Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Caldwell Stern


Age42 GSY
OccupationAshlan Knight
Force SensitiveYes
Height1.65 Meters
Weight55 kg
Hair ColorBrown (Greying)
Eye ColorDeep Brown
Skin ColorCaucasian
VoiceSimon Templeman as Kaine

When people think of Serenno, they typically envision a world of nobility. Counts, Dukes, and their like. A world mired by its history as a symbolic world of the Separatist movement and its connections to Darth Tyrannus. Yet, some tend to forget the smalfolk among the revelry and wealth of the gentry.

Caldwell Stern was such a man born into the Serennian peasant folk. The Stern family had long been mere farmers living in a province ruled by one of Serenno's plentiful nobles. For much of Caldwell's childhood, he remembers harvesting crops from the field and raising different beasts of husbandry. Yet, feet would have different things in store for young Caldwell. When he was six years old, a nerf bull got loose and was charging toward Caldwell's father. In an instant, the boy leapt in front of the creature....and it stopped, Caldwell's hand outstretched instinctively. It was then the Sterns knew their son was connective in the Force.

Rather than having Caldwell be grabbed up by some lord, the Sterns made contact with a Jedi sect. There, Caldwell was trained under a strict master by the name of Kujho Lupen. Caldwell trained in the ways of the Force, following the path of the Jedi Sentinel. He eventually was granted the rank of Jedi Knight. Yet, his time with the Jedi was not to last.

Caldwell's particular sect of Jedi were strict traditionalists. Yet, Caldwell himself was not. In his time as a knighted Jedi, he saw to reading upon a group of ancient Jedi named the Teepo Paladins. He was very interested in their philosophy. For all the weapons that the Dark Side had, he could not fathom why the Jedi limited themselves to their lightsabers alone. When he was found out, he was cast from the Jedi ranks on the grounds of heresy.

With no order to serve, he went back to what he knew best. He bought a small farmstead on Dantooine. He built a life there, and even started a family. But even then, the Force would not let him rest. A dark cult calling itself the Primeval came to Dantooine, and the Sith not long after. With them brought cruelty and death. His family were among the victims. In his response, Caldwell began to rebel before being forced off world.

In the years since, he has forged a new lightsaber and has joined different causes against the Dark Side. Most recently, he has found himself joined with the Ashlan Crusade. For all the pain the Dark Side has given him, he sees the cause as justice for his family and for all of those who had suffered at the hands of a Bogan wielder. As an Ashlan Knight, he now hunts the very sorcerers and monsters that breed so easily in the Dark, especially with the looming threat of the Maw.

(+) Jedi-Trained: As a young man, Caldwell was taught the path of the Jedi Sentinel. He has balanced his usage of the Force with his skills with physical weaponry. In recent years, he has taught himself how use the technique of Force Light as a way to fight the insidious magics of the Dark Side.
{+} Beyond the Lightsaber: In addition to a lightsaber, Caldwell has read up and learned the philosophy of the Teepo Paladins. He has become just as good of a marksman as he is a wielder of a Jedi blade.
{-} Abrasive: After witnessing the cruel deaths of his family by darksiders, his personality has become quite curt and blunt. He has become far more of a disciplinarian when it comes to teaching pupils. He might not be the most socially adept person, despite his effectiveness a Sith Hunter.
{-} Zealot,: Similarly, Caldwell wishes to see the death of the Dark Side itself in order to seek justice for his family. He does not care how many cultists, monsters, or dark emperors he needs to go through to get this goal accomplished.





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