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Approved Location Caprica

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Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Name: Caprica ( Arceneau Trade Company's Corellian Facility)

Image Source: https://www.artstati...rtwork/celestia

Intent: To turn over ownership and reference Danger Arceneau's claim to the facility.

Classification: Corporate Headquarters, Starport, R&D Facility, Military Production Facility


Caprica , as it is known is located in the southern Hemisphere of Corellia. The Structure, though it is more like a city in it of itself, is located in a mostly unpopulated region on the Southern mountains, located alongside a jarring cliff overlooking the southern oceans.

Caprica is by all accounts “Hidden” within a valley, placed at the very end of a deep crevice within the mountain range and put into a location that is difficult to travel to by foot. This was done on purpose to make it more difficult to reach the structure without proper authorization from Titan Industries.

Affiliation: Arceneau Trade Company


Caprica, formally Vilium as it was once called by Titan Industries, is less of a structure and more of a city, save for the fact that it is entirely a Corporate own entity and is in fact a single interconnected structure that loops together both underground, and above it. With the underground structures being mostly roads, turbo-lifts and maintenance tunnels, the rest of the facilities being located above the earth.

The Facility itself has four major portions, with each portion holding its own purpose. These four portions are as followed. The former Titan Industries Corporate Headquarters - now Arceneau Trade Company's secondary Corellian Facility - , the Starport, The Research and Development Facility, and then the vast residential facilities. Each of these portions spans an enormous size holding again to the fact that Caprica is more of a city than a single structure, with much of it being constantly under construction for one reason or another.

Caprica is designed as Titan Industries dream for Corellia. A mostly self sufficient, industrial powerhouse that allows freedoms to its citizens while giving them a place to live, work, and function in day to day society.

The construction cost of Caprica was immense, standing within the hundreds of billions. It was funded through Titan Industries enormous wealth and by backing of the One Sith as well as taxes formerly held by the Corellian government. It is correct to say that Caprica is a huge infrastructure project was was designed not to benefit just Titan Industries, but Corellia itself.

Corporate Headquarters: The central building the Caprica is composed around is the Arceneau Trade Company's Headquarters. This massively tall tower stands at nearly a thousand meters and looks structurally much like an obelisk. The Corporate Headquarters hold hundreds upon hundreds of offices, conference rooms, meeting halls, and other amenities that such a building would hold. Within the Corporate Headquarters are also several small hangar bays for shuttles and the like to land. It is said that to find anything in the Corporate Headquarters one must first circle it three times, as that is the only way of not getting lost. Found atop this massive structure are Alric Kuhns personal apartments, these usually stay empty unless he is visiting Corellia.

Starport: Caprica , being located far away from any major city on Corellia and having no roads of mag-level tracks that lead to it requires its own starport. The Starport within Caprica is rather size able, capable of handling over a hundred shuttles and more than a dozen large transport ships, which often dock there to deliver supplies. The Starport is used daily in order to ferry workers to and from the Shipyards in orbit. Those who work upon the shipyards may choose to take up residence within Caprica , something that most workers have been more than happy to do. Arceneau Trade then provides free transport to and from the surface at regular intervals. Besides this, the Starport receives visitors, dignitaries, and supply ships. It is unfortunately not possible to land capital ships within Caprica's starport.

Research & Development Facility: As one would expect from Titan Industries, they are not just pleased with one function for their massive city like structure. Indeed, upon the edge of one of the cliffs, in a standing tower that reached over the waters themselves is an Arceneau Trade Researched and Development Facility. This facility is specialized. This particular one does not develop any Yuuzhan Vong Technology. This means there are no Shapers or other Vong Present within Caprica . This was a conscious decision and was made for the Corellian People themselves. The Research and Development Facility within Caprica works mostly on smaller projects such as Medicinal Equipment, Personal Armor, and at times weapons.

Residential Facilities: The largest and perhaps the most important part of Caprica is the massive residential section of the Structure. This part of Caprica spans for several miles and can house more than a hundred thousand people. It is here that those residents of Corellia that work for Arceneau Trade and former Titan Industries live. The accommodations are spacious, comparatively luxurious, and most importantly, completely and totally free. Living within Caprica costs the average worker nothing and is actually written into their contract, however, workers must by their own food, furniture, etc. Caprica 's Residential Facilities also features several schools, shops, public pools, parks, and even small agricultural farms on which residents may work. Many who live within Caprica have called this place a Haven, stating that it is not only a comfortable place to live, but better than Coronet city, a high compliment coming from Corellians.


Originally Vilium, Caprica came about as both an offering of peace, and a way for Titan Industries to more effectively control its work force.

After the nethworld event and after the One Sith gained control of Corellia, Titan Industries was given completely autonomy over its proceedings on Corellia first by the Hand Of the Dark Lord Reverance, and then by the Voice of Sector one, Darth Vitium. Using this autonomy and the great resources it held, Titan Industries along with Krayt and Arceneau Trade Corporation quickly rebuild Corellias shipyards.

The bulk of these Shipyards went to Titan, with the massive Industrial corporation securing their use. Knowing that Corellia was suffering, and indeed its industry along with it, Titan Industries began a massive undertaking. Hiring thousands of Corellians to work in the new Titan Industries Shipyards.

To house these workers it was decided that Titan would aid with Corellias Infrastructure. Instead expanding upon what was already there and changing the layout of Coronet or other Cities upon Corellia, Titan Industries instead decided to build its own housing, Caprica .

Caprica was constructed quickly, with a massive Corellian, Droid, and Titan Industries work force constructing the structure in mere months. Caprica eventually came to represent all of Titan Industries holdings on Corellia. It is from Caprica that the Shipyards are overseen, Titans interests in nearby systems are watched and indeed Caprica serves as almost a second headquarters for Titan Industries, falling short only to Coruscant as Titans main base of Operation. The original name Vilium is of course a play on the name of the point of Alric Kuhns great infatuation, Darth Vitium. Though there is a subtle difference, the pseudo-city is named for her. Vilium, now Caprica, was designed as the perfect haven for Titan Industries and Corellian Citizens who are in compliance with Titan's Standards.

Upon the seemingly death of Alric Kuhn, and the subsequent chaos that Titan Industries fell to thereafter, Danger Arceneau would move forward to ensure that the hard work and effort along with the protection of the Corellian population still on Vilium would be accounted for.

There were few things that Danger cared about. 'Me and mine' were the general terms, but that also extended to the amount of work she had put forward in the reconstruction and humanitarian aid done for the Corellian System ever since the Nine Hells burst open with their dead.

Corellia was now broken in half, an amalgam of two different planets. Arceneau Trade Company along with Titan Industries had done awealth of work to rebuild Corellia and bring it back to a fragment of it's former glory. Much of their work was actually tied together, much like the one location of interest that would be Danger's objective.


Nestled in the southern hemisphere of what remained of Corellia, Arceneau Trade Company had used this as their location headquarters for the reconstruction and the rebuilding of the infrastructure of Corellia. It was an important location for the Trade Queen; she had no interest in the shipyards or in any other Titan location. But in this where she had built her headquarters for the aide of the Corellian People, she did.

In response to the potential attack of hired mercenaries, Danger would utilize her own mercenary, Hegemonic droids, and Darkwater resources within Vilium to start securing it, with more being transported in from the neighboring planets. She had no interest in Titan products or their inventory; her focus was on ensuring that the Corellian people who worked there and that the facility itself would remain undisturbed. Eight thousand people had been butchered on Coporo; it would not happen in Vilium.

The One Sith could seize the shipyards, she gave two piles of poodoo on that.

The people and this location were far more important to her. Which is why discussions with Tsavong Kraaland the aquisition of Vilium resulted in placing it firmly under Arceneau Trade protection.

In light of bringing a new name and a push to move forward, Vilium was thereafter renamed Caprica.

Development Thread:
I like this, well thought out. As I was reading it I was thinking the only problem was it was going ot need a decent sized dev thread then at the end I saw you had one.

You certainly have enough funding, which was another concern of ine, between the One Sith and Arceneua.

Just one question; WHich parts of the area are undergorund, and which are above gorund? Also how do the farms work if they're underground?

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Mrrew"] The above ground and underground feature are really more for the picture. As you can see the facility looks all interconnected, but there is a slight part where there is a cliff overhand between one part of the structure and the next. Thats really the only "underground" part. However It can be assumed that most of what underground would be streets, turbo-lifts, etc. Everything else would be above ground, i have edited this into the sub.

As for the farms, i believe my first answer attends that as well.
Fair enough. I see no problems with this, so as long as the secondary approval dosen't eithe ryou're good to go. :)

[member="Alric Kuhn"]
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