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Carpe Diem (Dacian Jeth & Adron Malvern)

The Dark Jedi Temple Of Rannon.
The Instrop Sector, The Outer Rim Territories.

The vast Temple stood nestled against the mountain side flanked by rapid flowing waters that descended from the heights above and showered the building in a dense mist in the early morning hours; the facility was a marvel of modern architecture and the possession of greatly financed technologies to give way to all needs that the Dark Jedi Order may require through their training, livelihood and other avenues such as medicinal purposes and so on. Situated some fair height above the sprawling lack at the base of the mountain below, the only way to and from the great temple was via the use of private transport, shuttles catering to the movements of maintenance personnel and droids re-purposed for general upkeep.

Despite the appearance of structural instability, the great Temple had been thoroughly dug into the rock face and secured with many of the facilities rooms and faculties delving deeper into the mountain itself. To boast for the protection of the Temple were the large mounted Turrets positioned atop the varying levels of the facility; security there being of top priority in the desire to remain safe from would be invaders, added to the significant anti-aircraft firepower was the Structural Deflector Shield that encompassed the side of the mountain, covering the full height of the Temple, allowing for vessels to pass in and out through yet restricting heavy munitions and orbital bombardment from reaching the home of the Dark Order. A great deal of time and credits had been invested in the construction of the Temple, patiently awaiting the news of it's completion whilst having isolated himself within his home back upon Commenor, quietly delving into his personal plans within his private workshop and study. Over the months Veiere had gathered several ideas for what would soon become the start of the Order's fleet. It would be lacking at first but as with all things, time would allow them to grow with greater promise and their numbers would slowly rise with the search and recruitment of rogue and lost Force Users seeking a common belonging and direction in their lives and self-fulfillment.

The first great milestones along the path to the Order's established growth had been completed without a hitch, now with a home far from the political spotlight of galactic society, Rannon was far to the southern east corner of the map buried further below the territories of the Empire, one of two newly contacted for support alongside a Master of the Order of Ren and The First Order. Through the subtlety and indiscretion of his contacts across the galaxy, the relationships that he had come to establish throughout his many ventures, Veiere had thus far landed upon a pair of prospects with a great deal of potential within the force.

[member="Adron Malvern"], a High Moff of the Galactic Empire held immense ability within the Dark Side of the Force. Ability that Veiere wished to encourage the man to devote to a cause worthy of his talents. He had expressed his goals and intentions for the Order to be established, meeting with Adron in his approach of the Empire for support. The younger man had thus come to understand Veiere a little in who he was as a man shrouded within darkness and what his ambitions would mean for the greater galaxy should success be within his grasp one day. Reaching out to him a second time, this time choosing not to contact him via formal channels but seeking him out privately that their business only be disclosed should Adron choose to do so with his people, Veiere had invited the man to visit the temple, forwarding his co-ordinates so that the Moff might have little difficulty in seeking out the Dark Master.

[member="Dacian Jeth"] however was even younger and one whom had been referred to Veiere through one of his former associates once a member of the now defeated One Sith Empire. Today the Sith had become strong once more, taking hold of the northern territories where once the Iron Empire and the Silver Jedi went uncontested. Dacian was being brought to Rannon through one of the vessels that had been sent from the Temple to collect him, a gesture of good faith for someone Veiere knew nothing of yet had heard encouraging rumors surrounding his training thus far as a former Sith Practitioner turned rogue.

In due time and in any given order, they two might reach the temple of Rannon that Veiere be able to introduce them into a new path, one of which the future of the Dark Jedi Order would become strong and stone-handed for the security of the Galaxy through any and all means they would deem necessary to acquire such a peace. There were many out there whom claimed they sought such things yet went out of their way to encourage further violence and disarray. It was the likes of these people that his new Order would be required to target and eliminate for the greater good...

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
The arrival to the planet Rannon had been uneventful. There had been no Sith assassins trying to kill him, no spies following him, no real indication that the deserter was being observed at all. That was both a good, and bad, thing; good in the sense that Dacian had evaded his pursuers and avoided being found again, but bad in the sense that those Sith had now failed and would be reprimanded, and their replacements would be trying twice as hard to hunt him down. Despite his rank, Dacian had been raised a Sith from birth, and he knew more than most others at his - now old, and defunct - rank of Apprentice. That was knowledge and information out in the universe, without the loyalty to the Sith in place... and that was dangerous for them.

Seated stiffly in the transport, Dacian looked out the viewport at the surrounding landscape. It appeared lush and alive, right up until the ship passed a point near mountains, where things suddenly became rotten and decayed. With a wince, the deserter looked forward, staring at the pilot's back, wanting to ignore the familiar environment not too dissimilar from his old planet. At least some of the nearby wildlife and forest was alive, which was something. Between training and lessons, Dacian promised he would venture out and explore the region. Perhaps some fresh air and local wildlife would bring him some much needed respite from being on the run for the last several months...

Of his personal belongings, there weren't many. Dacian wore a simple shirt, pants and boots. Across his chest was a leather training harness, from which a worn down, battered training lightsaber was clipped, just below the ribs on the left side. A small backpack filled with basic supplies, nothing fancy, was leaning against his leg. One advantage of being a Sith Apprentice had been the absence of things, mostly because day-to-day life had been a strict schedule and training regiment with little time for personal enjoyment or conversation. Besides which, Dacian's free-time had been occupied with further training under the watchful eye of his father, Acai Jeth, and his older brother, Oroth. It was during these sessions that Dacian was truly treated as dirt beneath the heel, often being little more than a training bot for his brother to excel and flourish in the Sith Order.

Those scars remained, physically and emotionally.

"We're nearing the landing zone, secure your belongings." The pilot said suddenly, causing Dacian to blink away his reverie.

"Yeah, okay," The young man said, clearing his throat as he grasped his backpack and held it to his chest. "Thanks, uh, thanks for the lift. I guess."

The pilot didn't respond. The ship descended, passing through a shield around the temple ahead. Dacian couldn't see much through the forward viewports of the cockpit, so he missed the majesty of his - or what he hoped would be - new home. The pilot knew exactly what to do, bringing the transport down with barely a thud of landing gear. After a short check of systems, Dacian was given the all clear, and exited the craft to step out onto a landing plateau overlooking the world beyond. It was enough to bring a faint smile to the boy's face.

"Dacian Jeth," A voice said from beside him. Turning, Dacian saw a robed individual, who was pointing. "Master Arenais awaits your arrival, through those doors."

Nodding, Dacian shouldered his backpack and started making his way toward the indicated doors. The structure was immense, intricately carved and frankly impressive. Compared to the cold, hard and uninspired bricks of the Sith Temple, this was certainly a sight to behold. So it was, looking around with his mouth agape, that Dacian passed through the doors and almost walked into another robed individual, who was almost around the same height as the young man.

"Hi, excuse me," Dacian said, looking down at the older man with the thick beard and scowl. "Sorry. I'm looking for Master Arenais. I'm Dacian Jeth."

[member="Veiere Arenais"]
[SIZE=11pt]With permission from the Moff Council, Adron was granted leave to visit Veiere at the Dark Jedi temple at Rannon. The news that a new Jedi Order was finding its place in the galaxy had been… Unsettling for the young Imperial. Raised in the arts and ways of the Jedi, Adron could safely say he understood their doctrine and code as well as any other Jedi. However that was where his tolerance of the faith came to an end. As he matured, Adron had seen first hand the damage a Jedi Order could do to the galaxy. While they often preached peace and neutrality, their sporadic choices for war was an unexplainable hurricane that often set the balance of the galaxy on edge. Much like the Sith, they were a force of chaos, not peace. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That is why Adron vowed to kill any Jedi of this blind faith wherever and whenever he could. Yet Veiere had promised a new order. One where logic and reason would prevail and peace would be truly accomplished without prideful inhibitions or foolish notions of justice. In the real galaxy, peace could only be accomplished by one means, Force. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Of course there was no sugar coating Adron’s true purpose here. He would joint Veiere’s order and act as an ambassador between the Dark Jedi Order and the Empire, but if the order was to ever stand against the Empire, his allegiance was clear. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Traveling from his home on Bothawui to Rannon was a gutsy move for the High Moff. Doing so without any guard, merely a pilot to fly the shuttle. He had been sure his departure was unknown to many, keeping his movements and location a secret from his enemies, those within and outside of the Empire. Even his uniform had been stripped off for the time being, today he was clad in the black flowing robes of his new order. Having not worn the robes of a jedi since his teenage years, it was certainly an odd feeling. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Sir. We are entering Rannon’s atmosphere now.” The Imperial pilot said, causing Adron to grab a prepared bag as well as his lightsaber which had laid beside him on the seat. He glanced over the metallic weapon, chuckling softly at the nostalgia it brought him. “The Dark Side is with me.” He muttered, reminding himself of who he was and who he would always be. Clipping the lightsaber to his belt, he could hear his pilot speak up once again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Sir. We're coming in for a landing.” The Imperial called back, causing Adron to nod before making his way towards the passenger ramp. The ship touched down on one of the Temple’s landing platforms, causing Adron to sling his pack over a shoulder. Not long after the rear ramp was lowered for him, allowing him to finally see the temple he had been anticipating. It was a sight to behold. As a boy Adron was raised by Jedi parents, yet he had never once visited a Jedi temple. He could easily see where much of Blackgate Manor, his home on Serenno, had been influenced by such a design. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The moment of appreciation for the architecture was gone just as briefly as it had came. Rather than stand out side gawking like a fool, he decided to head towards the temple’s main entrance. A guide had showed him the way to Veiere, where the man seemed to be speaking to another young man, even younger than Adron. “Master Veiere.” He greeted, offering a soft incline of his head in a respectful bow. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Dacian Jeth"] [member="Veiere Arenais"][/SIZE]
Where [member="Dacian Jeth"] had found the man draped in black robes, he stood to the side of one of the large corridors looking out from the great window in-front of him and into the vast natural world that flowed around the Dark Temple. Life was, in it's most natural form, pure and beyond the fallacies of perceptions the like of society divulged in today. The breath of fresh air and the movement of the tree's against the wind, the sound of the running waters falling down the rock-face to either side of their new abode all reminded Veiere of the grace within the Force, neither light nor dark, no one half but the whole force, ever powerful and beyond the complete grasp of man.

"Hi, excuse me"

Veiere's attention was soon pried away from his contemplation to take note of the new arrival and he of whom Veiere had been expecting; one of few in any case. Nodding in acknowledgement, Veiere offered the younger man a brief smile, soon offering an appropriate introduction and fact that he himself was indeed the sought after Master of the Dark Order.

"You would be Dacian Jeth, I presume?" Veiere's right hand extended to offer the newcomer a handshake in welcome, taking the moment to examine the mans attire and the way he presented himself. What little Veiere had been told of the lad was that he had some sort of background with the Sith Empire or perhaps merely rogue elements of their Order; "Welcome to Rannon, and our new Temple of the Dark Jedi Order..." he took the liberty to make it's affiliation blatantly clear in case Dacian had not understood the nature of his being summoned.

The fortune of [member="Adron Malvern"]'s timing was most appreciable, the Imperial High-Moff coming to meet with the pair and looking to Veiere calling upon him in greeting and the announcement of his arrival. Turning to smile to Adron, Veiere found that in the second coming, the Empire might at-least be intrigued by the Master's proposal and that Adron would again be given permission to visit himself, perhaps it was something that he too would find interest in.

"Dacian..." Veiere glanced to the new student, younger than either of the two though far smaller an age difference between he and the High-Moff who had excelled within the Empire despite his youth; "I would like you to meet Adron Malvern here. He's a High Moff of the Galactic Empire and someone that our Order intends to support...". He would allow the pair the silence to say their piece, introductions and greetings and the like. Though they knew it not, the two would likely find themselves working closely together under Veiere's future guidance...

"Your timing is most fortunate, Adron...-You might wish to join us as I was about to take Dacian here on a tour of our facilities...".

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
The realization that he was speaking with Master Arenais himself made Dacian stand straighter and lower his head instinctively. Listening to the bearded man's greeting, Dacian nodded and shook Veiere's hand in turn, offering a smile to match. It was certainly an impressive place, the temple being quite large and spacious while also having design flourishes that were a balance of tasteful and reserved. Still, the interior wasn't important, not when introducing himself to the leader of the Dark Jedi Order - which, Dacian hoped, meant there was a neutral stance allowed, rather than being several shades from being a Sith. Despite the brief moment of concern, the young man knew he would be better here than with the Sith temple.

"Yes, Dacian Jeth," Dacian said simply. "And thank you. I hope to learn many things here."

The arrival of a second individual, Adron Malvern of the Galactic Empire, was an interesting development. It seemed that Master Arenais had contacts in high places, even to the point of knowing a High Moff personally. Being a teen, and having only lived on a Sith world, in a Sith temple, Dacian hadn't been privy to such occurrences; instead his level of impressiveness was limited to Sith Lords capable of summoning ancient spirits, or slaughtering thousands for the sake of their dark magic and arts. It had been an informative, but terrible, time and one that Dacian hoped he could now put behind him to continue walking a new path.

"It's an honor, High Moff Malvern," Dacian said, bowing his head, showing respect. It's what he had been trained to do. "I hope I prove useful, if you need it."

The mention of the tour sounded good. Given he had just met both individuals, and not knowing where he stood in the scheme of things, Dacian didn't want to overstep or make a fool of himself. The last thing he needed was to say something out of turn, or become overly familiar. For the Sith that meant punishment, and most of those scars still remained, even as the young man's back twitched from the memories. Not wanting to delay the procession, Dacian automatically fell into step beside Master Arenais, a habit from his time walking beside Sith Knights and Lords...
[member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Adron Malvern"]
[SIZE=15.33px]To say Adron was a man of pride was an understatement. He had been born and bred to believe, for good reason, he towered above the average man. Because of that it was hard for him to part from his title as High Moff. Yet, he did so because he knew it was necessary. As Veiere introduced himself he inclined his head towards the man before him. Dacian Jeth. He didn't seem like much to speak of. Perhaps some wayward wanderer here to learn of the Force? Either way it made no difference to Adron, this man was of little importance to him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.33px]“Adron is fine.” He told Dacian, before turning to Veiere. [/SIZE][SIZE=15.33px]“Veiere. The Empire has allowed me to take some time to study with you. If you would have me, I am here as both emissary and student.”[/SIZE][SIZE=15.33px] He explained to the Dark Master, clasping his arms behind his back as he spoke. When Veire suggested Adron join them for a tour he nodded, smirking a bit as he looked to the temple before them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.33px]“You said the temple was impressive. I see you were telling the truth.” He admitted his admiration of the temple.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.33px][member="Dacian Jeth"] [member="Veiere Arenais"][/SIZE]

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