Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Captain Jinxer Kevel

Jasper Felinus

Rock Kitty with tenure at the U of F

NAME: Jinxer Kevel aka Jin or Jinx
RANK: Captain of the Horned Queen
AGE: 25
SEX: Are you offering?
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 80kg
EYES: Gold
HAIR: Blonde-ish
SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+/-) Amazing pilot, bad driver: He can intuitively fly anything... But he can't drive a ground vehicle to save his life.
(+/-) Crack shot: He's one of the best shots to ever come out of Iridonia, and he knows it. This makes him a cocky little bastard.
(+) Prime Specimen: He's fit, strong, and wily...
(-) Egomaniac: ...Which leads him to be an overconfident idiot.
(+) Gilded tongue: He can talk his way out of or into anything. People often end up completely bewildered at the logical and intuitive leaps he makes.

A devilishly handsome guy with horns clustered around his forehead. His blonde hair is usually pushed back towards his neck. He's above average height, but not insanely tall. He usually wears the 'uniform' he styled for himself, and he can often be seen wearing red or gold on his other outfits.

Jinxer Arcus Kevel was born on Iridonia, in one of the nicer bars of the planet. His mother was a waitress, and his father was the mechanic on a freighter. Immediately after his birth, his father flew off to parts unknown, and his mother was back to work within a week. Leaving little Jinx with his uncle Kappo turned out to be rather detrimental to both of their healths. Jinx learned to use a blaster, but Kappo learned that giving the baby a blaster ends in multiple shots. Most of them to the leg.

Uncle Kappo survived, but pushed Jinx (now six) off on his girlfriend. The little gun-toting kid became a regular sight at parties, dances, and sports tournaments. The nice lady, Vira, even set him up with his first date. The girl in question was a pretty Chiss named Kaelva. When the two met... Jinx was a showoff with his big shiny gun. Kaelva slapped him and called him evil. He shrugged, and kept blasting at toy targets. But soon, disaster struck in the form of Uncle Kappo's actual death, and Vira was totally depressed for a while. Deep in the recesses of their house, Jinx vowed never to be alone again.

Now a strapping teenager of fifteen, Jinx began to hit on any girl with curves and a humanoid form. His skill with a blaster certainly helped him woo the girls of his school, and he soon had a group of the most desperate guys following him around, hoping for a shot at the girls of their dreams. But not one girl really... excited Jinx. They were all too busy wondering at his skill and appearance.

At the age of twenty-seven, Jinx has had about enough. He's looking for a girl to love, hate, drink with, kill with, fly with, and, most importantly, roll his eyes at his ego. Really, how many girls are like that, out in this fine galaxy?


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