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The Imperial Concordat

"Stability within the galaxy must be restored underneath Imperial Hands." An Imperial Faction and the Rightful Successor of the Imperial Remnant and the Pentastar Alignment of Powers. Come join us and created your own stories within the Concordat

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Chamber of Planetary Governors

Cephiro Pagaarch



Short Overview:

The Chamber of Planetary Governors otherwise known as the CPG is the main legislative body of the Imperial Concordat of Powers. Responsible for the creation of laws and regulations across the space controlled by the Imperial Concordat. The Chamber is composed of an imperial governor in the high chamber which is responsible for several planets and individual planetary representatives in the low chamber that assist him in pushing new legislation through the majority vote system established by the New Imperial Charter. However as a safeguard measure against rule by majority that often plagues these kinds of systems. The minority vote that either agreed with the legislation or opposed it, will be granted some concessions to make sure that every planet within the Imperial Concordat as their voice heard and gain something from attending its sessions. There are officially two houses of the chamber which are the high chamber composed of the imperials governors, which are selected from among the imperial sector armies to govern and monitor several planets within the concordat. The low chamber is composed of the planetary representatives, which are elected from the populace of the worlds that they come from and have direct control over their worlds. The Imperial Governor of that particular planetary group must heed the advice from the elective representatives when pushing policies within the chamber, because as a safeguard from abuses of power from the governor if the majority of the representatives agree that the governor is not representing their interest within the chamber, they can issue a edict of faith in directly challenge to the authority of that governor. The Chief of State will then review the case and determine if the governor is in the right and deserves to stay in power, or if the representatives have a sound argument and the governor will be sacked and replaced.

Main Committees
of the Chamber:

Finance Committee

-Responsible for keeping the budget balanced and reduce unnecessary spending for further improvement of planets within the Imperial Concordat.

Army Oversight Committee

-Responsible for overseeing the Sector Army of the Imperial Concordat.

Naval Oversight Committee

-Responsible for overseeing the Sector Navy of the Imperial Concordat

Imperial Cause Committee

-Responsible for promoting loyalty to the Imperial Concordat and cleanse the Chamber of Foreign Corruption

Investigative Committee

-Responsible for investigating members of the Chamber of Planetary Governors if accused of a crime underneath the New Imperial Charter

Discovery Committee

-Responsible for exploring new worlds within the Imperial Concordat and funding of expeditions to unexplored parts of the galaxy

Security Committee

-Responsible for the overall security of the Chamber of Planetary Governors and those within its ranks.

Trade & Commerce Committee

-Responsible for overseeing the trade and commerce within the galaxy and to meditate trade disputes between member planets of the Imperial Concordat of Powers.

Ranks of the Chamber:

Chairman of the Chamber [Head of the CPG]

Sub-Chairman of the Chamber [Aide to the Chairman]

Imperial Sector Governor [Responsible for Representing Several Planets within the High Chamber]

Imperial Representatives [Responsible for Representing Individual Planets within the Low Chamber]

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