Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Catronia Byrne

NAME: Catriona Byrne


RANK: None

SPECIES: Sarkhai

AGE: 18

SEX: Female



EYES: White

HAIR: Blue

SKIN: Pale White


Force powers: Cryokinesis, Force Push, Life Detection

Ice Queen: Catriona is capable of wielding her cryonic abilities far beyond her years. Creating huge walls of ice or manifesting snowstorms seemingly out of nowhere, given enough moisture exists in the air.

Wilderness Survivor: Having lived with a small group on the heavily forested planet of Sarkhai, Catriona learned to live off the land. She is better than most at pathfinding and foraging for her own food.

Weapons training: Hunting on Sarkai is usually done with bows and slugthrowers. Catriona's parents believed in training their children in the ways of the hunt. During this training she showed equal mastery in archery and rifle marksmanship. To this day she tends to carry a traditional recurve bow and a quiver of arrows in her pack.


Wild Magic: With force powers being a rarity among Sarkhai, no one was able to teach Catriona how to control her abilites. Ergo, she has a hard time manifesting specific powers when she needs them. Likewise, in times of duress Catronia can cause widespread havoc with her uncontrolled cryokinesis.

Pariah: Force sensitives are exceedingly rare among Sarkhai's inhabitanbts. Combine this with Catriona's lack of control, and she was shunned by most on her people. This, alongside her strict upbringing, causes her to be shy and reclusive.

Pauli Effect: Catronia has a strange knack for breaking sensitive equipment completely by accident. More than once machines have seemed to run afoul while she is around, whether this is due to incompetence or just plain bad luck is anyone's guess.

Standing at only 5'3 and weighing only 115 pounds, Catronia is fairly average sized for a Sarkhai woman. She prefers more conservative and practical clothing to dresses or gowns, and keeps her long white hair tied up in a bun. Possibly the most striking feature about her is the elaborate facepaint she wears. While the pattern changes every so often, it is most usually a V shaped series of lines going from her forehead down to chin.

Catronia was born to a fairly large family in the foothills of Sarkhai's northern continent. Her life was like any other poor forest child's until her twelveth birthday, when her force abilities first manifested during a hunt. An animal attacked them from behind, frightening Catronia and seperating her from her hunting party. As the beast chased her through the woods, she manifested a localized snowstorm. When the hunting party found her some hours later, they found her surrounded by ice. The creature which had been chasing her was evidently frozen solid by the sudden cold.

From that day on Catronia was kept from all further hunts with her community, shunned for her strange powers. From then on her parents kept her far away from prying eyes, afraid at how people may treat her. She spent the next four years helping her family on their small patch of land within the forest. It was only because of wanderlust that Catronia would venture away from home, sneaking out at night and into the nearby town.

Eventually she heard tales of another Sarkhai with otherworldly powers from days of old. This emboldened Catronia to begin planning her escape. She wanted to control her gifts, become something more than the monster some of her people branded her as. However, to do that required her search other planets for those with gifts similar to hers. Her only choice was to leave her home planet in search of a teacher strong in the ways of the force.




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