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Approved Starship Calypso's Gambit

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  • Manufacturer: Subpro, refitted by Lucerne Labs

  • Model: Custom Z-95XT Trainer Calypso's Gambit

  • Affiliation: [member="Bradshaw Ku"]

  • Production: Unique

  • Material: Alusteel hull

  • Classification: Fighter

  • Length: 12.2 meters

  • Width: 6 meters

  • Height: 3 meters

  • Armament: High
    2 Supercharged Arakyd Tomral Heavy Laser Cannons
  • 2 Homing Concussion Missile launchers (4 each)

Defenses: Moderate

Squadron Count: N/A

Maneuverability Rating: Moderate

Speed Rating: Moderate

Hyperdrive Class: 1

Communications Array
Basic Warheads Countermeasure launcher (10 Chaff Bursts or 7 Flares)
Sensor Decoy Launcher (3 decoys)
Standard Sublight Drives
Standard Communications Array
Standard Deflector Shield Generator
Standard Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Sensor Array
Standard Targeting Systems
Can Enter Atmosphere and Land


Heavy Hitting: The Gambit has only a few weapons, but those that it does have are exceptionally heavy-hitting, making them well-suited for penetrating defenses that are typically too tough for most starfighters to successfully attack in one pass, such as gunships and armored shuttles.

Light Stick: The Gambit has exceptionally responsive flight controls, allowing the Crown Prince to quickly respond to situations and take the craft to its limits very quickly.


Slow Rate of Fire: Calypso's Gambit has rather slow-firing laser cannons and missiles that require several seconds to achieve a positive lock, which requires that precision piloting skill. This also is disadvantageous against fighting small, swarming fighters.

Torque: As a result of previous tinkering to the Gambit by its previous owner and the upgrades by Lucerne Labs, the Gambit has a tendency to immediately roll to the left when it is moving at close to its high speed. This torque can oftentimes be controlled by a very strong and steady hand on the pilot, but this is not always something that the pilot wants to consciously think about in the heat of a vicious dogfight.


The Calypso's Gambit was an almost stock Z-95XT that was brought to Lucerne Lab's Gyndine facilities for refitting by a customer who went by the name Yui Calypso, in actuality the Crown Prince of the Commenor Systems Alliance. Lucerne Labs replaced many of the aging subsystems on the ship with more modern equivalents. They noticeably tweaked the sublight drives and the already installed aftermarket Tomral Heavy Laser cannons. Improvements added to the Gambit include a compact x1 hyperdrive and a decoy launcher. This allows the prince to discretely wander through the galaxy and throw any pursuers off. Since the Gambit keeps the Z-95XT's original training seat and console, the Gambit can also carry a passenger, who can also switch flying and gunnery controls with Bradshaw Yu if he likes. As a fighting ship, the Gambit boost minor improvements in all areas compared to a base, standard fighter. Most of the custom work put into the Gambit throughout the years has been on improving its weapons loadout, with exceptionally powerful if slow-firing heavy laser cannons. They do have a supercharge option, which allows them to temporarily be more powerful than even normal heavy laser cannons, though sustained use of this option rapidly drains the ship's power and leads to the possibility of the cannons exploding from overheating. The twin concussion missile launchers found on the original Z-95 were upgraded to sport the latest in smart concussion missile technology, which makes them exceptionally difficult to dodge or foil using sensor countermeasures. This makes the Gambit a good general purpose fighter with a surprisingly strong punch, especially if they discount it as just another lowly Z-95.
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