Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Traits and Background

Okay there is the link to Dhasias's bio, mostly done.

I was wondering what any of you thought about Dhasias as a character. Are the ideas for her background good? Do the traits seem interesting? Basically is she well constructed and not a Mary Sue. I'm trying to make interesting characters, not the "she was a hot blonde with huge boobs" or "he was a valiant knight with spotless armor and always saved the day."
Factory Judge
Dhasias Vunumera said:
willing to adapt, evolved
Dhasias Vunumera said:
doesn't work well with other Sith
Dhasias Vunumera said:
You asked for some stuff on your bio. So I am pointing out that I see some slight conflicts here. How is Dhasias able to adapt, yet doesn't work well with others, and is proud? Proud means you are the way you are, and it's hard to change. While working with someone, means they have to be able to bend themselves a little, yet she doesn't work well with others? or do you mean in the sense of she can adapt to physical situations, and can move about with ease, while her mental state is that of a Brat king who is blond and part of the Game of thrones series?

Dhasias Vunumera said:
and non force sensitive Purebloods.
All sith as far as I know, have some kind of force sensitivity.

Other than that, I find no other real consistencies that couldn't be handwavieumed. All around a nice good start to the character. ANd I am betting that you started this character from the Kotor?

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