resisted their glow. Raziel loved the lower levels of Coruscant, they reminded him of home.

Garbed appropriately for his locale, the Spymaster sipped on a mug of caff. It was bitter, and rapidly developing a skin as it cooled. Poor quality stuff, but then you didn't visit the infamous level 1313 for the food. No the Spymaster was here on business, or more specifically, to find out why his agents were failing to dig up more information on the new senators.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="The Upright Man"]
Kobayashi knew that there was somebody powerful here, another Darksider like himself. In his white, almost angelic-looking, clothing he'd never be recognized for what he was. The only thing that might have marked him as a danger to anybody was the concealed sheath of his white sword, and the silver mask that covered the upper half of his face. But nobody here knew who he was, what he was.

This was Coruscant, the heart of the galaxy, and the White Dōkeshi was on the hunt.


Seamus Valik

[member="Raziel"] [member="Dōkeshi"]

If there was a shining example of civilization and structure in the galaxy this...was its anus. The man trudged along as the darkness and depression, of the now Sith controlled world, seemed to drink in the light from the levels above. His blue eyes almost out of place in the grime and muck of the back alleys.

He knew Coruscant was not a safe place for him but he was on a mission and just because Coruscant was no longer in the republic didn't mean its people didn't deserve help. There was a child, a young Falleen girl, who had gone missing from her home on Falleen, of all places, and Seamus took it upon himself to track the kidnappers. He had found the trail and followed the forces guidance here and the name on peoples lips was that a slave ring was supplying the Sith with beings for their tremendously rediculous sith spawn and vong thrall ridiculousness. The fact that the Vong exiles that had decided to not go to Zenoma Sekot and who had hated force users sopassionately were still fighting despite their leader being dead was beyond Seamus' ability to comprehend bit then when you were written by the fellow that Seamus was written by, your chances of genius were relatively slim. That said, he followed a trail here and now sought the dastardly slavers.
Raziel spotted his man as he walked up the street. The human wore a slime-fitting short sleeved shirt and trousers. No-one wore too much clothing down here. The depths of Coruscant were always hot as hell. The Spymaster made no sign for the contact to approach him, he simply signalled for the owner to pour him another mug and ordered a few stale biscuits to go with it. He'd wait for a short while, keeping all his senses on alert in case the contact was being followed. Hopefully the man had more news from Republic space, Raziel was beginning to suspect he'd need to take the short trip there himself and set up some new operations.

Corsucant had a surface area of over four hundred million square kilometres. It was covered in multiple layers of city. On top of this Raziel was very good at concealing his presence in the Force. It would be a hard job to track him down to this shady little cafe.
Eventually Raziel placed a small red notebook on the table and his contact took up the chair next to him. The Spymaster offered a quick glance and caught his eye, before looking back into his fresh mug of caff.

"Kept me waiting," grunted the man.

"Wanted to be careful," Raziel replied with a shrug. "Lot's of troublesome elements still around these parts, even though the One Sith have the world, it's always a tough job rooting up the weeds on a city dug in this deep," he continued. He eyes took in the vista below again. The cafe hung from the side one of the super-structures that connected the levels of the city. He idly wondered if this had been carefully designed on just grown organically. He supposed a bit of both, the superstructures must have been meticulously planned to keep the levels in tact, and yet the erratic, fractal streets that spread across each level told a different story.

"Well then, didn't much see the point in you coming out for a verbal, but what do you need to clarify?"

"I am out in person," Raziel replied sternly, "because the Spymaster is not pleased with your progress. So...what's the hold up?"

"Well, there's just a big gap in where she's been. Born into money, public profile, then gone. Then back and suddenly in the senate," replied the contact, his expression stoic, but his eyes told a different story.

"Well, she had a public profile now, where does she move around? Which circles is she with in public?"

*going to need help here: [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Kobayashi could feel the Jedi nearby. He wondered if they were here for the same reason that he was: breaking the slave rings. Reports of children going missing from Falleen and Zeltros had been the most easily stolen for the silver-masked warrior, and in this galaxy, all roads lead to Coruscant.

Although the White Dōkeshi was almost incapable of emotion, he still abhorred slavery. It reminded him of how he'd been turned into this monstrous creature, a heartless white hunter. Sith who'd destroyed his mind and reshaped it, Jedi who'd attempted to kill his new form. Both were at fault, but more victims could not be caught in the crossfire. It was a terrible privilege, to have the skills Kobayashi had.

[member="Raziel"] [member="Seamus Valik"]

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