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Private Call to the Clouds for Rain

universe entire with-you

Fortunate that it was just that.

"Even an annoyance you can learn to tolerate." Then she nodded. "Yes. I'll join you. I'll give you a minute before I bring you into the echo."

After Astri closed her eyes again, Efret did the same. She moved a hand onto the bangles that she still wore. She felt the desert sun and water droplets on her skin once more, and it was almost as if the muddy floodplain trembled under the feet of roaming elephants. The image she had been seeing before being interrupted was a very faint outline of slightly darker black against the back of her eyelids. For now, she kept it at bay, focusing on not her own, but Astri's breathing. Though she did not reach for the Force to hear it, she could almost see swirling patterns of the girl's exhales and inhales also on her own eyelids.

When she thought she had given Astri enough time to adjust to the new feelings she had, Efret shifted her attention to the bangles' memory. As the oasis expanded back to life in her mind, she directed it to envelop Astri too.

And then they were kneeling on a solid, bare patch of soil near the water.

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Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

Astri let out an inaudible sigh of relief—well, actually, she supposed any sigh of relief was inaudible to the Jedi Master. Point was, though, she was glad that Master Farr was willing to give her another chance to try... and even more glad that her own mess up hadn't come at the cost of a long lecture. Most times she failed were accompanied by something like that.

She closed her eyes, and tried again. It took a little longer, this time, for Astri to feel that cold breeze. Probably because she was looking for it, she assumed. Her brief time with the Order had already taught her that the Force was as elusive as the answers to her questions were. Fitting, then, that Master Farr would be the one to both give her the beginning of those answers, and give Astri her first real experience with the Force.

And then at some point, the cold breeze vanished, replaced by the sound of water, and a gentle mist across her face. Astri opened her eyes—or did she?—blinking, suddenly finding herself seated at the edge of a river.

She turned to Master Farr, still present despite their new surroundings, bewildered.

<I don't understand. Where did the meditation room go?>

universe entire with-you

Efret opened her eyes and looked at Astri. <Room out there,> she replied, pointing up to the sky. <Don't worry. We return whenever you want.>

She stood up then, offering her hand down to help Astri do the same. <This #Upsa:i Oasis.> She pointed again, this time past Astri in the direction where the water flowed from. A dense thicket of riparian palm trees blocked the view upstream. <There my village, but not in this Force echo.>

Suddenly, Efret felt a spurt of warm air against her neck. She indicated up at the elephant she knew was not behind her. <This #Gurrat,> she introduced, fingerspelling his name. <Sign name Gurrat.> She then signed it as she had in the meditation room: 'elephant' with a G handshape.

He rested the tip of his trunk on the top of her head.


Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

Astri was still bewildered and lost.

Two minutes ago, she was in a sparsely decorated room. Now, she was standing at some kind of river oasis. Master Farr had explained that she used psychometry as a way to interact with her home and her past, but Astri's mind was still unable to wrap itself around what was actually happening. Logically, she knew she was still in the room—Master Farr even explained as much.

That didn't change the fact that it felt like she was at this river. She could feel the mist on her face, the gentle wind passing over her skin, the heat of the sun above... unimaginable. Then there was the large creature behind Master Farr, resting its trunk on her head. Astri had never seen or read anything about it: large, stocky, with thick grey skin, tusks, floppy ears, and that long trunk that had spouted water earlier.

"This... I... is amazing?"

She sounded dazed, even to herself. Then she remembered that the Jedi Master couldn't actually hear her, and so she turned to her to sign.

<Gurrat.> Astri signed slowly, copying Master Farr's fingers, <what is he?>

universe entire with-you

<Hungry rascal,> she signed with a smile before reaching down to the side to run a hand through the reed grass. She grabbed a handful and yanked, then brought the bushel towards her head.

Gurrat, who had been playfully sniffing Efret's hair, let go to instead take the grass from her.

<Elephant,> she answered her seriously. She crossed over to Astri, where she turned to watch Gurrat as he ate. <Watch him. Like play.>

Upon finishing chewing, Gurrat held his trunk out towards the two Jedi.

<Ahh. He want more food.> She tsked, though she was still smiling sincerely. <Lazy.>

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Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr


While the letters were familiar to Astri, the arrangement of them were not. She was less questioning this creature's name, and more confirming that she had signed it right.

She watched as Master Farr ripped up some reed grass, and offered it to the elephant. He wrapped it up in his trunk to deposit in his mouth, and Astri watched with eyes the size of dinner plates. He was so... majestic. Also like a hundred times her size, which was also incredible. She'd never have seen something like this if she'd stayed on Eshan.

She supposed that, technically, she wasn't seeing it now. It was... something something the Force? Astri had no idea how to really explain what she was experiencing.

But... she figured if Master Farr could rip up grass and offer it to the elephant, then she could too, right? Astri gingerly reached out for the reeds, feeling them with the pads of her hand as surely as if she were actually present on this planet. She too ripped them up, before coming to stand right at Master Farr's side and timidly offering the bushel to Gurrat.

He was very imposing close up. But... she technically couldn't be hurt by him if he technically wasn't here, right?

That didn't make her any less nervous, hand trembling slightly as she held out the grass.

universe entire with-you

For a moment, Gurrat didn't do anything.

Then he snorted softly, flattened his ears against the sides of his head, and gently took Astri's offering.

<He like you,> Efret signed, recognizing the animal's body language. He had noticed Astri's nerves and had tried to make himself less intimidating. <That good omen.> The master turned to Astri. <My community associate elephant with cloud. When need rain, celebrate them. Start life for crop and start new chapter for you.> Efret smiled. <I happy you here.>


Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

Gurrat was still, and so Astri was practically frozen in place. She didn't know if she was afraid of scaring him off (unlikely) or if she was afraid of being trampled by this elephant, as majestic as it was. She was assuming that wasn't possible, here in this trance... but she knew nothing of the Force, and Master Farr had told her that psychometry could be dangerous.

Still, Astri didn't think the Jedi Master would have invited her to this if it was dangerous. Especially not after Astri herself had all but admitted she was a neophyte Jedi who knew absolutely nothing—

Gurrat snorted, and somehow Astri's eyes got even bigger. Then he gently took the bushel of reed grass from her, and she gasped in some mix of awe and excitement.

"He's so... majestic." Astri blinked, realizing she'd spoken again, and quickly turned to Master Farr to sign that very same statement.

The Jedi went on to explain how her culture viewed creatures like Gurrat. Astri had never put much stock in worship or reverence, but she did find other cultures fascinating. Gurrat probably didn't bring the rain, but he was certainly a beautiful creature, and so was there really anything wrong with celebrating him?

She didn't think so.

<Who your people?> Astri turned to ask Master Farr, <where you come from?>

universe entire with-you

<I #Lorrdian. From small province name #Bepru. Compared-to rest-of world, #Bepru lot different.> In at least one aspect, it was the same: its official languages were Basic and Kinetic. The latter had not been a mode of communication made by and for the d/Deaf, even though it was nonverbal and the modern version did contained many signs, but by and for a species of people that had once been forbade to speak by its enslavers. Though that time—the Kanz Disorders—was almost 5,000 years past, the lorrdians had not given Kinetic up. It was embedded in their collective cultural conscious, a global generational trauma that had burrowed into their very DNA and well as their history books.

All lorrdians now grew up with a strong intuition regarding body language.

Maybe she'd explain that to Astri one day. For now, though, she skipped over it and continued, <I miss home terribly. I left when I age eight. Not physically return since. I archeologist. Very busy, but also dangerous for first: my village, second: me because close-to Sith territory.>


Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

Lorrdian. Bepru. They were terms that Astri was entirely unfamiliar with. Fourteen years on Eshan had left her sheltered, and though she knew plenty about galactic history, she knew nearly nothing about the many cultures that made up their galaxy. Master Farr mentioned that Bepru was very small and different, though, so maybe this particular time it wasn't a failure on her part.

Astri decided, in that moment, that she would start seeking out knowledge of the other peoples of the galaxy. In order to navigate it, after all, she had to understand.

Master Farr went on to explain how she'd left home at a very early age, and how she missed it. It made something in Astri's chest hurt—a pain of understanding. She missed home terribly, even though she'd only been gone for a few weeks. She knew that would pass with time, and that the Jedi would be home eventually... but that didn't change how she felt right now.

<I understand.> She empathized, <I miss Eshan. Miss greatly. Coruscant too warm, not enough snow. And no people I know.>

Just looking at Master Farr's home, Astri thought it would likely be warm for her standards too. But there was a beauty to it that the metal spires of Coruscant could never have. Life was rich here, in a way that seemed increasingly rare on the more civilized worlds of the galaxy.

<Maybe we come here someday? When safe from Sith?>

universe entire with-you

Efret's smile softened. Astri's empathy was touching.

The master nodded. <Like that, future.> She pointed off into the horizon, where after the oasis faded back into desert, the sands rose into plateaus which eventually rose into a high mountain range. <Up-there snow. At-least I told, past. Never gone.> In fact, Efret hadn't seen snow or ice in-person until her Gathering ceremony on Ilum. Since then, she had come to love it, and also learned how to layer for warmth.

<We can go-to #Eshan when next solstice festival as-well.> Efret had been to a few and didn't mind the idea of a vacation. Periodic breaks from aiding the war effort was just what the Grandmaster all but ordered, after all. Maybe if she went slightly underdressed for the climate, the coldness would paralyze the Dark memories that had begun to take up residence in her head.

It was worth a try. Though meditation sessions like this one had kept them at bay so far, she desired lasting relief; but before she would allow herself to seek it out, she had to remain on Coruscant. She had to be ready to help in any way that she could. Leaving now, on the eve of invasion, would defeat the purpose of returning from her archeological tour in the first place.

Efret's countenance contorted to concern as her mental focus shifted from herself to Astri. <#Coruscant not safe. Did anyone tell-you?>


Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

Master Farr pointed off into the distance, and for the first time Astri noticed what was actually out there. A mountain range, looming above the dry climate they were currently in, with the promise of snow. Even here, on arid worlds, it seemed that there were places where precipitation could freeze. Oddly enough, Astri found that comforting. Like there was a little piece of home on this alien world, even though it clearly differed greatly from Eshan.

And then the Jedi Master promised they'd go to Eshan for the solstice. Astri look up at her, eyes brimming with emotion.

<You come with me?>

Though her signing didn't show it, Astri's body language gave off a mixture of nervousness and hope. It seemed presumptuous to ask Master Farr to make the journey home with her, and yet Astri craved her company all the same. Only a short few minutes with the woman, and she was already attached. Perhaps that made Astri a poor prospect for a Jedi.

She just yearned for warmth in her life. Master Farr had been the first person in a long time to offer that.

<#Coruscant not safe. Did anyone tell-you?>

Astri nodded.

<Eshan also not safe. Close to Empire borders.> Astri frowned, <no one explained until after I arrived.>

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Efret understood Astri's body language easily. <Yes, we go together.>

No one explained until after she arrived? Well, that was irresponsible of someone—whoever had transported Astri here. Efret knit her brow. <That fine.> It really wasn't, but she'd make it right. <Most padawan hide in temple ship, two. I-don't-know where, but I can send-you-to one.>

Efret knelt down before the young echani. <You belong there. With them. War coming.>


Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

Gratitude filled Astri. She... she didn't miss her people all that much, if she was being honest. But she did miss the world itself. Her home. Even... even father, a little bit. She didn't think he shared those feelings but he was still all the family she had. Maybe it wasn't always what she wanted, but it had to be enough, right? To want more was selfish, or so she'd always been told.

And yet, now she was being told that even Coruscant couldn't be her new home.

<You belong there. With them. War coming.>

<Tired of everyone passing me along.> Astri signed slowly, eyes downcast, <but I understand. I go. You come with?>

Being forced to live on a space station seemed a little inhumane though. Home was on a world surrounded by natural air and people, not durasteel and the vastness of space. Not for the first time, Astri wondered if she should have stayed on Eshan.

But another part of her did understand that Master Farr was looking out for her safety. It didn't make the idea of being pushed out sting any less, but it was better than being buried under rubble.


Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

Astri deflated a little more. It made sense though: the Jedi were trying to keep their wards safe. She was now one of those wards, even if newly so. It would have been nice to have some she knew come with her, if she had to be ferreted away from yet another world, but Master Farr was probably needed here...

<Okay.> Was what she signed to the Jedi.

It was probably odd of her to ask Master Farr to come with her anyways. They had only just met. It was just... Astri liked her. She was warm, and she was nice, and Astri didn't know many people like that. Certainly not her father or her peers back on Eshan. There were a few people here, some of which she even liked, but she had no idea if they'd be coming to the temple ships too.

She looked back up at Master Farr, pausing for a moment.

<I see you again, someday?>

Astri was glad that she didn't have to speak here. With the subtle way her jaw was trembling, she didn't think she'd have been able to actually get the words out.

universe entire with-you

Instead of answering, Efret extended her arms out to Astri and pulled the girl into a tight hug. One hand stroked the back of Astri's silver head of hair.

This war was so very unfair and it had only just begun. Efret wasn't sure if the padawans and the older Jedi who had chosen to go into hiding with them would be until the Dark Empire was no longer a threat. That might be a very, very long time away yet and, if her duel on Jedha was any indication, the master might have trouble surviving until the end.

The possibility wasn't one she wanted to unfold, but it did not bother her in theory either. The Jedi Code had something very specific to say about death. It had taken her years to be able to take sincere solace in that section of the mantra.

As Efret pulled back, she slid a hand onto Astri's cheek and ran her own thumb along the girl's slightly trembling jaw. <I hope.> If Astri did not like feeling passed along, she probably wouldn't appreciate feeling given potentially false hope either, or so Efret assumed. The master took a deep breath and added, <Dangerous. I maybe not survive. But not really death in Force.>

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Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

Master Farr moved suddenly, and Astri was too confused to respond. The next thing she knew, she was being wrapped up in a tight embrace. A hand ran through her hair, and the young Echani found it soothing. She stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. But, after a few moments, she slowly wrapped her around around Master Farr and clung tightly to her.

Astri had no memory of this; of being hugged as if by her mother.

The gentle touch that came next—the hand resting on the side of her face—was just as foreign to her. To her people, combat was everything. It was self-defense, communication, learning, and even intimacy. But no one, not even her father, had ever been this soft with her.

<Dangerous. I maybe not survive. But not really death in Force.>

Silent tears started falling down Astri's face. She couldn't bring herself to think enough to remember how to sign, and so had to settle for letting Master Farr read her lips as she spoke.

"B-but I don't want you to die."

Efret couldn't hear it, of course, but it was as quiet as anything she'd ever said—ripe with grief over losing Master Farr after they'd just met, and after the woman had just helped her take her first steps toward becoming a Jedi.

universe entire with-you

<I try not,> Efret began, frowning, <but if do...> Was separation a better fate than suffering at the hands of Dark Jedi? It had to be, but right now Efret thought it much worse. She couldn't imagine what sorrow her mother and father had felt when they had finally let the Jedi Recruiter who had come to Bepru leave with their daughter. Though it must have been more intense than the emotion that rolled over Efret—without the promise of reuniting—Efret felt as she watched Astri cry as if her own heart may never recover.

<I with you still.>

Efret reached out again to grasp gingerly around Astri's wrist, where in the real world she wore Gurrat's jewelry. <You keep bracelets in-case. Remember me.>


Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

<I with you still.>

Astri did her best to tilt her chin up. A Jedi wasn't supposed to be afraid, right? And they were supposed to accept loss, right? She didn't know how she was going to do that... but she'd try. Maybe she'd still let Master Farr down, if the inevitable occurred. Today, however, she sniffled one last time, and blinked her tears away.

Tears were a waste of energy, her father had told her. Astri... she didn't know if Father was right, but she didn't want Master Farr's first and last memory of her to be of her sobbing. So, instead, she nodded at Master Farr—still not trusting herself to speak without breaking down in tears again.

<You keep bracelets in-case. Remember me.>

"I will." Then, when the Jedi Master let go of the wrist she'd taken so gently, she signed it, <I will.>

A promise, twofold.


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