And Everything is Blue, like him.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Cernun
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Cernunnos
Language: Cernun
Average height of adults: 1.7 - 2.3 meters
Skin color: Varies by individual
Hair color: Varies by individual
Breathes: I and II
(+) Strong in the Force: Much like the Vahla or the Sith Purebloods, every member of the Cernun species has Force Sensitivity to some degree.
(+) Empathetic: Similar to a Twi'lek or Nautolan's lekku/head tails, a Cernun's tail has the ability to sense pheromones and emotions.
(+) Strong lungs: Living on what is largely a thin-atmosphered planet, the Cernun have developed strong lungs. They are able to hold their breath for long periods of time.[/SIZE]
(+) Pheromones: The Cernun use pheromones to interact with each other when non-verbal communication is required. They also use it as a weapon against the minds of their enemies, often being able to overwhelm most people. The result can be anything from seduction (like a Zeltron) to a bad headache, depending both on the target and their connection to the Force. A non Force user will have only their willpower with which to fight the mental effects, but a Force User should, with a bit of skill, be able to easily reduce the effect of the pheromones to a vague tingling. Besides that, they also need to be in a state of either total euphoria or great danger in order to release them. The easiest way for a Cernun to be able to release their pheromones is basically to drink. A lot.
(-) Pheromones: Despite having pheromones of their own, the Cernun did not evolve resistance to those of other species, relying on them too much for communication. Basically, they're at the mercy of any Zeltron, Falleen, etc. that they can't overwhelm with their own scents.
(-) Tails are Important: Besides the aesthetic loss of damage to their tails, Cernun also use their tails to keep balance. The loss of one's tail will often send a Cernun mentally and literally reeling as they have to retrain themselves to function and fight without one.
(-) No night vision: It's typical to see Cernuns walking around with lightweight night-vision goggles, or even flashlights, as early as sunset.
(-) Barren - Although every Cernun is able to produce children, only one female in every hundred or so seems to actually get pregnant. As a result, wars take heavier tolls on the Cernun than other races. However, this also allows the population to remain relatively steady in times of prosperity, with rapid colonization not necessarily an immediate issue.
Distinctions: Although specifics vary, all Cernun have horns and a tail.
Average Lifespan: 500 to 1000 years[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Sandu: The most common of the Cernun subspecies, the Sandu are easily recognizable by the prominent horns that sweep out from the front or sides of their heads, as well as thicker tails than the other species. They are general rougher-skinned than members of the other two subspecies, but there are plenty of exceptions. Their pheromones are weaker than either of the other species, yet are usually more than enough to overwhelm most people.
Vadum: Relatively hard to find in cities, but easily found in large numbers in the small towns and villages that dot the forests and canyons of Cernunnos, the Vadum are recognizable by their elaborate (and often decorated) horns. They're typically much taller than a Xaris or Sandu, but lack a long enough tail to have the same graceful balance as the other two subspecies. Out of the three species, they have the strongest pheromones, but very rarely venture out of their settlements for long enough to wreak they havoc they are capable of.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Xaris: The rarest of the Cernun subspecies, with a total population of about six thousand. They make up the royal class of Cernun space, and often interbreed with Sandu and Vadum to maintain population. Their tails are thinner and furred, and their horns are less prominent. They have slightly less pheromone strength than the Vadum, but still tend to be able to mess with the Sandu enough to hold their loyalty and even affection.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Estimated Population: Common on several worlds of the Rishi Maze, practically nonexistent outside.
Diet: Can eat nearly anything, up to and including some kinds of reptile venom. However, most forms of metal are still toxic. A typical Cernun meal is composed of lots of meat and sweets. Lots of spice is present in the meat, with peppers being a staple in the diet of even the poorest Cernun. Starchy noodles, or some kind of sweetbread, are common as well.
Communication: Verbal, Telepathic, Pheromones
- Blood Swords: Every family has several swords made for their children. The Blood Sword is seen as part of one's being, and as a person's first and dearest possession. When a Cernun dies, their sword may be buried with their body, or be bequeathed to their closest relative. It is not unheard of for a well-trained warrior to wield as many as four or five swords at once. The most revered Cernun warrior of all time, the Apocalypse Lord, wielded nine Blood Swords from his dead ancestors.
Besides being a symbolic piece of an individual's soul, they are definitely forged for combat. The majority are hardened enough to block a lightsaber, and even temporary replacements are usually sharp and hard enough to cut through durasteel, if not as immediately. Skilled metalworkers are some of the richest people on the three planets ruled by the Cernun, and often achieve positions of power in local government.
All Blood Swords have names, usually discovered in some kind of Force vision by either the creator of the weapon, or its wielder, or sometimes both. One’s full name includes the names of each sword they wield, and with most people this is simply one or two extra words before the person’s surname.
- Revelry: Despite the amount of reverence shown to their weapons, the Cernun value personal enjoyment far above actual war. To outside observers, there is rhyme or reason to the parties and festivals that are often thrown by the local governments, seemingly for the hell of it. There is, in fact, a reason: because it’s fun. Cernun pride themselves on doing exactly what they think they will enjoy, and are typically encouraged to do so by their parents. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] A normal Cernun party can last from anywhere between a couple of days and a couple of weeks, depending on the occassion. "Holiday" is often a misnomer, as most major religious celebrations will merit festivals of astonishing scope and length. Of course, much of the population is highly modernized, and basically see religous events as excuses to dance around and make loud noises.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]- Servitude: With only one exception, the Cernun have never practiced true slavery of another species. When one person is somehow monetarily or politically indentured to another, any work done by the indentured party is usually considered return on their loan, whether ideological or monetary.[/SIZE]
- Religion: Although very rarely invoked in any serious sort of way by the urbanized groups of Cernun, they do have gods, or at least the theory of forerunner individuals . The most revered is Salk, master of the forge, and the creator of the first Blood Sword. Several of his works are displayed around the largest museums on Cernunnos, and are recognized as treasures of the empire, if not actual religious icons. All records indicate that Salk existed, but his own Blood Sword is long lost.
The really godly god of the Cernun people is Hyrel, who was sort of a patron of civilization, harvest god, and maniacal drunk in one. Most records of him describe his chasing down large animals to keep as pets, and drinking anything he could brew into liquid. His example is why the Cernun are such fervent party-goers and extroverts. His tenets mostly revolved around personal enjoyment and the practice of "battle euphoria". This is a state where the user's mind is wrapped so deeply in its own pheromones and endorphins that they are incapable of feeling most minor wounds.
- Holidays: There are exactly two times of the whole year where the incessant boozing and loud noises actually mean something. One is Salkensdom, which is a month of celebration of metalworking and the masters of the craft. Many apprentices are chosen for forges during that time, and a lot of contests of strength and combat take place. Parades, fireworks, and loud music abound. You want a party? Get yourself there.
The other major holiday is Hyrellion, a celebration of life in general. Depending on the region, Hyrellion can last up to three months. It consists of near-constant hunting parties and mock combats, as well as the running of large animals through various cities and settlements. The most entertaining, and also most dangerous, of these is the release of two hundred bulls into the capitol city of Cernunnos. Hundreds of Cernun take part in the contests to catch and/or eat them.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Technology level: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Spaceflight, holos, and the general trappings of a modern society. They don't have lightsaber crystals, or blasters, but they use highly destructive slug-guns and flak cannons, as well as high-end explosives.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]General behavior: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Cernun are loud, boisterous, and extroverted as a general rule. It's very rare to see a Cernun that's not laughing, eating, or drinking. But, when you see one get angry, you'd better run... Threats don't get made lightly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Being long-lived means that friendship -and hatred- last for a long, long time. In fact, the civil war that happened between the Xaris and the Vadum was based off a long-reaching insult about the wife of a Xaris war leader.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]History: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Cernun trace their roots as a loud, happy, luxurious, modernized society back to a sort of "warring states" period. They spent no less than nine thousand years acting out the rivalries between the Xaris and Vadum. It was during these conflicts that the Xaris became so devastated that it seemed they would be driven to extinction. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]But this changed when, during a major battle attended by almost half a million combatants, a large ship crashed into a nearby forest. The mark of a greater threat was grasped onto by the Xaris, and was readily accepted by the Sandu, who had been part of the rank and file. The Vadum, however, maintained that it was simply a sign that the war was meant to spread to the stars.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]However, the intervention of the snake-like Scal paused any further conflict between the two groups. They rampaged through Cernun settlements, pillaging and burning as they went. With such a threat from creatures formerly perceived as animals, the Xaris took charge and set to salvaging the wreckage of the crashed ship.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]It took them a century and near-enslavement to finally build guns and ground vehicles. After mowing down the Scal hordes, the Xaris and Sandu began to build larger and larger settlements, with an eye towards the stars.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Notable Player-Characters: Cobalt
Intent: To flesh out (another) sentient culture to interact with the Tenevi Order.[/SIZE]
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Cernunnos
Language: Cernun
Average height of adults: 1.7 - 2.3 meters
Skin color: Varies by individual
Hair color: Varies by individual
Breathes: I and II
(+) Strong in the Force: Much like the Vahla or the Sith Purebloods, every member of the Cernun species has Force Sensitivity to some degree.
(+) Empathetic: Similar to a Twi'lek or Nautolan's lekku/head tails, a Cernun's tail has the ability to sense pheromones and emotions.
(+) Strong lungs: Living on what is largely a thin-atmosphered planet, the Cernun have developed strong lungs. They are able to hold their breath for long periods of time.[/SIZE]
(+) Pheromones: The Cernun use pheromones to interact with each other when non-verbal communication is required. They also use it as a weapon against the minds of their enemies, often being able to overwhelm most people. The result can be anything from seduction (like a Zeltron) to a bad headache, depending both on the target and their connection to the Force. A non Force user will have only their willpower with which to fight the mental effects, but a Force User should, with a bit of skill, be able to easily reduce the effect of the pheromones to a vague tingling. Besides that, they also need to be in a state of either total euphoria or great danger in order to release them. The easiest way for a Cernun to be able to release their pheromones is basically to drink. A lot.
(-) Pheromones: Despite having pheromones of their own, the Cernun did not evolve resistance to those of other species, relying on them too much for communication. Basically, they're at the mercy of any Zeltron, Falleen, etc. that they can't overwhelm with their own scents.
(-) Tails are Important: Besides the aesthetic loss of damage to their tails, Cernun also use their tails to keep balance. The loss of one's tail will often send a Cernun mentally and literally reeling as they have to retrain themselves to function and fight without one.
(-) No night vision: It's typical to see Cernuns walking around with lightweight night-vision goggles, or even flashlights, as early as sunset.
(-) Barren - Although every Cernun is able to produce children, only one female in every hundred or so seems to actually get pregnant. As a result, wars take heavier tolls on the Cernun than other races. However, this also allows the population to remain relatively steady in times of prosperity, with rapid colonization not necessarily an immediate issue.
Distinctions: Although specifics vary, all Cernun have horns and a tail.
Average Lifespan: 500 to 1000 years[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Sandu: The most common of the Cernun subspecies, the Sandu are easily recognizable by the prominent horns that sweep out from the front or sides of their heads, as well as thicker tails than the other species. They are general rougher-skinned than members of the other two subspecies, but there are plenty of exceptions. Their pheromones are weaker than either of the other species, yet are usually more than enough to overwhelm most people.

Vadum: Relatively hard to find in cities, but easily found in large numbers in the small towns and villages that dot the forests and canyons of Cernunnos, the Vadum are recognizable by their elaborate (and often decorated) horns. They're typically much taller than a Xaris or Sandu, but lack a long enough tail to have the same graceful balance as the other two subspecies. Out of the three species, they have the strongest pheromones, but very rarely venture out of their settlements for long enough to wreak they havoc they are capable of.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Xaris: The rarest of the Cernun subspecies, with a total population of about six thousand. They make up the royal class of Cernun space, and often interbreed with Sandu and Vadum to maintain population. Their tails are thinner and furred, and their horns are less prominent. They have slightly less pheromone strength than the Vadum, but still tend to be able to mess with the Sandu enough to hold their loyalty and even affection.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Estimated Population: Common on several worlds of the Rishi Maze, practically nonexistent outside.
Diet: Can eat nearly anything, up to and including some kinds of reptile venom. However, most forms of metal are still toxic. A typical Cernun meal is composed of lots of meat and sweets. Lots of spice is present in the meat, with peppers being a staple in the diet of even the poorest Cernun. Starchy noodles, or some kind of sweetbread, are common as well.
Communication: Verbal, Telepathic, Pheromones
- Blood Swords: Every family has several swords made for their children. The Blood Sword is seen as part of one's being, and as a person's first and dearest possession. When a Cernun dies, their sword may be buried with their body, or be bequeathed to their closest relative. It is not unheard of for a well-trained warrior to wield as many as four or five swords at once. The most revered Cernun warrior of all time, the Apocalypse Lord, wielded nine Blood Swords from his dead ancestors.
Besides being a symbolic piece of an individual's soul, they are definitely forged for combat. The majority are hardened enough to block a lightsaber, and even temporary replacements are usually sharp and hard enough to cut through durasteel, if not as immediately. Skilled metalworkers are some of the richest people on the three planets ruled by the Cernun, and often achieve positions of power in local government.
All Blood Swords have names, usually discovered in some kind of Force vision by either the creator of the weapon, or its wielder, or sometimes both. One’s full name includes the names of each sword they wield, and with most people this is simply one or two extra words before the person’s surname.
- Revelry: Despite the amount of reverence shown to their weapons, the Cernun value personal enjoyment far above actual war. To outside observers, there is rhyme or reason to the parties and festivals that are often thrown by the local governments, seemingly for the hell of it. There is, in fact, a reason: because it’s fun. Cernun pride themselves on doing exactly what they think they will enjoy, and are typically encouraged to do so by their parents. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] A normal Cernun party can last from anywhere between a couple of days and a couple of weeks, depending on the occassion. "Holiday" is often a misnomer, as most major religious celebrations will merit festivals of astonishing scope and length. Of course, much of the population is highly modernized, and basically see religous events as excuses to dance around and make loud noises.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]- Servitude: With only one exception, the Cernun have never practiced true slavery of another species. When one person is somehow monetarily or politically indentured to another, any work done by the indentured party is usually considered return on their loan, whether ideological or monetary.[/SIZE]
- Religion: Although very rarely invoked in any serious sort of way by the urbanized groups of Cernun, they do have gods, or at least the theory of forerunner individuals . The most revered is Salk, master of the forge, and the creator of the first Blood Sword. Several of his works are displayed around the largest museums on Cernunnos, and are recognized as treasures of the empire, if not actual religious icons. All records indicate that Salk existed, but his own Blood Sword is long lost.
The really godly god of the Cernun people is Hyrel, who was sort of a patron of civilization, harvest god, and maniacal drunk in one. Most records of him describe his chasing down large animals to keep as pets, and drinking anything he could brew into liquid. His example is why the Cernun are such fervent party-goers and extroverts. His tenets mostly revolved around personal enjoyment and the practice of "battle euphoria". This is a state where the user's mind is wrapped so deeply in its own pheromones and endorphins that they are incapable of feeling most minor wounds.
- Holidays: There are exactly two times of the whole year where the incessant boozing and loud noises actually mean something. One is Salkensdom, which is a month of celebration of metalworking and the masters of the craft. Many apprentices are chosen for forges during that time, and a lot of contests of strength and combat take place. Parades, fireworks, and loud music abound. You want a party? Get yourself there.
The other major holiday is Hyrellion, a celebration of life in general. Depending on the region, Hyrellion can last up to three months. It consists of near-constant hunting parties and mock combats, as well as the running of large animals through various cities and settlements. The most entertaining, and also most dangerous, of these is the release of two hundred bulls into the capitol city of Cernunnos. Hundreds of Cernun take part in the contests to catch and/or eat them.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Technology level: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Spaceflight, holos, and the general trappings of a modern society. They don't have lightsaber crystals, or blasters, but they use highly destructive slug-guns and flak cannons, as well as high-end explosives.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]General behavior: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Cernun are loud, boisterous, and extroverted as a general rule. It's very rare to see a Cernun that's not laughing, eating, or drinking. But, when you see one get angry, you'd better run... Threats don't get made lightly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Being long-lived means that friendship -and hatred- last for a long, long time. In fact, the civil war that happened between the Xaris and the Vadum was based off a long-reaching insult about the wife of a Xaris war leader.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]History: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Cernun trace their roots as a loud, happy, luxurious, modernized society back to a sort of "warring states" period. They spent no less than nine thousand years acting out the rivalries between the Xaris and Vadum. It was during these conflicts that the Xaris became so devastated that it seemed they would be driven to extinction. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]But this changed when, during a major battle attended by almost half a million combatants, a large ship crashed into a nearby forest. The mark of a greater threat was grasped onto by the Xaris, and was readily accepted by the Sandu, who had been part of the rank and file. The Vadum, however, maintained that it was simply a sign that the war was meant to spread to the stars.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]However, the intervention of the snake-like Scal paused any further conflict between the two groups. They rampaged through Cernun settlements, pillaging and burning as they went. With such a threat from creatures formerly perceived as animals, the Xaris took charge and set to salvaging the wreckage of the crashed ship.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]It took them a century and near-enslavement to finally build guns and ground vehicles. After mowing down the Scal hordes, the Xaris and Sandu began to build larger and larger settlements, with an eye towards the stars.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Notable Player-Characters: Cobalt
Intent: To flesh out (another) sentient culture to interact with the Tenevi Order.[/SIZE]