Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Casting the Pall

Kitsune was waiting. Patiently: a rare sight for a Goddess who executed tardy or inefficient members of society on a pragmatic whim. Supposedly this galactic character, [member="Judas Zambrano"], had created a company of sorts similar to the line of work of the Izanami Ironworks: weapons and armors. A common sight in the galaxy, but this company originated from the Shadow Dynasty itself. Interested in the technological developments within the Shadow Dynasty, Kitsune waited aboard the ISS Mikoshi.

Patiently, but not for long. She heard rumors of the Zambrano family; a despicable lot from what she heard, creatures of lust and vice like those of plague-infected rats. They spawned, they spread, and they infested... All Kitsune hoped was for the meeting to be abrupt, and that she would have something to gain.
Disembarking his light freighter in the ISS Mikoshi's hanger Judas was met by one of the people tasked with leading him to Kitsune. Today Judas was dressed at his best... Like every other day of his life. He may have despised his childhood, but he didn't despise looking good or clean. Especially when it came to business such as this. He was here to meet with Kitsune due to what he had heard about her business dealings with The Shadow Dynasty. There was no reason for the two to compete with each other when they could collaborate for the betterment of the faction. Brushing down his brown hair with his hand Judas made sure the bangs were straight and that his right eye was covered. His left on the other hand was full for everyone to see so they could know that he was not just a typical business man. He did the dirty work that the Shadow Dynasty wanted done beneath the table, and he enjoyed it.

When he walked into the room where he was to meet [member="Kitsune"] the first thing he did was smile and walk to her. Taking a knee before Kitsune, Judas would bow his head placing his lips against the back of her hand before rising to his feet. His point was to show that even a Zambrano had manners even though they were far and few between. "Good evening mam, it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance."
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

Kitsune was honestly surprised by Judas's formal behavior. She simply nodded, not expressing this emotion in any way. She sensed with the Force that Judas possessed a vaguely positive aura and posed no real threat, and immediately relaxed her arms. Not that Judas could really see this relaxation, due to Kitsune's loose kimono. She simply took a sip her tea and proceeded to address him.

"Welcome to the ISS Mikoshi, Mr. Zambrano. I am pleased to meet you as well." Kitsune stated formally, not rising from her seat and simply bowing her head slightly at an angle. Rather than a diplomatic disposition, Kitsune seemed more regal than most and this was obviously displayed through her splendor and wealth that adorned her simply, but extremely expensively, decorated room. The wood was of the highest quality and finest craftsmanship. Everything was adorned in platinum and even the paper Kitsune used offhandedly was hand made by paper making masters of the Inari Shogunate. Of course, behind this traditional and feudal visage was an immense amount of hidden cutting edge innovations which made the room not only beautiful but extremely functional.

KItsune nodded and stated, "What is your business with the Inari Shogunate and its affiliated company, Izanami Ironworks?"
The exuberance of the room did not go unnoticed to Judas, this was a place fit for a king or queen. Everything had a sense of wealth to it, as though it was handpicked for the women that sat before him. Even Kitsune looked as though she were a diamond in the rough. Her eyes were what captivated Judas most because they were close to the same color as his. "And quite a welcome it is. This quite a inspiring ship. If only mines was like this." Judas said referring to his own spy ship that had been built for him by The Shadow Dynasty. It was stripped of all the fancy things and was made more for utility. Such as for Judas' spying equipment. It was almost thought that he could hear anything going on in Dynasty space or he was always in the middle of it.

"As you probably know mam, is that I am now the owner of a company by the name of Iscariot Industries. We both are making weapons and armor for the Shadow Dynasty. So instead of competing against each other why not work together. My company is making strides to bring weapons and tools back to the galaxy long forgotten or thrown away. You may need me, just as I need you. Your quality weapons are some of the best I have ever seen. But together we could have the galaxy in the palm of our hands." Judas said flattering the women and complimenting her on her designs. He was honest but he did go a bit above and beyond when it came to his compliments.

[member="Judas Zambrano"]

She simply raised a single eyebrow in Judas's response. She wasn't flattered really, he was simply speaking the truth about her products. Looking at her datapad, she saw that another technical specification was being reviewed by her weaponsmithing department. A modified plasma grenade-slash-thermal detonator. She looked at Judas and stated tersely, "So...a mutual contract agreement?"

Kitsune opened her datapad and reviewed her files on the Iscariot Industries. Not much to be said, really. It was a Tier II Company like Izanami Ironworks but newer to the field than they were. Her industrial spies planted in the Shadow Dynasty informed her of all technical specifications under research and development, and she nodded.

"What do you want from us and in return what would get?"
Hands crossing behind his back Judas examined the room some more and began pacing while Kitsune did whatever she was. He didn't feel like snooping in on her business even though that was literally his job. "Yes a mutual agreement would be the best way to describe it." Judas said hearing the tone that the women spoke to him in. He was glad his back was turned a a slight smirk had taken form on his face. Spinning around on his heels to face her as she asked what was in it for them Judas simply chuckled. He was glad to see that she was just as much of a business women as she was strict. "I would like for Iscariot Industries to have rights to create a power cell of similar design to yours, but a bit more specialized for the weapons we'll be creating. As for what is in it for you... What do you want? Droids, weapons, armor? "

[member="Judas Zambrano"]

Kitsune pauses. As an unrelated thought, she vaguely states in response, "Interesting. A similar powercell..."

She looks at her datapad and calculates what exact raw materials she would need in the near future. "Ah, I see. I require Neutronium...I would accept this as an acceptable method of payment for any weapons you directly purchase from me."

She takes out her datapad and gives Judas a very basic list of what she possesses and bare minimum specifications to give him a rough idea of design and performance. She dictates, "One metric ton of 100.00% Neutronium for sixty I-EEa Phobium-based Powercell (Standard), ten I-EEa Phobium-based Powercell (Supercharged), twelve Janjanbi-class Slugthrower Pistols, six Kiyohime-class Blaster Rifles, or three Kosenjobi-class Personal Projectile Launchers. This is obviously at a highly discounted rate as you are my peer within the Shadow Dynasty."

She continues, "I can provide enough weapons for 1 million metric tons of Neutronium, so please...feel free to drop off any Neutronium you discover or mine in exchange for armaments. As for the powercell technology...I would require one hundred thousand metric tons of 100.00% Neutronium for this information, inclusive of all technological specifications, building designs, manufacturing designs, and everything you would need to replicate, and perhaps improve it."
"Yes the power cell will be somewhat similar, but different enough to where you shouldn't mind to much." Judas stated just to make sure she understood that he was not copying her work exactly. Seeing the women look down at her datapad Judas listened to all the things that she listed off, but what threw him off was that she wasn't asking for credits. Instead she was asking for Neutronium specifically. The amounts she listed off confused Judas, he had never heard of anyone wanting large amounts of Neuronium such as her. Caculating in his head he knew what it would cost him, but he was more focused on the powercell technology right now. "I accept your terms and I will give you all the Neuronium you asked for the powercell technology. At another time I will be back with more to buy your weapons... If this is satisfactory I think we have an accord?" Judas said stepping towards Kitsune and offering his hand.

[member="Judas Zambrano"]

Kitsune rose for the first time and shook his hand. She gave him a formal nod before being seated once again. "Glad to have been able to conduct business with you Mr. Zambrano."

She looked off into the distance and gazed at a piece of traditional artwork, done in aurodium leaf and crumbled obsidian. She sighed and inputted the incoming amount of neutronium from Iscariot Industries before returning to her duties. As Kitsune went back to her duties, a female adjutant suddenly appeared beside Mr. Zambrano and pointed towards the exit.

"The pleasure is all mine." Judas said shaking the women's hand before noticing the advisor next to him. Nodding his head Judas pulled out his own datapad setting aside the credits that would be needed to purchase and pay for the neuronium to be mined. This women was insane, but he could deal with her. That complete proper and neat manner that rivaled his interested Judas though and as he began to walk out the room he stopped at the door turning back and calling out the women's name. "Miss Kitsune, I can't wait to the next time we do business. Next time I'll be sure to help you relax." Judas said winking at the women and making a slight kissing motion with his lips. The main reason for this was to just throw the women off and see how she reacted to such a thing. He would wait a few minutes to hear and see what the women did before he would turn and begin making his way back to his light freighter and leaving the vessel.
[member="Judas Zambrano"]

Unflinchingly, she took the sterile towel next to her and carefully disinfected her hands. She picked up her datapad and swiped to the next page on her datapad, reading the contents with all of her focus before responding curtly without looking up, "And good day to you Mister Zambrano."

The adjutant quickly scurried in front of Judas and opened the door, bowing deeply at Kitsune apologetically for Judas's statement. The adjutant urged Judas through the door with a series of forced smiles and hand motions towards the exit of Kitsune's private quarters. In the meanwhile, another adjutant appeared into the room and began cleaning the private quarters and sanitizing all the surfaces around her. In addition, a soft whir of a fan could be heard filtering the air of the room. The excessive amount of sanitation was strange at the very least.

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