Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Can you Dig It (InVal Cybernetics)

Sluis Van, Day 1

Sluis Van, this is where Nyos decided to establish his mining facility. He was on site for when he broke ground. The Sluissi were helping him in the promise of increasing revenue for the planet. He also offered this planet unlimited access to his company. All Sluissi were to be 100% free customers if they ever needed it. Walking with a pair of protocol droids, Nyos was going over plans as he walked the ground where Sluissi were starting to level out the ground to establish a foundation for the mining building. Nyos had a plan for the facility to be built into the side of a mountain to increase productivity.

Sir, our numbers indicate that this facility should be up and running by the end of a Galactic Standard month.

Affirmative, Our scans also indicate a rich deposit of Pyronium and of other metals scattered about.

Alright. Let's get this underway. All workers are to be assigned and deployed ASAP.

Nyos looked out at the surroundings and took a deep breath. He would not be able to stay the whole month, but this will be great for his company.

[member="Cira"] [member="Ayden Cater"]
Atlas had answered the call for a contract on Sluis Van.
An cybernetics manufacturer had broken ground on Sluis Van in the hopes of mining some valuable minerals. The details of the contract were assistance in exchange for access to the mined minerals.

Atlas walked down the ramp of the shuttle and stepped out onto the surface of Sluis Van, his large bag was slung over his shoulder. He surveyed the mining operation. The digging was well underway.

Atlas made his way through the mining camp, till he found the man who had founded the contract. [member="Nyos Val"].
Atlas offered his hand "I'm here to help"
Day 20

Nyos turned as the shuttle landed depositing his newest employee [member="Atlas"] who Nyos hired to be his right hand, and had promised him a suit of armor for it. He took the soldiers hand and started towards the facility. It was 90% complete but was able to run. Mining droids and workers were moving rock and dirt out of the tunnels. He was shipping the dirt and rock to construction companies across the galaxy. THe oer they were mining was Pyronium and it was going to be used in his factory.

Welcome Atlas, I'm Nyos. This is my factory and you are to become my foreman. Just need you to keep up the crews moral, and to make sure nothing goes wrong. You will take the big room in the top of the factory.

Nyos then took Atlas on a tour of the whole facility.
[member="Nyos Val"]
Once the tour was over, Atlas moved into his office and begun setting up shop.
It seemed like his job was going to be easy. The facility was 90% complete, so there was little to be done. Still, Atlas wanted to be useful.

He pulled on a hard hat and jumpsuit and made his way down into the work camp. The workers were enjoying a break and were eating their meals. They tensed when Atlas approached.
He smiled at them "Carry on, carry on. I'm just here to make sure that you have satisfactory conditions."
He grabbed a bottle of water and sat down with a group of workers and struck up some small talk
Day 20-4 Hours later

Nyos left Atlas to his duties and went about checking the droids for malfunctions and routine maintenance. He was expecting another new employee to be arriving any day now.

R6, give me a list of any droids in need of repair. Also, could you locate D2-4E, He has specs on the tunnels and I'd like to see them.

Affirmative Sir.

Thank you R6.
A shuttle ferrying the next shipment of droids and supplies landed on Sluis Van. A large armored soldier disembarked onto the dirt. A Cyborg was there to greet him. The giant assumed that he was the CEO of InVal Cybernetics. Titan, as he had become known, had signed up to aid in the mining process. He was to be in the mines, working with the other civvies and droids.

Reporting for duty sir!

[member="Nyos Val"]
Day 31​
Nyos patrolled the area as the facility had been finished the day before. He was proud of the massive amounts the facility was digging up. Pyronium ore was flooding out of the first tunnels. Nyos had been informed his latest employee was arriving. [member="Titan"] was his name, or what he was called.​
He stood on the ramp of the landing pad as the new droids and the 'Titan', an accurate description, thundered down the ramp and saluted Nyos.​
No need for formalities here Titan. Just call me Nyos. Walk with me and I will show you to your quarters, then put you to work if you're up for it.
Titan followed the cyborg to the mines. He was shown around then given a room. After which he began his job digging in the mines.

With his enhanced strength, Titan tore rocks and ore from the tunnels with no problem.

A few droids started following him around, taking a liking to him. He became a driving force for the workers.

[member="Atlas"] [member="Nyos Val"]
Day 60​
Nyos and the rest of his crew had been working nonstop for almost two standard months. Nyos was receiving reports of multiple veins being found and having excavated them, now where in the heart of a vein. He hit the jackpot. Titan and Atlas were down surveying the operations and working in the mines themselves, [member="Titan"] had become a friend to all of the workers and [member="Atlas"] was very well respected for his professionalism and aptitude for operations management.


Cargo Freighters were being loaded up and sent to InVal HQ. Having inspected the most recent haul, Nyos was certain that his company would flourish with this mine. He stood in his office in the main building of the facility, looking out the window as the freighters departed, sipping a cup of Caf. The work was going well, and the moral was high.

Send for a catering company to deliver a feast for the whole facility. As soon as it arrives, I'm throwing a party.
Day 100

Nyos surveyed the area as more transports were being filled every few hours. He was handed a report of the latest shipment, three more tons than the last shipment. That was good.

"Foreman Kastu, theses numbers are excellent. Tell the men that I am extremely proud of them for their hard work. Also, a little bird told me that there are raises coming in the next week, go on, let them know."

With a glow, even through the grim and dirt, Kastu ran off excited to share the news with his mates.

Nyos walked back to his land speeder and headed for his office, Atlas was off planet working, so Nyos had elected to stay behind while he waited for another project to be finished.

With the ever increasing size of shipments, a second loading bay was added to the facility and being more popular, Nyos had added a few defense platforms around the area as well. AA platforms, heavy turrets as well as a battalion of Protectorate soldier who stayed in the extended living quarters that were added last week. Even he had a pair of personal guards with him at all times. He felt it unnecessary but his advisors in the ranks insisted. Men were stationed throughout the area and a command post was erected to dispatch soldiers each shift.
DAY 120

Nyos was reading over shipment records as the newest delivery was on its way out to his facility on Cyto Val. The numbers were staying at a steady volume. He was happy with production and the crews were working hard. He looked out from his office as some new management officials he'd hired were conversing with workers. They would soon be taking over after he left today. For he had a company and a facility to run. Nyos packed up his bags and walked down to the lift. He reached the bottom to an uproarious welcome from staff and crew. The new Manager of Operations shook his hand and ensured that the mine would go smoothly.

"I'd like to thank you all for your hard work and your continued progress with this mine. In light of recent events, I have crunched some numbers and everyone will be getting a raise at the end of this week. I expect this mine to continue to produce the numbers I've seen in the past two months. Pyronium is essential to my research and you have allowed me to take leaps and bounds with our success. Again, I thank you all and will be back in a four months for the half-anniversary celebration. Ill bring the booze!"

The crowd roared with excitement as Nyos walked inboard the 'Pheobus' and took off for his facility.


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