Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Catch Up Patch Up

I met him with Eli a while back.


Then I beat him up on a private beach.


She had questions of her own now, but Iris was insistent on her interrogation, and it wasn’t hard to distract Amani with talk of the Count.

“I-” She chuckled again, finding some amusement in Iris’ cutely innocent curiosity, “Yes, it’s ‘fun’. We went out to Monument Plaza just the other day.” Amani paused and bit her lip in thought, trying to find the right words, “It’s not like anything else. Finding someone you really care about like that, and who cares about you the same way. Not just as friends. It’s hard to put into words but… it’s really special.” She grinned back at Iris. Hopefully that was something she could have herself one day.



"Oohh Monument Plaza! I dunno what that is, but it sounds fun!" Iris hummed a little, nodding her head to what Amani said next. Yeah, that made sense. Something truly special.

"You sleep with him yet?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys
"It's not far from here actually. Still had to take a cab, but- It's got some nice shops and restaurants around it." She nodded. If nothing else it at least had something unique to offer in comparison to the rest of Coruscant's duracrete jungle.

"You sleep with him yet?"

If Amani had been drinking something she would have done a spit-take. Instead she just ended up choking on air, and filling what would otherwise be awkward silence with a fit of awkward, forced coughs, "No! I mean- what? Ugh-" Was that even something she wanted to, or should be divulging to this teenager? Too late now, she already had, yet again by accident. Iris was about the last person she expected to come in swinging with that question.

"Hrmmmm…" She made an effort to recompose, and squinted at the girl in front of her; Peering at her as if Iris had been intentionally playing Amani into her hands the whole time. She resigned to a smirk, and another roll of her eyes, "We are.. taking things slow for now. Technically, Monument Plaza was our first date date. But we've been together for a bit longer than that." The two reasonings were however unconnected. Their lack of outings had more to do with time constraints than anything else.



Iris tilted her head to the side. Confusion really, at why Amani was choking on air. Had somethin- No, no. The colors said something else about it all. Amani was embarrassed. Why? Why did s- oh. It was Iris's turn to be embarrassed, especially as Amani started to explain them going slow. "I just meant- I um- Actually sleeping. Isn't that what couples do? Y'know, sleep in the same bed? I just- Heh, Wanted to make fun of him if he was a snorer, heh."

Well at least she knew the other question sh ehad no intention of asking. She rubbed the back of her neck, glancing off. "That um, that sounds nice, at least."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
"I just meant- I um- Actually sleeping. Isn't that what couples do? Y'know, sleep in the same bed? I just- Heh, Wanted to make fun of him if he was a snorer, heh."

Amani's eyelid twitched. Somehow, that made a lot more, and a lot less, sense, "...Oh." She shut her eyes in a moment of introspection, and drew out a long sigh. "Well- we don't live together right now..." An indirect, and misleading answer to Iris' actual question. She had stayed the night with him once at his apartment on Alderaan.

"That um, that sounds nice, at least."

"Yuh huh." Amani rubbed the space between her brows, then laughed again. It was a little awkward, but harmless. She was able to find the humor in it anyway, "Yes, it is. Everyone goes at their own pace."



Iris eventually just laughed herself, with Amani. It'd been a long time since she last could actually talk to another girl like this. Ever since Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren left, anyway. She finally leaned back and away from literally falling out of her seat with all this new information.

"I'm really not sure what a pace is. Aren't you scared? You could die. We all could, as Jedi. How do you handle that?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys
“Just like, how quick you want to take things. Some people want to take it slow, some people are okay with moving things a little faster.” She shrugged, then found herself taken aback by the padawan’s follow-up, “Gee,” Amani puffed, “That’s a hell of a question, Iris.” This girl had a strange way of hitting her with the unexpected.

She transitioned from her stool seat and slid onto the exam table beside Iris. Her mouth hung open as she tried to find the words. Amani seemed to take it with a sense of gravitas, hoping to actually impart something on the other girl, “...Sure. It is scary. It’s terrifying. But… living constantly in fear of death isn’t really a life, you know? That’s why you have to actually enjoy yourself. Do things you wanna, spend time with people you care about. And then, if you really do… die… then at least you can say you got the chance to do those things, and be with those people.” She smiled sadly.

“In that sense it’s really not much different from considering others in your life. Like you said we could all die. Being a Jedi is dangerous. How do you handle that? When it comes to Valery, or Kai, or… whoever. Y’know?”



"Mm, that's true, I guess." No, Iris didn't really get it. Not fully. Then again, she'd never lost someone. Not permanently. She knew death was usually final, but there were just some things that were hard to understand without experiencing them.

"I don't think about it. But being in a relationship is about thinking on all kinds of things, right?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani shrugged, “Sure. It’s a commitment. One that’s built on trust, and honesty, and intimacy, and love… and pretty much everything. So yeah actually, there’s a lot to think about.” Where was she going with this?

“But it goes both ways, so you can support each other.” She threw up an arm and let it plop back down beside her, “I’ll be honest Iris I’m not exactly an expert on these things. I still feel like I’m figuring it out sometimes. My time with Alicio is the most I’ve actually been involved in something this committed. But- I can already say it’s one of the best things that’s happened to me.” Amani blushed a bit, and tried to hide it behind her hand. For a relationship that was ‘going slow’, her fondness for the Count seemed quite devoted.

“Everything?” Amani snickered, “Maybe note everything, but, alright…”

“We met on Tython, like I said. After the refugee camp relocated and resettled,”
She avoided mentioning the Sith attack directly, knowing that Iris’ experience with the event was decidedly less than enjoyable. “He helped me wrap up a few cases at the end of the night and… we talked and… we hit it off I guess… I actually kissed his cheek as a goodbye, after he walked me back to my tent.” The mirialan grinned at the thought. Nothing had come of it by then, but that kiss ended up being the start of something much greater.

“That same night he invited me to go see a garden they were building in Sanctuary City, on Alderaan,” A beat, then she clarified, “I dunno if he ever talked about them to you, but they’re these min-ecosystems dedicated to different planets. Planets that have been, well…” Damaged, destroyed even. It was becoming all too common an occurrence in the galaxy. “Anyway, they were making one for Tython, which is my home planet.”

“There was this whole fair in celebration, we spent the entire day there, and at night we finally went to the garden. And then Iiii… kissed him.”
Amani giggled like a schoolgirl, having now lost herself to the romantic vision being replayed in her mind. “Nowww… here we are.“ She cleared her throat, and tried to regain at least some professional composure.



Iris smiled fondly, nodding her head. It all sounded wonderful. Everything about it. Like her romance holos, just about. She scooted back onto the bed, bringing her knees to her chest as she closed her eyes and just imagined what it all was like. "That sounds really sweet. You kissed him first, though, huh? Both times? Sounds like you're setting the pace yourself, really." She teased, peeking open an eye with a grin.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
"Mhm!" Amani concurred. She watched Iris look away, and offered a sympathetic smile, "I like to think it will."

The healer scooted over beside Iris, and reached over to bring her in for a side hug. All this take gave her a warm feeling inside, "You'll get something like that for yourself one day. I'm rooting for ya." Be it with Kai, or someone else.

"Well you got time. But whatever it is that you want, you'll find it." Iris was young, with a vibrant life ahead of her. There was no telling what discoveries she might make about herself, "Who knows." She echoed.

"I'm glad we had this chat," Amani patted the girl's shoulder, "If you ever need someone to take on the role of 'cool older sister' again, just let me know." She chuckled before letting go of her hold on Iris.



Older sister?

Iris blinked for a moment, seeming to really think about that. Then looked up to Amani as she pulled away. The faintest smile formed as she nodded. Agreeing. "If I ever had an older sister, I'd hope she was like you."

Then she hopped up. Flexed her arm a little just to test it out.

"You say hi to Alicio for me. And that I hope he's keeping up on his drills. The next tiem we spar I want him to stay on his feet." No laugh about that. She was nodded once, very serious about it. Then turned to leave. "Thanks for checking in."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani gasped at how endearing Iris’ sentiment was, only for her to casually hop up right after, “Awwwmygosh are you kidding? You can’t just say that and not get another hug,” She stood and pulled the padawan into a full embrace, “I never had any siblings of my own, but I’d be glad to call you my little sister.” Who needs blood relation or legal paperwork? Overrated.

“I will.” She let go after a few moments, “Even taught him a few moves already. Hopefully he keeps them in mind,” A soft laugh as she watched Iris prepare to leave, “Anytime.”



Iris blinked in surprise, but she wasn't about to deny another hug. She happily returned it, hugging Amani close. nodding in agreement. Blood relatives? Legal paperwork? Iris didn't even know what those were. Literally had no idea what any of that meant. Probably should learn, at some point. Maybe soon. But hey! She flashed a grin as Amani pulled back, nodding her approval.

"Good. I'll see you later!"

Then, with a wave, she was gone.

Amani Serys Amani Serys

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