Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Calling all adventurers, thrill seekers, and other fortune finders

Grim Cut

I want to set up a group. One in which we explore the galaxy doing good. I'm thinking we could cavort about in Sith space helping the common people, smuggling in food, medicine, etc. or go to the lower levels of coruscant and run into a few crime bosses deposing the drug lords and freeing the people forced to make their vile chemicles, or visit the CIS and heist money from some greedy viceroy and give it back to the hungry people of said system. During our adventures we'd run into interesting twist in which we question the ambiguity of our decisions and the outcome of that adventure. The possibilities are endless and in between it all we can sand which our own characters mini arcs in which there's deep personal introspection for our selves that will affect our characters progression, whether it be dark or light. As our story progresses I want our choices and changes to make an impact on each other, so that we may have added a interesting dynamic to each others story arcs, so I want a select few people to join me who are ready to make choices that will change the fate of their comrades and possibly many others to come.

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