Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chapter 2|Manhunt|

​As he moved to the back of the ship he Hailed his friend on the comms And The ship illuminated ''Hello Ravage how was the Break out?'' ''It went well The brigade was to slow to actually Stop my vessel'' ''I see'' ''Were is your saber'' ''Right here ok meet me on Tattoonie'' The transmission ends as he comes out of hyper space all of sudden The engines and power Shut off hes immediately is forced to the back of the ship as his ship plummits toward the planets as the ship catches fire and he gets up as he eases the ship straight as he crashes in the sand Then theres a beeping As the signal is being transmitted to Coruscant
​As he crawls from the ship to the location of the meeting point Theres a speeder as the guy gets off of it and walks to him ''Hello you seem rough'' Give me my cloths He puts on his sith robes ''I'm sorry my old friend you have been great but you have done enough Ravage ignites his saber As he cuts off the head of his friend Thousands of armored vehicles Rushes towards the ship Ravage runs through the night as they spot him ravage imeadilty picks up a vehicle And throws I with the force as he continues to run He runs into a village and burst into a house after slaughtering family he hides in a basement as the ground shakes as armored vehicles passes.

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