Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Change Must Come Through the Barrel of a Gun

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Tion Cluster

“Mi’lady,” the man said with a low bow. He was older, nearly sixty, with a thick Tionese accent. “May I assume there is a reason you invited me here.” The truth was he was wary about the entire thing. The manor had a reputation from long ago.

“To talk about the future,” the woman said. “To be frank I’m wondering why your donations have stopped...”

“I don’t believe we have any legitimate function for your organization in Tion affairs. You are criminals. Any donation to your organization, even through your dummy corporations would be criminal. No, I will not do it.” The man was indignant despite his fear. His position meant he couldn’t so simply disappear.

Mi’lady gave a wolfish grin. “What you mean by that is you won’t give money to an organization you don’t control.” A servant boy brought over two glasses and a bottle of liquor. “I didn’t invite you here to condescend you,” Mi’lady said. “Much the opposite, I want to schmooze you.” She poured the liquor into both glasses, “Being a traditionalist you can’t refuse a drink.”

“I suppose not,” the Tionese Lord said taking the shot in hand and downing it. As the glasses empty another servant came over and poured two more. “I do hope it isn’t your plan to drink me under the table. I have a high capacity for alcohol bred throughout the centuries.”

“And I sir, am the product of alcoholics from thirteen different planets.” This was a lie. Her species simply didn’t get drunk from alcohol and besides there was easier ways for her to manipulate men. The two downed their drinks again.

“Why can’t you be satisfied? You’re influence is already expanding through much of Lianna in the corporate sector and within the courts.”

“People begged for our intervention and lobbying. You were one of them as I recall.”

“A mistake I won’t compound,” The Tionese lord replied. “Gregor Nimmons is no fool. Any power I give to the Raxian Nationals is power I give to you.”

“Maybe that is true,” Mi’lady replied, “but Tion needs us even if certain people don’t believe so. You have the power to give us the funding needed to protect our people.”

“You are talking about treason,” Gregor said adding quickly, “I find I do not want any more of your liquor or hospitality.” Nimmons started for the door.

“Wait a moment if you will Representative,” Mi’ladies voice commanded as the man reached the door to leave.

“For what?” the elderly man said turning.

Biting her lower lip Mi’lady took on a somber tone, “I didn’t want to do this.”

“For gods sake what woman?”

“A girl named Zhenya;” the woman spoke softly looking around. “a pregnancy, a threat to go to your wife and the media. I’m talking about a duracrete block in the ooze and mud at the bottom of Lake Baikal. I know where she is.”

Gregor stared blankly. In all his years in Toinese politics he’d never been in a situation like this.

“You see I don’t like you either. I don’t like old men who play with little girls.” She bit her lower lip, “Barely eighteen. And I don’t like people who kill women when it becomes inconvenient for them. Call me old fashion but I don’t like it one bit. I ought to throw you to the wolves.”

“Damn you,” Gregor said. “You can’t prove a damn thing, and your evidence could never see a courtroom, you’re a criminal.”

“Unfortunately for you I don’t have to prove anything,” Mi’lady bit down on her lips as he lifted a gloved hand to his head tapping the elderly man's forehead. “You were thoughtful enough to preserve the corpse in duracrete. With a simple call I can have a dead woman, with dead child inside of her with your DNA. Even if you beat the courts you’re done.”

“Unless I do what you say.”

“That is correct.”

“And you don’t think you have too much power?” Gregor said, defeat in his voice.

“Don’t talk to me about power you bastard.” Mi’lady snapped back, “I don’t use my position to have my way with women and then murder them.” No, she used it for far more atrocious things.

“And yet despite your supposed outrage you’re willing to let me get away with it in order to further your own goals?”

Mi’lady laughed, “Anything to further the cause of Tion.”

“Besides your silence, what else will I get out of this arrangement?” Gregor asked with a twinge of curiosity. “Where is the quid pro quo here?”

“Oh I think you’ll be pleased with services rendered.”

Rio Vivo, Lianna
Tion Cluster

The Casino district of Lianna. Upon arrival a guest would see the first sign of sensory pollution; Millions of neon lights and signs strobing on clubs and casino’s heralding the entertainments inside. These varied greatly from massive arrows pointing to the door, promises of big payouts, offers of luxurious surroundings and excellent accommodations. A half truth was worse than a lie and for every being who left one of these establishments laden with new found wealth a hundred others left with empty pockets.

Upon entering the district proper hearing would be the second sound to be bombarded. Noise pollution was common enough with music from clubs melding with the sounds of slot machines and dropping coins from casino speakers to entice the pedestrian. A great cacophony of sound. as one was ambushed by the scent and taste of fresh baked treats from stands selling all manner of foodstuffs.

All of this of course was designed with one thing in mind, to bombard the senses of the common man and rob him of the sense itself. Men would drop paychecks in casinos, on food, and in clubs. They would willingly give their money to the house for a chance of winning a portion back. It was a pitiable state.

It was in this district that Sasha choose to conduct her latest meeting. [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] remained a bit of mystery to her. She had wanted to meet in a club she liked, however a return message indicated that would not be appropriate. That’s all she needed, a prude. Instead she’d settled into one of [member="Marek Starchaser"]’s officers. It was attached to a casino like a duplex with but a wall separating them from the the casino as a whole. Marek had explained it was for investors, they would arrive at the meeting and be able to see the operations of the test casino on the other end and by local zoning regulations having the buildings separated with no connecting door he was able to get his headquarters located there.

The location was perfect for Sasha, and a simple call next door was able to get her a few drinks. The office was busy, but the upper floor had been dedicated to Marek’s use. Sasha found it Spartan and in the days leading up to the meeting had furniture brought in. Lavish curtains of silk and satin couches now filled up the space. “Marek is rarely here,” Sasha would say to the staff to justify her actions. Truth was she didn’t particularly care what Marek thought, the entire place needed sprucing up. Sasha enjoyed the fast pulse of the urban environment and luxury resorts along the beachfront. For her it was paradise, and the perfect place for her to receive visitors. She would have to buy a little getaway on the beach… Until then she waited for the arrival of the Jedi….
Fletcher approached the office, feeling rather out of place. He was a keeper of the peace but it wasn't often he was called to do meetings. At least not yet, but he was still young. He didn't like the fancy buildings or the urban environment, though maybe that was just because of the planet he was raised on. He had come from a planet with large rural and unspoiled areas and it was clear he felt uncomfortable in areas that weren't like the ones he was raised on.

The Padawan looked around the busy office, trying not to draw attention to himself, before making his way upstairs, being directed to another office. He opened the door and walked in, expecting to be expected. He glanced around the highly decorated office, taking it all in. It sure was fancy and expensive looking. His eyes finally fell on the waiting woman.

[member="Sasha Santhe"]

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Sasha Santhe contained her sigh as the youth walked in. “You’re the Jedi?” she asked giving [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] a one over. Was this some sort of calculated insult? “How many deities are there in the galaxy do you think?” She said as the boy entered. Sasha sat down lounging on the couch patting next to it beconing the youth to sit with her. The lad was adorable, which did discredit to him. “Seventeen Gods of Ages, Quay, Shaa, Balam Elder Gods, the Maker, Vahl, the Great Creator…. Would it be fair to say there is probably a million or more deities in the known galaxy? Every planet having their own unique cultures and religions.” She took in a deep breath and let it out as a sigh of enormous proportions. “How many of them do you suspect I’ve angered to have you arrive on my doorstep?” Absently she reached for her drink and took a sip, “I imagine the answer is a lot.”
"Yes, I am the Jedi." he said calmly, looking at the woman. "Too many." He answered, walking over and sitting himself besides her. The Padawan listened carefully as he had always been instructed to do. "Yes, I think so." he said, unsure though he tried to keep the confidence in his voice. He couldn't see what her point was, why was she talking about deities? He continued to listen, nonetheless.

Oh, she was upset that they'd sent a Padawan. "I assure you, the Order meant no offence in sending me here. I'm just trying to do my job." he said, though he wasn't sure if it were true, he assumed the Order wouldn't send him to create trouble, would they?

[member="Sasha Santhe"]

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
“I understand,” Sasha said with a sigh. Hastily she dumped the contents of the second glass and refilled it with ice water from a pitcher. She cradled her own drink and downed it quickly before grabbing the bottle and refilling it. “I meant nothing against you either. It is only when you ask for a Jedi you expect someone a bit older.” She pushed the glass of ice water over to the youth. “That drink is chemically inoffensive. I’d offer you something stronger but I’d rather not get you in trouble.”

Another appraising glance followed as Sasha examined his features closer this time. “At least you’re easy on the eyes.” She shrugged. “I have a problem, and requested a Jedi to solve it. You being that Jedi the burden falls on you. But first let me ask, do you have any investigative experience?”

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
"The Jedi have other matters to attend to, I assure you I am just as good as any other Jedi Knight." he said both in arrogance and reassurance. When she handed him the drink and made a remark about it being chemically inoffensive, he was about to make a snide remark back but remembered he had a job to do. "You don't need to treat me like a child, I am almost eighteen and soon enough I will be a Knight. I am capable" he said calmly.

"I've had my fair share in investigations. I've done a few in the past few years." he answered, though not admitting this was the first one alone. The Padawan still believed he was good enough.

[member="Sasha Santhe"]

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Sasha smiled at the reaction. “It seems I’ve done it.” She put her hands up as if in surrender. “I didn’t mean to offend. I’m good with machines, not people.” A lie? Maybe, Sasha didn’t even know. Her surly and superior nature was no secret. “When I was your age, a little younger, the Sith Empire was around. Not the one Sith, a different Empire. They took over this region. I was good with machines,” she explained. “And my company was important to their war effort. I was locked in a little room where I developed new machines for their war effort.” She shrugged. Half Truths were the best lies. “You shouldn’t try to grow up too fast, I never had a childhood. But if you insist.” She half emptied the glass of water and filled the remainder of the cup with liquor from a clear bottle. “The reason you are here, is because we are in trouble.”

Taking a sip of her drink she paused and pressed the play button on a holo recording. A man appeared on screen. It was a Raxus Nationalist rally being led by the United Brotherhood of Tion. The man was a noble wearing lavish finery. “Tion for the Tionese! We shall now kowtow before the Jedi, nor shall we submit to their rule.”

Sasha pressed a button fast forwarding the recording, “It goes on from there, Tion for the Tionese and Remember Xim! They are entitled to their opinions.”

She pressed play again as the man finished a speech, “...then change must come through the barrel of a gun.” The woman paused the recording again and zoomed in on a figure in the background.

“While I agree the galaxy would be a much better place if every factory supervisor had a submachine gun I must say promoting violence is in rather poor taste. Still this isn’t the problem. The problem is this man.” The image cleared up a little revealing a squirmy little fat humanoid. “This same man was caught on camera in a Santhe facility after a brazen robbery. Weapons components have been stolen. I believe this political organization is a front for terrorist activities in the cluster. That is why I asked the Jedi here. I have a corporate agent on the case already, but I thought she could use some help...” She waited for him to ask his questions as she prepared the datapad with relevant information.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
"Trust me, I grew up long ago." he said solemnly as he took a sip from the cup. Fletcher nodded at the woman. "I'll do all I can to help." he said, which was true. He wanted to help her because it was his job but also because it was intriguing. He watched the holo recording and his face grew into a frown. "So what they're saying is... they want to kill Jedi?" he asked, unsure. He wasn't as experienced as other Jedi, but he didn't want to make it obvious.

"Promoting violence is wrong, violence is always the last answer." he agreed, it was a Jedi moral. The Padawan squinted and focused on the man. "Terrorist?" he repeated, astonished. "It's my job and best interest to help." he inclined his head politely. "So you want me to find this man, presumably?" he asked, sitting back in the chair and drinking. He hesitated before speaking. "Why do you care?"

[member="Sasha Santhe"]

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
“They are saying they don’t want outside influences in Tion. They want to be left alone. Bad for business but I understand the sentiment.” Sasha leaned over closer to [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] wiping a strand of hair from her face. “Imagine you are a member of an exclusive club. You have your friends and your rivals but you are all part of the same club. You’ve known each other for years. Suddenly someone from outside comes and tells you how to spend your budget, how to act. What would you do?”

Then she stretched a little licking her lips from the excess of beverage. “As to why I care, the answer is obvious. In addition to being the owner of Santhe Corporation, the entity these components were stolen from I am also a noble of Tion. These people are all my responsibility.” Sasha shrugged. “It’s my duty as a noble to see to their safety. To do that I need to make sure weapons aren’t being produced and distributed to these disparate elements.” she leaned back a little, “I need to do more than that, but for now that is all you should focus on. That is your task. You will have my full resources at your disposal. If you need to go offworld I will have the best ship in my fleet prepared for your use, if you need equipment I will buy it. I am here to facilitate your success….”
Fletcher thought for a moment before responding. "Well I would try to negotiate with the outsider and come to a conclusion." he said carefully. "But I suppose I would be angry and want..." he stopped before he said revenge, it was not something a Jedi should say. It was obvious he had a lack of training by some of the things he said.

The Padawan nodded to show acknowledgement. He was surprised how far she was going to go for a company, and how much equipment she actually had. "I'll do everything within my power to investigate this."

[member="Sasha Santhe"]

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Sasha took the youths hand in hers and turned on the couch to face him. “I appreciate this,” she said a solemn smile appearing over her face. She leaned forward giving him a little peck on the cheek. “And on behalf of myself, my company, and the people of Tion I thank you.” Sasha pulled away and stood up from the couch. She walked to the door and opened it for [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] to leave. “As I said, I have an agent on the scene of the robbery, I’d like you to go there and meet up with her. She’s an experienced agent and will assist you in any way she can.”

Emerald Sage

Belladonna; The Deadly Nightshade
Emerald was anxious. She had never met a Jedi before, although the brief time with her mother had made her wary of association. She stood next to the warehouse, with her back to the metal wall. Sasha has commed and informed her that the Jedi was young. That didn’t mean much to her, she was young for her species. Heck in comparison she was probably younger than the man coming to work with her. [member="Jennifer Blanchard"], her normal partner in crime, was off on a job for Marek. Emerald hoped she’d be alright without her.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]…. Emerald couldn’t wait to meet her first Jedi.
Fletcher smiled at [member="Sasha Santhe"] and blushed when she gave him a peck on the cheek. Instinctively his hand went to his cheek before he realised what he was doing and stood up, regaining his composure. "I'm only doing my job, any Jedi would do the same." he said quietly. He nodded and followed the directions to meet the agent. The Padawan made his way to the scene and saw [member="Emerald Sage"] waiting next to the warehouse. He walked over and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Fletcher, you're the agent, right?" he asked, having never been told her name.

Emerald Sage

Belladonna; The Deadly Nightshade
“Emerald,” she said extending her hand and taking [member="Fletcher Lorcan"]s in her own for a good sturdy handshake. “Emerald Sage,” her thumb rubbed the back of Fletchers hand as she released the grip. “Handsome young man like you… I can tell why Sasha seemed put out when she called. Miss Santhe likes pretty young things.” And then she winked before walking off to the wall. “They used small shaped charges on the doors rails to pop the darn thing right out. Came in and took what they wanted all on an acceptable timeframe.” She pointed up to a vid recorder. “Caught them though. Seems lazy really.”

She shrugged a little, “I have a contact who might know something about the explosives if you want to work that angle. Although… well I kinda blew up his brothers yatch.” Emerald laughed, “So he isn’t the biggest Emerald fan.”

“Now if you want to go straight at this organization. They have a headquarters here in the Casino district. We could start the investigation there. It’s up to you. I’m game for whatever.”
"Nice to meet you." he said with a smile as he slowly pulled away his hand. He maintained a serious attitude as he was trained to. "I'm afraid I'm only here on business." he said plainly. He followed her without question. "Hm." he said, observing and listening to what she was saying.

"Maybe our best bet is to investigate the headquarters." he said, though hoping he would get a second opinion on it as he didn't trust himself to make such decisions single handedly. "I'm here to do whatever you want me to." he said.

[member="Emerald Sage"]

Emerald Sage

Belladonna; The Deadly Nightshade
Emerald smiled a little bit as she went over to her speeder. “You’re that easy huh?” she said with a little laugh. “And so professional,” A finger whisked against [member="Fletcher Lorcan"]’s cheek and gave the young man another wink. “So off to their headquarters.”

The speeder was a quick little thing and the ride was uneventful. Within an hour they were at the districts center and the Headquarters of the Raxian Nationalists. “I don’t like this,” Emerald said giving Fletcher an appraising glance. “With those robes you look like a Jedi.”

The building was well guarded, the entrances covered by men in dark shades. They were by no means soldiers, but it only took one gun toting thug to raise an alarm. Two on each door, another patrolling a catwalk on the second story near the fire escape. Emerald pulled the speeder around and did a quick loop. The rear entrance was blocked from sight. Finally she settled the speeder on the other end of a parallel street looking through an alley at the front entrance. “So whats the play here? I got a sniper rifle in the trunk.”
Fletcher stared at her and almost put a hand to his cheek but resisted. He said nothing, only nodded. He figured it would be better to let it slide. The Padawan looked down at his attire and frowned. "Well... yes." he said plainly. "I didn't bring any other clothes, I didn't realise we were trying to make a fashion statement." he smirked.

"We wait." he said, though he wasn't sure what to wait for or how long to wait for. He had heard others say it before, and maybe they could come up with a plan.

[member="Emerald Sage"]

Emerald Sage

Belladonna; The Deadly Nightshade
“So…” Emerald said after about two hours of waiting. They observed a shift change with the guards and watched as they moved into position and relieved the others. She turned and looked [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] in the eyes. “Tell me a little about yourself. How did you get to be a Jedi, where are you from? Do you have a girlfriend? Are Jedi allowed that sort of attachment? I’ve never really been clear.”

She winked and then turned her head back to the offices. “I’m still listening. Just gotta keep the eye on the prize,” she said.
Fletcher moved his hand from the hilt of his lightsaber and watched the guards for a moment before letting his eyes fall on [member="Emerald Sage"] when she addressed him. "I was born on Naboo and left my home when I was ten. I had always wanted to be a Jedi." he said glancing back at the guards and then Emerald.

"No, I don't." he said plainly. The Padawan thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. I never really asked. I know you aren't allowed to get attached to people, but doesn't that happen with every master and padawan? I don't see a problem with it really, though marriage isn't allowed." he said with a shrug.

[member="Sasha Santhe"]

Emerald Sage

Belladonna; The Deadly Nightshade
The guards were well coordinated if nothing else. “I hear Naboo is particularly pretty, green vibrant, lots of lakes. A girl could take a nice little vacation there.” Emerald laughed, “But no attachments huh?” she said. Her arm snaked its way over [member="Fletcher Lorcan"]’s shoulders. “I like that.” Fingers played at the back of the youths necks. “People get too hung up on encounters.”

A black speeder floated up to the front of the building and stopped. “Bingo.” Emerald smiled a little as a man with dark hair got out. She punched a few buttons on the consul in between herself and Fletcher. “See that,” she said staring at the newcommer. “That right there may be our ticket.” Her eyes narrowed. “That man is a security consultant. If anyone is involved in the dirt, its him.” She pulled her arm from behind Fletcher suddenly all business. “There is a tracking device in the glove compartment next to a small block of explosive gel. Think you can sneak up and plant a tracker on that speeder while I provide a distraction?”

She turned and faced Fletcher now. Pheromones started to litter the air. Attraction, desire, all of which flooded into the minds of those who inhaled. “Just give me a second,” she said watching the young mans eyes. Pupils retained a normal size for a short time before widening. Emerald licked her lips as she stared, “You’re cute you know that.” Another wink. Emerald did like her games. She stepped out of the speeder. “Plant that tracker, don’t get caught.”

Emerald walked down the street hoping Fletchers mind hadn’t been addled too much. There was four guards standing in front of the door. “Excuse me,” Emerald called. Pheromones permeated the air. “Excuse me,” all four looked her way. “I’m sorry but I appear to be lost. Do any of you know which way to the Bright Star Casino?”

“Uh, which one?” one of the men said stepping forward. Enerald needed to distract the rest. “Oh the o ne with the big golden coin!”

“I don’t know that one,” The man replied.

Emerald waved the others over, “What about you? Do you gentleman know the casino I’m talking about?” Success, the rest started over to her. Emerald had to suppress a desire to roll her eyes. What did [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] call it? Her Trollop Ways. Well Emerald just called it effective.

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