Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Captain Nass

Turin Val Kur


NAME: Gobar Nass
FACTION: Hutt Cartel/Republic/His Own
RANK: Captain (Of his own Ship of course)
SPECIES: Gungan (Otolla)
AGE: 39
HEIGHT: 1.9 Meters(6'2")
WEIGHT: 96 Kilos (212lbs)
EYES: Dark Brown
SKIN: Brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Alcoholic: Gobar has had a problem with drinking since his earliest days of piracy. Due to this people are often pushed away from him as he comes off as a repulsive individual. However, he has also built up a huge tollerance for the poisonos substance, to the point where during situations which would cause large amounts of adrenaline to pump (ie Space battles, dogfights) it actually sharpens his mind. Or seems to for people watching.

Ace Pilot: Though he doesn't like to brag, let alone pilot the things, he was an Ace pilot of the Republic during his Navy days and still holds his skill. His fighter of choice is the old Z-120 Headhunter.

Slurred Gungan Basic: Many people outside of Naboo find it dificult to understand Gungans regularly, let alone when they are drunk, which with Nass is most of the time.

Drunken Fighting: Though Gobar is a great fighter and a great shot sober, he is relatively average at both when drunk. Which is most of the time.


Born and raised on Naboo joining the Royal Naboo Security Forces as a pilot. Making a name for himself in the academy he was sought after by the Republic Navy and subsequently left the system to continue his instruction at a Republic Naval academy on Fondor. Graduating early at the top of his class he moved on to the Navy and found out quickly that everything was not as the Republic had advertised itself to be. During an unsuccessful attack on a pirate ring he allowed himself to be shot down and captured in order to join them. What he was looking for in the life of a pilot was excitement constant dog fights and fame. Of course he was beaten and interrogated which wasn't part of the plan either, but once the captain saw that he was on their side he allowed him to join the crew first as a janitor of sorts. He rose through the ranks quickly though through his expertise and advice during battle and eventually found himself leader of a small three man team. Years went by and the money and booze flowed like water.

Somehow he was found and contacted a distant family member and told to attend his brother's funeral. Without any explanation he took one of the Headhunters and beelined straight to Naboo, abandoning his crew. It was there that he was met with scrutiny and exiled after the funeral for what he had turned his life into. However, the death of his brother brought him to find love and faith. For a while he lived on Naboo outside of the Gungan society and fell in love with a priest who would often bring him food and company. He became very religious during his time on Naboo, but the life of a rogue is never one that is rooted in one place and he found it was time to start his own crew. Contacting the two pilots from his team they started their own crew and put their money together to buy a ship and a few Headhunters. Together they formed a small pirate crew aboard an Orian-class heavy cruiser.

The life of a pirate captain suited the aging Gungan more than that of a pilot. Soon he became a well respected pirate even amongst rival crews like that of Wolf Star. Nass eventually became known as a lord of sorts among the pirate rabble, but as the dark days of the Gulag plague came to a close and governments began taking hold of the stars again pirating became less and less profitable. The crew of the Grizbain eventually became privateers for various governments and fought on all sides of the war with the recent galactic war with the Sith Empire. However, even wars come to an end.

He struggled to make ends meat but one day, like so many others throughout the Galaxy, he suddenly dissapeared without a trace, leaving his crew without a captain.

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