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Private Chains of Hell


Damsy Callat Damsy Callat ~ Naboo ~ New Exarch's Office

War is hell.

Isn't that the narrative that most men put out to justify their actions during combat? Civilians murdered, lives destroyed, entire civilizations put to ground all because war was hell. The notion made Adron chuckle as he sat in his new office in Naboo. For the past few days there had been a case sitting on his desk, one that brought a certain bile from the pit of his stomach. During the battle of Rodia some idiot pilot had bombed a friendly force, killing almost a half a dozen men. Negligence. This was the sign of negligence in the field. Of course Adron was no novice to the realm of war. Stray bullets flew, ricochet's occurred, and sometimes the occasional ordinance was utilized in ill advisement. This was part of the deal that fog of war bartered with. However, the utilization of a tactical air strike? Now that was far too deliberate to ignore. That was why Adron had called a meeting with the Mandalorian Marshal who had been in charge, Haastal Verd. With the information he'd given Adron could be sure the bombing was not requested by CDF personnel and likely not cleared through the proper channels, if those channels were even properly set up.

Still, a case of friendly fire was not the only thing that came over his desk. His eyes glanced down to a single word stamped over the sheet that held precedence on his desk. Desertion. The Exarch clasped his hands together, pinching his eyes closed for a moment so not to allow his emotions to cloud the judgement he must utilize in the next few hours. Desertion disgusted him. Not because it was the ultimate sign of cowardice and disregard, but because it was a sign, a phrase that shook the military to the core. It is a statement that says, "I do not care of those I fight with, only myself." From Adron's office, viewing a deserter was disappointing, but from the front lines? From the soldiers who stood shoulder to shoulder to defend the peace and safety of The Confederacy? It started a chain effect of doubt and morale loss that could only be described as detrimental to the war efforts.

Still, Adron's options were limited. As an Officer of The Confederacy, the woman should face years imprisoned behind iron bars. But that was not an option for a daughter of the Vicelord. So, instead Adron would wash his hands of that matter and turn to the more important facts. Soldiers were dead and it was someone's fault. It was Adron's mission to find out who and why.

A soft knock erupted at the door. "Exarch. We have the witnesses." Adron stood up, smoothing down the lapel of his coat before making his way to the door. With a subtle wave of his hand, he forced the door open through the Force. Standing behind the door was a member of the Knight's Obsidian. A squad of the men were tasked to go to Netra'Yaim to retrieve the wayward Major, Damsy Callat Damsy Callat . Along with the Major, there was the young Lieutenant, Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz whose own story needed to be reviewed. Of course, things were easy for Adron. The CDF investigation had already taken place, along with a substantial inquisition. Yet it had yielded nothing. The Exarch would bring about results, through one means or another. He looked to the young woman who stood before the Knight's and gestured into his office. "Major, step inside." He said. Once the woman entered the room, the door behind them was shut. Adron turned, gesturing to the seat before his desk. "Take a seat." He said, making his way to his own seat in the room. "Let me be transparent, Major. I am here because all else has failed. There are two documents on my desk and before the sun sets this day they will both be resolved and punitive action will be distributed to the guilty parties, respective to each case."

"Now. The Lieutenant outside is the boy who fought on Rodia correct? His men were the victims of a negligent discharge of tactical ordinance and those who yet live will be lucky if they ever walk again, let alone return to duty. The Office of the Vicelord has a strict no-tolerance policy regarding this kind of event and why it has not yet been pushed to the courts is beyond me. However, before I make my judgement on this matter there is yet information I will need from you, the War Marshal Luna Terrik, and the fool who killed your men." The Exarch took up his pen, scratching a quick note on the piece of parchment before turning his amethyst eyes to the woman before him. "I want you to explain to me the regulation for requisition of a tactical airstrike in an active combat zone." He said, setting the pen on the desk.
will you sink down to me?

Wearing: ~ x ~​

She had deigned to arrive on official Dauntless pretext, but she did not don her Dauntless Adjunct uniform. That felt wrong.
Admittedly, the first did too, but she had been summoned as Major. So she would come as one, and leave whatever the Exarch finally cast her back from whence she came as. Whatever that was would be military-title-less she was sure, but she was already duty-less. If she no longer carried its burden, why the ranking? As she had already reached an understanding of internally, even a prolonged, dishonorable absence from service hadn't drowned - only diminished - her stalwart commando roots. In such, she desperately clung to what she knew, though that very same facet of her knew she no longer deserved it.
Her outburst of a meeting with Darth Metus Darth Metus had solidified her loyalty as much as it could even though she had spent a majority of her time away from the physical Confederacy still espousing Her values of freedom and anti-slavery by serving as a paramilitary contractor or bounty hunter at any given time. She had agreed to stay in her native space at Netra'yaim for the time being and, what was more, wait patiently for a second investigation into Omega's Rodian Incident to commence.
In such, her retrieval by an unknown squad seemed harsh. She understood, but she was behaving, even if the classification of behavior was somewhat loose. Indeed she waited, but fickly in certain regards - mostly her temperament leveled at him. It was subject to change hourly. Even she wasn't sure which one she respected more, Vicelord or Father, but she was certain she held his facets in slightly different regards.
She stepped inside Adron's office at the moment of his beckoning. She and Typhan had not exchanged a word beforehand, just warm nods and a handshake, though they might have if they had been on one transport bound for Naboo. It was a reality now, the two officers being separated such, coming from different posts. Long past were the days of sharing dropships or a barracks, and far between would now be the ones shooting the chit while enjoying each other's company. Today was not to be one of the latter.
She wasn't at all surprised when they were once again split by the Exarch's door.
She sat down, too, as ushered. "Aye, sir," she answered. "He assumed command from squad Staff Sergeant Tobian Dyarron there in my stead. Lieutenant Berrezz is my second-in-command and, together, we are the officers connected to Omega Squadron. In lieu of being on Rodia myself, I deployed to Talay to secure its killbox." She was sure he was aware, but the story was not of much import here, so she left it at that.
"Standard operating procedure is to comm the command unit arranging such support with coordinates and request a strike," she explained. "Lieutenant Berrezz informed me that he called in no such request, as he was prepared to attempt neutralization of his ground target by way of a small unit tactic - specifically a three-team flanking maneuver." She didn't waste too much time on document summary either; It was all there on his desk and he had surely already reviewed it in great detail. Still, what got verbally repeated, got remembered. "Nor was he likewise informed of such a request being call ahead of him by, say, the likes of Grand Marshal Verd." And she had full confidence than neither the Mandalorian nor any other CDF commander present on Rodia would have sent Omega blind into a targeted drop zone, or have else called in a danger close strike without giving them substantial warning to get to cover.
The young woman had a militant demeanor about her and if nothing else Adron could respect that, though he certainly did not hold esteem for the woman herself. Her responses were marked down and the Exarch was prompt in filling out the paperwork as they went. He took a few moments to look over certain documents before turning his eyes back to the woman before him. "Correct, it is noted that you waived your command to Lieutenant Berrezz so that your efforts could be focused on the Talay operation." He slid one of the papers to the side before removing his glasses and setting them on the desk.

"If the Lieutenant did not request a tactical air strike then no fault will be placed on the Dauntless Legion for negligence. Not that we ever expected this to occur, however we need to make sure all sides are viewed." He said, before exhaling and scratching his signature onto another paper.

"I have already spoken to the Grand Marshal and while he did authorize the use of tactical air strikes, he did not order that strike on that specific area. Also, as the CDF asset that committed the strike was not one belonging to Dauntless we can only presume that they were acting independently. An act that will cost them." The Exarch nodded before shifting a file in front of Damsy. The file simply outlined the events that had transpired and cooberate the report that the Lieutenant presented. "We've had no conflictions, therefore I see no reason to place Dauntless under investigation. The Lieutenant will offer me his accounting of the event and then the assets that caused the negligent discharge will be charge accordingly."

"Sign your statement at the bottom, Major." He said, gesturing to the file before returning it to the stack. Once the paper was signed, Adron pulled up a second file and placed it in front of the woman. "The second matter." He said, his tone colder in its presentation. "Major Damsy Callat for the crime of desertion I hereby strip you of all rank and command. All privileges are forfeit and all access to classified material is to be revoked. I am discharging you from the Confederate Defense Force for desertion and conduct unbecoming an Officer."

The Exarch pulled his glasses back on, pulling a sheet from the stack and setting it before the woman. "I am also placing you under house arrest for six months to be served at Netra'Yaim."

Standing from his seat, the Exarch looked to the woman with a curious gaze. "Your service up to this point has been exemplary. Even with that in mind, six months AWOL is not something that can be overlooked for anyone in the service. You abandoned your men while they were fighting a terrorist threat. Regardless of if you felt the system had failed them, it was you who left them without a commander and if those men had died while you were away it was you who was not there to lead them."

The man cleared his throat once again, the moment recalling him to his days in the service of the Galactic Empire. "When you are a soldier you join for a reason. For some it is money, for some it is benefits, and for others it is loyalty and pride. However, that is not why you fight. You fight because of those who stand beside you, you fight because if you do not fight with them then they will continue to fight alone and without you they may die."

"When you left, you left your men with a single message. They fight alone."

"Get out of my office." He said, sitting back down in the chair and turning his eyes back to the papers before him. The doors to the office opened as two members of the Knight's stepped forward to escort the woman back to her home, all the while a third walked over to the waiting Lieutenant to usher him into the Exarch's office.

Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
will you sink down to me?


She had known it would be there in his piled paperwork. She had watched the inked snake coil, creating itself from his pen. As soon as it was completely shed, Adron would move on to the other document on his desk. That snake would strike out, fast and hard. The vicious hand of blind justice, a double-edged vibrosword. One was benevolent to the accused; the other not, becoming even malicious or apathetic. A law could be broken for the very best of reasons, but of their rationale the criminal alone understood.

And yet, military tribunes were colder than laymen's courts. The loneliness of self-imposed exile had been heavy but was nothing compared to the knowledge she would never have opportunity to truly defend herself.

The two forms were only cursorily related, she knew, as their subjects involved the same people - obviously with role shifts in victims and perpetrators - but had rather exclusive outcomes. The resolution of one matter gracing the Exarch's desk didn't effect that of the other, or else shouldn't.

Damsy's bantha in the room couldn't negate the respect Omega was due from the Rodia Incident. If nothing else, they would settle for public admission of guilt, wrongdoing even. More than that, though, Damsy wanted to see them consoled with preventative measures. Not only Omega, but all Dauntless, deserved to know that, in the event of their death, their graves would be met with the utmost honors regardless of at whose gun barrel they found their end: friendly or foe.

After signing the serious injury report, Damsy set down the pen with which she had done it and teepeed her forearms on top of Adron's desk. She interlaced her fingers and noted his colder tone. The second file came. She glanced down momentarily at it, the sleeve of a dishonorable discharge sending as much survivalist dread straight into the pit of her stomach as would the colored skin of a fatally poisonous reptile. Her gaze leveled a moment after he began to speak. As blue eyes locked to his, fear gave way to devotion.

If desertion was what it had taken to oil the cogs of CDF's justice system, then she would graciously take any punishment wrought upon her. As the King-Exarch said, her initial parting gift had been a statement of uncare, a condemnation for her men to fight on alone, but her final one was an affirmation of their worth, a promise that if they kept on they would be respected once more.

At the end of her sentencing, the former Adjunct-Major stood. She didn't dare salute, but she did hold her head high and set her jaw. "Thank you, Majesty," was all she said, voice still powerful as the officer's. It had become her identity. Title or no, command or no, she had been forged all those years ago training on Mustafar.


Typhan Berrezz

someone who cares.


Typhan was sitting in wait on a sofa when the doors to the Exarch's office once again opened. Immediately, he stood, and walked towards Damsy as the knights escorted her away. The third stopped him, though not by force. Rather, Typhan hesitated himself, glancing from his former commander to the man before him. He knew what had happened, at least the bit at the end of the meeting, but before he could ask for explanation anyway, he was ushered into Adron's office.

Typhan hesitated again to sit when Damsy had moments before. It felt too much like donning your dead buddy's sunbonnet or kama or left pauldron because you had broken or otherwise lost yours and, Ancients dammit, it wasn't don't him any good. Or was it? Maybe you oughta leave it. At least you got one thing he don't no more: your life.

There was no pleasure gained from the young woman's dismissal, however there was no upset within the Exarch for doing that which must be done. His position was nothing if not duty and he could allow nothing to stand in the way of that. The woman was escorted out of his office and in the very next moment, her former Executive Officer was placed before the Exarch. The Exarch was finishing the last of the paperwork to remove Damsy from her command when his eyes gazed out at Typhan. "Sit, Lieutenant." He said. His time in the Imperial Military made him rather adept at dealing with soldiers. It was something the man had appreciated when he yet held the title of High Moff. His mind flitted back to those days, causing him to halt the scratching of his pen against the paper before him.

"There are a few matters we will discuss today." He said. There was something missing in Typhan. Something that the former Major had held but this young man did not yet hold it. The amethyst eyes of the Exarch pierced through the fragile shell of the boy's mind. His gaze was whimsical and intrigued, yet it never faltered as he dug deep into the center of the man and his presence in the Force. "First is the bombing that occurred on Rodia. By your report the bombing run that your people fell prey to were not ordered by your hands or any Commander in your element, is this true?" He asked, turning his eyes over to the report that Damsy had signed off on.

"The Former Major gave me a proper rundown of your means to request air support. Did you at any time request for air artillery support?" He asked the man curiously before setting the paper down on the desk.

Knowing what the man would say, once he gave a detailed accounting of the event, the Exarch would not knowingly. "With your statement I will have enough to levy legal action against the Contracting unit that was responsible. Also, there is another matter we are to discuss." He clasped his hands together gazing out at the man carefully. "Were you aware of the former Major's plans to go AWOL?" He demanded.

Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz

Typhan Berrezz

someone who cares.

P L A U S I B L E - D E N I A B I L I T Y

"That's true, Exarch," Typhan affirmed, clearing his throat quietly after. "I did not request anything at the point of engaging the enemy on CDC Ave, no. I thought we had the ground situation well handled." Obviously, they had not. The target had been Force Sensitive. There had been no intelligence gathered nor shared of that to his knowledge, but that specific communication point was not on grand jury trial here.

"Thank you, sir." Berrezz kept his voice steady as he imparted to the monarch, though the prospect of legal action finally being brought to Breshig War Forge was breathtaking.

At first, the sensation was liberating, and then it was constricting.

A moment's notice was all the man's mind needed to weigh his options, to make his answer. Considering what the Illyrian had just done to Damsy, he expected the worst of lying. If she couldn't, he wanted to keep his title today. "...Yes, sir, I was."

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