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Approved Tech Chain Whip Lightsaber

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Image Source:]Darth Mawrok by Grrod
Intent: A lightsaber for Warok the Defiler
Development Thread: [URL=""]Z is for Ziost

Manufacturer: Ginnie Ordo
Model: Warok's Chain Whip Lightsaber
Affiliation: Warok the Defiler
Modularity: Can be alchemically altered.
Production: Unique
Material: Beskar, Diatium Power Cell, Focusing Lens, Emitter Shroud, Synth-Crystal
Classification: Whip-Saber
Size: One or Two-handed
Length: Total - 1.35m, Handle - 10cm, Chain - 100cm, Lightsaber - 25cm
Weight: 0.7kg
Special Features: Beskar construction is resistant to lightsabers, energy based weaponry and slug throwers.
While the idea came from the Ewok, it was Ginnie Ordo, the Mandalorian child, who crafted this item in her forge on Ziost using the same chains that had previously bound Warok in a slavers' camp.

The Chain Whip Lightsaber is a highly mobile weapon that allows for rapid attacks from unpredictable angles, enabling the wielder to wrap or attack around the opponent's guard. The wielder uses a style that is based off Ataru. The drawbacks are several, foremost among them being that in a prolonged engagement the wielder will soon tire as use of the weapon requires energetic full-body movements. The chain whip can also prove unwieldy in close quarters if one tries to use it in the traditional manner. Those who are not skilled in the use of the chain whip will find it difficult to control. It is not a weapon beginners can wield with any sort of deftness.

The lightsaber blade at 25cm in length is more of a Lightshoto or Lightdagger and is permanently affixed to the whip. However, even unlit the lightsaber's emitter head can prove a formidable weapon as it is constructed completely from beskar. A solid thump on the head at full force could crack a skull. The same goes for the handle.

Primary Source: N/A[/size]
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