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Dominion Catharian Dominion of Bogo Rai : War of the Blue Diamond


The battle between these two immensely powerful force users had culminated in an event that would shake the ground, and soon blot out the sky for weeks to come. Xzaien stood idle as she watched the now battered Light-Sider stand himself back up. At least 60% of his body was coated with black charring that smelled horribly even from this distance. But, the force seemed to give this Light-sider a bit more punch to his abilities as the moment he connected eyes with Xzaien, he shot upwards unsheathing his green lightsaber and literally diving head first at Xzaien. He would land a few meters infront of her and would charge screaming at her lightsaber raised over his head in a Form IV. He'd bring it down over Xzaien's head with a mighty yell, which pierced the ears of each Catharian Army Trooper or Chiss Irregular nearby. It would be a fruitless attempt to bring down the Dark-sider, as his blow was caught swiftly by Xzaien's force saber. A great speaking of electricity, and energy would soon surround them as Xzaien's eyes glowed the color of blood red.

The Lightsider would soon engage the Dark-sider with a lightsaber, twirling about his saber in an attempt to get Xzaien's defenses to open up. Failing every which way. Xzaien on the otherhand, was seen flipping and doing this large acrobatic leaps and spins in an attempt to rend the Light-sider's head off his shoulders. Despite the age difference between the two, they seemed to be roughly equally matched in lightsaber combat, but in the force. Xzaien far surpassed this foolish Light-sider in almost every way. And soon, pushed the Jedi onto his defensive, with him trying hard to deflect, riposte, and parry Xzaien's onslaught. Meanwhile, around them the swirling of an Infantry Melee met its greatest point as hundreds of both Army Troops and Chiss fought it out with teeth, fists, knives, and blasters. A brutal series of events, far surpassing the savagery of even the Clone Wars. This brutal battle would show what the Chiss had in store for them if they would resist the power of the Catharian Hegemony. Certain death.

Around them, the Chiss Troops were soon routed with the route to the Capitol building clear as day for the Catharian Advance. With a mighty shout of triumph massive waves of Catharian Space Marines, Space Troopers, Army Troops, and members of the Catharian Telepathica. These Telepaths were no where near as powerful as the ones that had accompanied Xzaien earlier, but yet their skills with the lightsaber, and destructive force abilities showed shock and awe to all before them.


Meanwhile, the battle between the force users finally slammed to a close. Xzaien had grappled with this Jedi, and threw his arms up and subsequently amputated both of this Jedi's hands. Leaving him defenseless and at the mercy of Xzaien's force-saber. Even on the ground his cries of anger or pain subsided and he seemingly returned to a calmed state. As he knelt before Xzaien, he peered up at her. Smiling. He'd let out a few coughs as his earlier grave wounds got back to him before looking up and speaking at her.

"I'll return. I will-- Please. My last request to you is to not kill them. I'm sorry it had to come to this Padawan."

And with that, He'd bow his head at Xzaien, but not before he was lifted into the air and subsequently. A massive swirling of Dark-Side force energy surrounded him. In a few moments lightning would soon begin to swirl around him, it blood red in coloration. As Xzaien conjured up this horrible eternal prison. The Army Troopers watched this display as she almost literally sucked the life from this Jedi. With his screams of pain echoing across the battle-field and the force itself. Sending a ripple throughout the galaxy. After a few minutes, the sky blackened, and horrendous lightning storms would begin as the moon soon was blotted out by this new Force Storm.

After all was said and done, Xzaien allowed the remains of the Jedi to fall. His corpse would clatter to the floor, dessicated and mummified as Red energy surrounded Xzaien's body before finally absorbing itself into her. The Jedi was no more, and his life force now served to enhance Xzaien's already potent powers.

All until another Jedi entered the field of Battle. Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill stood a few meters away from her on the same hill of dust, bones, and rubble.
Xzaien Xzaien

"I'm too late," said Quill through numb lips. The dead Jedi's lightsaber shot to his free hand, leaving him with two sabers. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying for peace or something like it.

"Who was he? What did you do to him?"

Normally he wasn't one for talking, at all, but this moment felt significant in ways he didn't have the context to understand. The death had seemed...personal.

He still kept both sabers active, questions or no questions.
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As Xzaien looked to the now desiccated corpse of the formerly alive Jedi Master, some kind of secret revealed itself with Xzaien. Something extreme, with no going back after this moment. She had literally absorbed, and then completely destroyed her former Master's soul and quite literally created something worse within her. Something that could literally kill millions. Nevertheless, Xzaien reached behind her and removed something from it. A Mask, a very old mask. One used by the Prodigal Knight of old in his path to destroy the Jedi, and then to attempt to destroy Lord Vitiate all those millennia go.

Xzaien pushed the mask out to her right briefly before assuming a position. Imbuing it with the power of the Dead Jedi she had just killed. A massive swirling of Dark Energy surrounded by Xzaien, the mask and the Jedi Master who had just appeared. Literally shocking the mask with her own force lightning as the Jedi Watched on. Soon, the mask fell to the ground with swirling masses of Dark-Side power surrounded it.


It soon congregated into an Amorphous form, a head taller than Xzaien. With the mask where the face would be in this humanoid form. After a few moments it had seemingly formed fully into a black form of of the Old Jedi Revan. Everything was present, Cloak, Hood, etc. All a few shades darker than typical except for the mask which hovered in this energy as it formed from an amorphous gender-less creature to one almost literally borne from the force itself. It reached out a hand, and Xzaien responded by gripping a old light saber from her belt and allowing it to fly into this bastardization of the Force's black smoking hand. It gripped it, and ignited the blade and gave it a nice skillful flourish, letting the purple blade fill in the color of his black robes. It didn't speak, only stood there as if entralled by some kind of spell.

Xzaien turned and mournfully spoke.

"He was my Master. A long time ago, he was the person that doomed me to die on Malachor. Who forgot about my very existance because he wished to save his own skin. I killed him now, because he was the last piece of my past that I wanted gone, and now. He serves a greater purpose that he did before. I seek no quarrel with you Jedi. Only him."

Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill
Xzaien Xzaien
"I'm sure you've suffered," Quill said, "but you understand that killing a Jedi Master won't earn you any friends among the Jedi. Invading Bogo Rai, even less so. The indiscriminate bloodshed I've seen on this world is beyond anything in the galaxy short of a visit from a Bryn'adul horde."

He kept both sabers up - his, and the weapon of the dead Jedi.

"You've had your vengeance. Leave this planet in peace. End the butchery."
"The war was announced and declared officially prior to this invasion. Representatives from both sides met and all demands from the Catharian Hegemony were refused. The War of the Blue Diamond, fully intents to end in the annexation of the Chiss Ascendency and the creation of the bulwark against the Forces of Chaos, and the Bryn Adul."

"I have ordered my followers to prevent Civilian casualties, at all costs and only focus on the Military Personnel. Look around Master Jedi. The Battle of over, the Chiss are already beginning to surrender on this world. My Master is dead, and now he serves a greater purpose."

All around Xzaien and the Jedi, entire platoons of surrendering Chiss Irregulars can be seen emerging from their hidey holes. Seemingly, a call of surrender has been given to the local Chiss Troops, at least on this side of the City. They walked in a small group toward the Catharian Troops. Hands straight up in the air, and their rifles dropped at their feet. The Catharian Troops were seen marching up, and taking these Irregulars into custody.

Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill
Xzaien Xzaien

"Don't pretend this is anything more than a conquest for your own glory," Quill snapped. "The Bryn'adul are eighty thousand light-years away, clear on the other side of the Sith Empire. And whatever directives you've given to protect civilians, you're deranged if you seriously believe you can conduct mass urban warfare on the Chiss worlds without gigantic collateral damage. No, I see no reason to believe you."

He grimaced and deactivated the sabers.

"But you've won the planet. That much was clear when I started walking. I could attack you now, try to cut off your conquest, but I don't know that I would accomplish anything. The Force suggests this isn't the moment. Don't ask me why."
In the city, Xzaien's Space Marines could be heard shouting. Loud enough for the Jedi to hear. Among this shouting, the Space Marines would seemingly push a large column of prisoners from the nearest Chiss Prison with the race of the majority of those in the column being male Weequay. Every single one of them had their hands up, and they were moved up in the middle of the battle-wrecked square. From behind Xzaien, a large platoon sized element of Catharian Army Troopers would appear to march up and take up a firing line just in-front of this gaggle of Criminals.


Every single man of this platoon sized element wore Gasmasks and carried weapons that could blast an entire humanoid being into atoms. What was odd, was that almost none of them wore any sort of proper armor save for what could pass as their leader, who wore finely crafted Durasteel breastplate which covered his upper chest. The Officer in charge was of course, wearing a torn greatcoat, and his mask was off. Revealing his Human face. Clean shaven, and dirtied from battle, with his Gasmask draped over his sternum. In his hand, he held a Blaster Pistol, and on his hip. Sheathed, sat a Vibrosword.

The line of Infantrymen was quite large, and each of them stood silently in-front of the group of Prisoners with their blaster-rifles held in a parade type hold. The Space Marines stood off to one side, with their weapons of light and fire, aimed at this group of prisoners. Soon, The Commander of the Platoon of Troopers stepped forward with a sheet of paper. He'd read off it briefly.

"Prisoners of the Chiss Ascendency. In correlation with Catharian Court of Law. I ask that those skilled in Marshall matters step forward. Skilled Workers, Step forward. Doctors, Step forward."

A small conglomerate of individuals stepped forward. With only one or two of them being Weequays. The rest were either Human, or other alien species. Meanwhile, the Commander continued as a small group of Space Marines escorted them away and behind a few buildings.

"For the rest of you, as with the Autocrat, and all her Glory. You are sentenced to death, with the charges of: "Conspiracy, Prisonership, and the lack of redemption characterized by a "Life of Crime.""

The moment the Commander mentioned: "Death" one or two tried to run, but were subsequently shot down by Catharian Space Marines. The rest looked on, afraid for what the next moment would entail. In an extrmely brutal means of waging war, in unison the Catharian Army Troopers took their weapons and immedietly started fireing upon the group of prisoners. Killing all of them in a rays of fire. After all was said and done. These prisoners were all dead.

Xzaien on the otherhand nodded slowly as the Jedi spoke. She made an attempt to speak:

"Leave, and let us deal with this next war unmolested. It is our fight, not the Republic's Or Jedi's."
Xzaien Xzaien

Quill winced as another wave of terrified death rolled over him from not too far away.

"I'm not with the Republic. I'm not political or strategic. If I come back, politics will have nothing to do with it. It's about murder and conscience and what the Force asks of me. What it requires."

Unlit sabers in hand, he turned and started walking away. He felt a lot of unfriendly eyes on his back. Maybe she would take the final word.
Xzaien nodded in respect of the Jedi Master. Her Thrall, switched off his Lightsaber and hid it someplace in his amorphous form.

In a final means of saying farewell. Xzaien spoke again.

"That is seems Master Jedi, That it seems."



'Spades' had appeared with his squad, a few meters from Xzaien. In his hands he held the Papers of Unconditional Surrender, alongside a motley crew of Chiss Aristocrats which followed behind. The Aristocrats had the expression of deep sadness, and disgust at having to sign surrender papers of Bogo-Rai. Yet then, it was truly certain that the Battle for Bogo-Rai had now ended in a Catharian Victory and now, the Chiss Ascendancy was one step closer to Unconditional Surrender. Spades had his squad drum up an improvised table made from an armor plate of a destroyed Chiss Hover-tank, and Chairs stolen from the local bakery. As the Chiss Aristocrats sat down, Spades watched on for Xzaien to issue the terms of surrender.

Xzaien took her seat upon one of the poorly made plastic chairs, Spades had drawn up for her and the Aristocrats to sit on. The Aristocrats numbered five. The man who sat down, and had the entire group of Aristocrats stand was no one other than the Governor for Bogo-Rai. He was dirtied, and had this dour expression written all across his aged blue face. Meanwhile, the paper was passed infront of him, alongside a pen by one of Spade's squad. He looked up toward Xzaien, his body language smitten with "Submissive" as he waited for Xzaien to speak.

"Governor. As following with Galactic Concordance of the Anaxis War Commandments. I issue to you a demand for unconditional surrender of Bogo-Rai, Surrender of its Military Forces and Garrison, the dismantlement of the Chiss Government, The resignation of you and your compatriots, and the surrendering of Bogo-Rai's Civilian and Military Populace to the Catharian Hegemony."

Of course, Xzaien knew that the Governor had no chance at all to negotiate as he would simply be shot dead and the planet fall to Xzaien anyway, but he did not speak. Only he gripped the pen, and shakily put the tip of it to the table as the battle soon ended around him, causing the night to fall into a deafening silence which gripped him. With a fluid series of pen strokes. He wrote his name at the bottom of the page. Sealing the fate of the Chiss Ascendancy's Hold of Bogo-Rai and the establishment of a Catharian Viceroyalty.

The Battle for Bogo-Rai had ended in an astounding decisive victory for Catharian Forces. The Hold of Bogo-Rai was broken, and the pathway to the Chiss Home-world now lay open and ready for the taking. The Battle for Bogo-Rai was over, and now the War of the Blue Diamond would now continue to rage across the Unknown Regions, with the Chiss Army and Catharian Army locked in a all-or-nothing battle to secure or liberate territory.

Later, once Quill and his few refugees were safely away from Bogo Rai, he tried to quiet his troubles. He had plenty to quiet. More than most, this venture - the brutality, the moral choices, the fact that he'd arrived too late to save the other Jedi - had challenged his equilibrium.

He took some time in his ship's hold, once others' needs were met. The nameless Jedi Master's lightsaber resonated sadly for him. He knelt on the deck and levitated the hilt between his hands. The Force might see fit to grant him an impression of the Jedi who had carried it - his history, his name. Something to remember his sacrifice once Quill brought his lightsaber to an appropriate place.

Xzaien Xzaien OOC/ Open to whatever details you had in mind about the Jedi you killed.
OOC: Ah that's the plan. I'll bump it to 35.

A battle. A entire battle occurring in his sleep. And not just any battle, an entire conflict of the control of the planet.

Sir Orionus came to Bogo Rai for a drink and to lick his wounds. After facing a unfamiliar sort of adventure, the retired bounty hunter wanted rest.

That wasn't going to happen, as he fired his rifle on several Catharian soldiers. Each shot giving more time for some refugees to board his ship. He wasn't for politics, but from his view the "Catharian Hegemony" were the current aggressors. Whoever they were.

Salling enough time to save what he could, Orionus made a break for his ship. Running and slaying as much as a old Hunter could, he noticed Xzaien Xzaien forcing some poor official to sign. Urges were to rain hell among them, but the refugees were more important right now.

Entering his transport, he left the war torn planet in search of a safer area. After all being alone sounded quite nice right about now.

Meanwhile. As the Jedi hermit sat mediating onboard of his ship. Which somehow didn't receive any sort of resistance from Catharian Warships in orbit. Likely because of the signing of the surrender of the Chiss Garrison planetside. It was strange, as any other vessel attempting to leave orbit was simply blasted to atoms and left as a monument as to what great battle had occured here.

Even then Quill would feel the sufferings of the hundreds of millions of Chiss civilians, troopers, and other personnel on Bogo'Rai as with the same amount of suffering for the Catharian Forces who were previously engaged on the ground. Surely in the next coming months, a Vice-royalty would be put into place and all facets of the Chiss Culture would be eradicated or adsorbed into the growing Catharian Hegemony. If the rumors were anything to go by, as with what he had witnessed. Catharian Troops were vehemently about the eradication of any sort of criminal seen inside of the vast Chiss Prisons on world. Simply, line them up and blast them to pieces. It was rough, and awfully similar to what the Sith Empire would do. But, it would be effective in culling criminal activity immediately after a battle of this size.

However, the lightsaber of the Fallen-Jedi as it presented itself to Master Quill was of an extremely ancient pattern of lightsaber used by Jedi Battle-Masters during the Great Sith Wars with the newly formed Empire headed by long-dead Dark Jedi Exar Kun. It was made of a once extremely exquisite silver plated design which once would have looked immensely pretty but now it had fallen into disrepair. The crystal was visible, Green in coloration. And echoed with the light-side of the force. Yet, it had this taint to it. As Quill meditated with it, allowing it to float over his head and around him in a circle. He was presented with a vision.

The vision started, allowing Quill to literally see into the past. The first vision was of some youngling creating his first lightsaber in the Jedi Ship, the Crucible. It can be inferred that this youngling was infact, the Jedi Master who Quill saw literally form into some daemonic entity. The vision would give off the aura of warmth, and hope for the future. With that, a sudden and jarring switch of scenery would occur.

This time, Quill would be looking out through the eyes of a much older Jedi now. He stood in a small village in the middle of rolling grassy fields directly next to what looked to be a slow flowing river. Not a tree was in sight, but there were mountains just barely jutting above the horizon. A rolling field of green. Directly in-front of him, stood a Cathar Woman, with what could be thought to be her husband. Just in her arms, was a single Cathar Cub. As the Jedi moved closer, moving aside the cloth which covered the Cub's face. He would be presented with a chilling visage. It was of Xzaien's face. Pale furred, with pure light blue eyes. But, she would bear almost no resemblance to her Mother and Father, as they were both Brown Furred. Was this a coincidence? However, the vision would warp.

Next, the vision changed to a rolling battlefield. Surely, this was one of the great wars of the Great Sith Wars, of columns of Jedi and Sith battling it out. Fires burned around the Jedi, and he was locked into a deadly melee with one of the Sith Warriors. Eventually disarming, and then clefting the poor Sith Warrior in two with his Green lightsaber.

The vision would change again, It was the same village as was in the second vision. This time, a slightly older Xzaien stood about waist height surrounded by her parents. Easily estimated to be six years old. Still again, there was no sign of any dark-taint in Xzaien's face just a pure happy child. However, what happened next was that the Jedi's followers immediately went to trying to drag Xzaien off to join the Jedi. With her parents pleading to keep her still. This vision would fade, and would be replaced by another.

This vision saw the Jedi in question during the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator during the Mandalorian wars. All around this Jedi, his Troopers and Jedi followers were all crushed as the Mass Shadow Generator caused Malachor to literally implode in on itself. Even to this day, Quill could feel the call of Malachor. The call of the dead. Surely, this was the event which caused this unknown Jedi Master to attempt to stop the Dark-Side at all costs.

The Vision would change once more. This time, a series of terrifying visions of a Woman in Red, with black markings killing millions. Skulls, bodies, all sorts of terrifying visions of death and destruction would permeate this section of force-visions. A deep foreboding darkness. An ancient evil. But as quick as these visions came. They faded, and presented Quill with a serene picture-esque view of the Chiss Homeworld Csillia. All seemed to be safe, and happy with thousands of blue-skinned individuals going about their days on the streets. The vision would pan sideways and upwards, coming to the bottom of a flagpole before panning upwards. Stopping at the image of a Black Dragon cradling an Earth-Like Planet in its talons, in a sea of black. But before then, the image would fade. Leaving Quill alone with the lightsaber in his hands.
Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill


Meanwhile... on the ground the hostilities were only just wrapping up. Thousands of both Chiss Soldiers and Catharian Troopers could be seen walking toward each-others line. With the Catharian Forces proclaiming that the Battle of Bogo-Rai was ended and that the Chiss must surrender by order of their Governor Regent. In a response, the Commander of both the Chiss Forces and Catharian Forces met in the middle of the war-torn body amongst the corpses of thousands of both Chiss and Catharian Dead. And they just, shook hands. The Chiss would soon rally out from their trenches. Weapons dropping as they left them to join their commander in the long-march to a POW Camp. Of course, no one spoke. But the Chiss in that column knew that the War of the Blue Diamond was lost. With a defeat as crushing as this. Little hope stood for the declining Chiss Ascendency. But now, the bloodshed on Bogo-Rai was over and they could now go in peace.

Sadly, in other portions of the City, many pockets of determined Chiss Resistance would remain. Only a few echoing shots of blaster fire in the alleys and buildings. Only when the sun came up, did the fighting finally end. Bogo-Rai, Was now in Catharian Hands. However, the relative peace of the early morning was interrupted as Sir Orionus Sir Orionus ambushed a Patrol of Catharian Troopers looking for Chiss Survivors. Of course, he hit two out of four of them before ducking away into cover and allowing a single dropship full of refugees escape off world. Those two hit would be shot down, and would fall backwards. But not before scrambling like a mad cat for cover. It seems Catharian Armor was effective at what it did. Stopping Blaster Bolts. Meanwhile, as Orionus ran through the streets, literally pushing aside columns of surrendering Chiss Irregulars. His ship was in sight, and of course he made his way to it. With the Chiss calling to him to "Give up and Surrender."

He would escape untouched. His ship being allowed to leave planet under the guise of fleeing Chiss Civilians.

What would come of him next would be his choice. Go back and try to fix what Xzaien broke, or leave forever. If Orionus knew anything about the Catharian Hegemony. They would lock up this planet tighter than a Banking Clan Shareholder. Surely there were a few more lost refugee's that needed guiding.

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