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Cash 4 Metal

[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] | Salacia Consolidated , Salavage Operations Tabaqui Division , Refinery Facilities

Facilities at the Tabaqui Division were hot, noisy and busy. The refinery handled nearly all of the salvage Salacia picked up, most of it in the Silver Sanctum and various fringe spaces of other territories. Judah could have met his new potential client back on Ceto and wowed him with the luxury sights and sounds. However, sometimes he felt a tour and some hands on experiences could leave a lasting impression.


He waited outside one of the large open bay doors and watched local workers go about their business. Judah was close enough to the landing pad, keeping an eye on who was entering. Mostly salvage vessels, so a personal one for the potential client would be easy enough to spot. Recent expansions had led the facility being busy as ever, but it was always beneficial to take on more clients.

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
(I like the pic, [member="Judah Dashiell"])

A shiny dart of a starship sailed through the sky until it came to hover over the landing pad. Upon landing, the boarding ramp lowered and a short, dark-haired man in a polo shirt and khakis shorts came walking down the ramp. This was a fresh experience; one that Bhaltair was actually looking forward to, despite being pulled away from busy work and invited into an irregular situation. Actually, that's kind of what made this whole thing fresh and exciting all at the same time. He got to see exactly what he was paying for, rather than getting wooed from the comfortable facade of higher society.

This way, he could see if the workers spit in the ore they processed before shipping it off to clients. ;P

He stood and waited at the base of the cargo ramp before he started moving towards the facility. He wasn't entirely sure if he was being met outside his ship or if he needed to attain entry first.
[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [OOC: Thanks!]

He had waited patiently, watching a man land and disembark from from a vessel. The man in question looked a bit confused, as if waiting for someone to yell him off or greet him. Judah moved away from the side of the building where he had been observing the crews at work and sprung into action, crossing the small section of landing pad to greet the man.

"Mr.Dhimani? Judah Dashiell. Pleasure to have you tour our operations. How was your trip? We're a bit aways out from the core but that is the beauty of the facility. Most salvage doesn't occur in the core, its picked up far too quickly. Being out this far gives us the advantage to really scour for some great quality wreckage."

"Can I offer you any refreshment or do you need a break before the tour begins?"

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"Oh, hey!" replied Dhimani, still swept up in all the working commotion going on around him on the landing pad. He shook hands and followed the man to the building.

"Do you hang around here often or was it just luck that you were here at this moment?"

When offered refreshments, he waved his hand and shook his head.

"I had a long enough break in that tin can and got a drink of water. I'm good...I'm glad I came out here, you know. A lot of peoples' lives ride on the quality of our metal, so it's important to see the product before we buy from you. How long have you been set up out here, anyway?"
Judah chuckled at [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] 's question of his haunting of the landing pad. Truth be told he wasn't on Tabaqui as much as he liked, yet it seemed to be changing. The facility had just expanded, now churning out more refined salvage than ever. His presence was now required more and more, to the point he and the board at Salacia were considering a regional or planetary director.

"No, I've been expecting you so I came out to the landing pad, watched the crews at work while waiting. I hadn't been out here long at all."

Judah nodded and they moved towards the facility, picking up a hardhat and passing it along to Mr.Dhimani.

"Salacia was originally set up on Ceto and the Rimma Trade Route at first. Our first leap outside that was here to Tabaqui, so we've been here nearly as long as the business as been ran. This is an extremely isolated planet. Most residents prefer it that way....a lot of the younger ones work for us now. We've created a bit of a company town here...without the bad connotations. Wasn't anything here when we started, promised the locals we'd contain the sprawl to this region. Seems to be working, about a year ago they granted us permission to expand this facility and now its the biggest in our fleet."

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
He gratefully accepted the helmet and then inquired,

"Where's yours?"

Judah Dashiell said:
We've created a bit of a company town here...without the bad connotations.

Bhaltair gave an awkward laugh as a weird, yet funny-to-him thought entered his mind.

"Yeah. Buying ore from Children of the Corn wouldn't look good to stakeholders."

If there was awkward silence, he would break it with the question,

"So, what are we going to go see first?"

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
Judah took a hardhat off a peg sitting on the outside of the building, raising it for [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] to see. Fitting it on his head, they slowly started on the path towards the large, open bay doors. There was a small chuckle at the joke about weird cults and stakeholders, shaking his head slightly. He had heard enough horror stories from other company towns. Salacia did their best to avoid that trouble.

"So our tour will be going from start to finish. You'll see the salvaged materials first, how we sort and the like, then down to melting and shipping out. What types of shapes and sizes are you looking for? We can do custom molds as well, so long as your company delivers the specs. That would save time on your end with the manufacturing."

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"You know, that is a smart idea. The only problem is that we couldn't do with an entire leg mold, you see? There's so much that goes into even the simplest of cybernetics that we would require many small, different molds, rather than one big mold. One piece may be made to house electronics whilst another piece would be used to provide structure. Does your facility have the extra time to produce molds in such a way?"

They finally reached the large salvage pile that was currently being sorted by busy hands of both sentients and droids.

"Wow. Where does all of this stuff come from, anyway? There must be salvage from at least a dozen wrecks! Each one of them with a story to tell..."

He sauntered up to a conveyor belt and watched it go. It wasn't long before a small, pointy object made him take notice. He picked it up and showed Mr. Dashiell...a cybernetic middle finger that was passing through salvage.

"Like this one..."

Bhaltair tried to keep a straight face, but he broke down into a grin and a semi-repressed snicker.

"I'm sorry for laughing. It's just so weird to find something like THIS in the middle of a salvage line. You don't suppose a worker lost this, do you? Or, perhaps it's a relic from a boarding battle against pirates?"
"We do have the extra time. Its possible to have many small molds of different parts. The process would be much the same as it would be with a series of one large mold. Makes sense I suppose for your small,metal parts. I assume there is a level of modularity that would be done in the products you make?"

Workers continued to sort through the metals. Fine, valuable metal from databank terminals and ship controls and the like was sorted to be sold off elsewhere. The durasteel and other more 'common' metals went on the conveyor belt to be melted down for their new purpose. Recycling at its finest. Salacia salvaged the scrap for free (beyond paying their workers and fuel) and turned it back around into usable goods at a lower price as a result.

"I doubt a worker lost it. We scavenge in various spots, but this likely came from an out of the way area here in Silver Sanctum territory. Mostly from battles I would suspect, especially as we get closer to Mando or old Hutt space. You'd be amazed at what just floats out there really. You can keep the middle finger if you like, put it on your desk. Never know when it will come in useful."

[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]

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