Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Carvings In The Wall


She rushed forward, the weight of Arn on her shoulders pressing down more with every step. A curse bit from her lips as she began to take the first step up towards the exit, her body turning as she saw three of the Massassi step out into the lobby a few hundred meters behind them. "This is going to hurt."

Aela whispered to Arn, her fingers flexing slightly as she pulled the Chiss from her shoulders and put him down on the steps.

"Nia, Adder!" She called to them, urging them to move up alongside her. "Take Arn."

Out of the four of them she was most qualified for this. Arn was injured, Adder wasn't capable of using the force, and Nia was just a padawan. She doubted that she could handle three of the creatures, but she could at the very least keep them at bay long enough for the others to get out. Her lips turned into a frown as she pulled her other lightsaber from it's place on her thigh, the silvery hilt slipped into her free hand, her thumb falling on the activation switch just as she moved from the steps.

"I'll be right behind you." Her lips thinned.

The Massassi stepped forward, one in particular with an odd sort of shoulder guard strung to his left. He growled as the young Marshall as she moved forward, a large blade sweeping into his hand.
Frightened as she was, Nia didn't like leaving Aela to face down three of the crimson beasts alone. But Arn, his weight now on herself and Adder, needed medical help very badly. Only his training was keeping him together now, she could tell, even without the Force. With a last, regretful look back to the older Jedi, they began their way through the ruined city.

Somehow, the heat felt even more oppressive than before and they slowly progressed through the empty streets. The silence was even louder now that the occasional snatches of a fight drifted to them. Every groan from the Chiss between them made her wince. She wished that she could heal him through the Force, but she didn't know how.

[member="Aela Talith"] [member="Adder"]
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Oh, hell[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] no!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Her whole face drew up into a grimace as she yelled after the retreating Jedi. She’d made a promise to herself, and damned if she was going to break it now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]With a torn expression, Adder glanced between Aela and Arn, and bit back the sting of tears.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]“Stick him with this,” she said to the Padawan and grabbed a pair of stims from her utility belt, stuffing them into the pockets of her Jedi robe. “Find a major artery… like the elbow,” she spoke as she started moving away. Her eyes lingered on the bleeding chiss a moment longer, and she swallowed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Or the heart!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]And then she was jogging after Aela, grinding her teeth to dust.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Don’t you frakking[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] dare play hero with me!” Her eyes were wild with anger, but she kept them on the beasts ahead. “Now… plan. The ceiling’s weakened… about ten meters behind.” She paused to draw in a new breath, then leveled her Westar at the advancing monster.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“We lure them below… then collapse it.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px][member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Nia Siroc"][/SIZE]​
So Nia found herself alone with Arn towards the end of the plaza. Adder ran back towards Aela, letting out a series of profanity in her wake as blue as the young woman had ever heard. Speaking of blue, she grimaced as the Chiss moaned whilst she laid him down as gently as she could. Part of her knew she needed to be here, to tend to him and protect him if need be. Another part of her berated that part for cowardice; she couldn't say she wasn't shaken by what had just happened.

Her hand trembled as she picked up one of the healing stims. An elbow...or the heart, she'd said. Nia decided on the elbow and drew in a breath. If she was going to do it, she had to be decisive and so she plunged it with a deliberate manner that belied her current state. When nothing bad appeared to happen after about a moment, she let out a relieved sigh before looking up and around.

Nothing, yet, neither friend nor enemy. She shifted her eyes back to Arn who needed her more than Aela and Adder did at this moment. She injected him with several more stims at various points and then she waited. Training told her they took effect almost right away but as to just how effective they'd be, she couldn't say.

"Hold on," she whispered in his ear, kneeling beside him "We need you, Arn."

[member="Adder"] [member="Aela Talith"]

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