Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Catch up

"You promised," she stressed, plying at Zaavik's arm as she lead him into a training room. His discomfort with Vesta's estate bothered her, but they had no other option. Either they could train in the cramped, disheveled corner of his ship or they could train here-- In an empty space void of masters and orders and broken ship parts. It was a no brainer, really.

While she had tried to entertain his discomfort with frequent trips into the city and several nights in that spice-tarnished ship, some things just made more sense. He understood that, and each time he began to relax a little more into their situration, her chest grew a little lighter.

Today she was nearly bubbly, a pep to her step as she closed the door behind them. It was rare to see her so openly excited, but her interest in his force specialty was no secret. He had always been a step above her.

That would soon change.

"Okay." She shucked off her cloak and multiple sabers-- one from Vesta and one she could still not light-- and began to roll up her sleeves. "What's first? Choke holds or invisa stuff? Or pins, or data corruption. Or--" Problem was, he had mastered a lot more than her.

He was a knight.

Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl
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