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Chaka Meshindi


NAME: Chaka Meshindi
FACTION: Black Sun Syndicate, Bounty Hunter's Guild, Mandalorians (Formerly)
RANK: Warlord on Antecedant
SPECIES: Human (Korun)
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
WEIGHT: 170 lbs
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Black


(+) Cunning- through years on the streets and in gladiatorial arenas, Chaka can think quick on his feet

(+) Fighter- after spending several years as a gladiator and as a Mandalorian, Chaka is an expert combatant with most weapons as well as his bare fists


(-) Malnourished- when he was a slave, Chaka was underfed and beaten. His body never fully recovered, leaving him weaker than normal

(-) Lack of Intelligence- though he is cunning, Chaka is not smart in the traditional sense. He usually has his advisors do most of the educated work for him

(-) Spicer- Though not addicted, this man enjoys the comforts of mind-numbing spice


Chaka Meshindi is a male Korun, standing at a whopping 6'6. He stands tall over most of his peers, which many consider intimidating. Though he is tall, it is not proportionately so. He is very skinny, the majority of his body covered in thin and lean muscle. He cheekbones are high, almost making him look like a sort of foreign aristocrat. This is supported by his posture, full of confidence but not arrogance. His brown eyes are cold and unforgiving, showing just a hint of cruelty. He possesses a close-shaven mustache than runs down the length of his face almost into a beard.

As a child Chaka was born on the world of Haruun Kal like most of the galaxy's Korun. His father was the Nkonkoni, or the great champion of the people. He fought in the planet-wide tournament that determined the best warrior, and was able to defeat hundreds of opponents to claim the title from the former champion. He defended the title for almost two decades, until a new contender came along.

This new opponent was Chaka, his own son. Some fathers would dread having to face their child in mortal combat, for fear of killing them. But this father was happy, as his own son has ascended to his level to contend for the title. The two fought long and hard, the duel lasting for over two hours. However, when the dust settled, Chaka stood over his father's body. He was the new champion of his people.

After this, he chose a path often taken by such warriors. He left the planet with hopes to become a Mandalorian, one of the most prestigious warrior cultures in the galaxy. He got on a ship and left Haruun Kal for Mandalore, ready to prove his worth.

En route to Mandalore, his shuttle was attacked by pirates. As it was only him on the ship, he didn't stand much of a chance. Chaka managed to kill four of the pirates become succumbing to a magazine full of tranquilizer darts, going into a coma.

He awoke several weeks later as a slave. Ironically, he was enslaved to a noble on Mandalore who often entered in his slaves as gladiators. Noticing Chaka's natural ability to fight, he tossed the young man into the arenas to compete. Sadly, most Mandalorian gladiators only lived a couple months, so his future didn't seem too bright. Except there was just one thing his opponents didn't know, and it was that he was the best duelist on his home planet.

Surprisingly for most, Chaka went undefeated in the arenas and won a local championship. Seeing his potential, the leader of clan Clan Vizsla bought his freedom and let him join the ranks of his clan, become the warrior he had always hoped to. Sadly, this didn't last all too long.

During a skirmish with the Hutt Cartel, he raided one of the palaces for himself. One of his superiors found out, and he was put on trial as a war profiteer. He was convicted and exiled, becoming a Dar'Manda.

He would spend the next several years as a bounty hunter, racking up a decent bounty tally with some low life scum. Seeking more, he travelled to Antecedant and joined the Black Sun Syndicate. He eventually rose up in rank, become a respected local warlord.


[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

I share your sentiments! That's why I'm starting to revive the Black Suns once again. Either of you two interested in joining up too?
[member="Chaka Meshindi"]
Lysle never would be interested. He doesn't hate the Black Suns, they were simply in the way. But he's quit the scene. I have a very successful Bounty Hunter though, perhaps you could contact him for some assignments. Eliminate competition and all that.

[member="Julian Valentine"]
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

Maybe Julian could team up with us in that huge bounty thread and they could become associates. He could even join up, then he could have access to our armory, hangar, resources, and be part of the team.

Think about it

[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

"For now," I like the sound of that! Maybe shoot me a PM when you're ready to play with the big kids ;)

[member="Rayl Wilded"]


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