Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caelia Timarath

NAME: Caelia Timarath. The first name means heaven or heavenly in Eldarai.
FACTION: Eldorai Matriarchy
RANK: Blade of the Star Queen
SPECIES: Eldorai.
AGE: She was born 85 years ago, but is physically 63 because she was frozen in carbonite between missions. Eldorai become physically mature around the age of 30, and fully develop around the age of 50. As a result, she is physically the equivalent of an Eldorai female in her early twenties.
SEX: Female.
EYES: Blue.
HAIR: Red.
SKIN: Fair.


  • Caelia is a highly skilled spy, infiltrator and assassin, able to do whatever is necessary to fulfil the commands of the Queen. Caelia was part of a programme designed to turn its subjects into ruthless, professional killers. She has a pragmatic approach to combat and is trained in the use of most weapons, relying on guns, gadgets, good aim and close combat abilities rather than preternatural powers. She is in very good physical shape, agile and dexterous.
  • Rather than charge into a situation, she exercises patience. She is good at analysing a situation, assessing enemy strengths and weaknesses, and acting accordingly, favouring a finesse approach. Moreover, she is good at lying and dissembling, having been conditioned to be very resist to mental probing and manipulation.
  • Caelia served her Queen as a cleaner and an assassin, and was inducted into the Temple at an early age. As a result of her conditioning and the experiences her work put her through, she is not held back by moral constraints. Instead she takes a consequentialist approach.
  • Caelia does not possess any superpowers. Thus she must rely on her wits, skills, training and improvisation to prevail, rather than falling back on preternatural abilities.
  • She is literally a fish out of temporal water. When Tirathana VI, the Queen who essentially created her, passed away, no one came to awaken Caelia. So the agent waited until she was found by a royalist group that had stumbled upon some hidden records. Thus Caelia has to deal with a profound culture shock and adjust to a whole new world, as she missed all the calamities her people went through. She finds herself isolated, adrift and without most of her contacts.
  • Sensitive hearing has its advantages, but also makes her more vulnerable to high-pitch frequencies.
Caelia is a tall Eldorai female with an athletic, toned figure. She has dark red hair, pointed ears, steely blue eyes and a stoic expression of confidence and control. Caelia has accumulated her share of injuries over several decades of service. One of them is a thin pale scar on her stomach, which was inflicted by a heavy slug round. She dresses professionally, wearing whatever is appropriate for the environment she finds herself in. Thus her attire can range from simple street clothes to a fancy dress to a paramilitary-style uniform etc. Her movements are economical and precise and she does her best to stay out of the spotlight whenever possible.

Detached, zealous, adrift. These terms are good starting points to describe her. Caelia has been thawed out in a very different Galaxy compared to the one she remembered. Kaeshana is an inhospitable, abandoned tomb world, her people are exiled, there are Kar'zun and humans working with the Eldorai and there are rebel Shadows and aliens everywhere. In short, the world has turned tupsy-turvy for her. In the days of yore, all non-Eldorai were regarded as demons, ghosts or soulless abominations. That was the official version at least. However, Tirathana VI knew better, though she kept her people in ignorance. Caelia was one of those Eldorai who were trained at an early age to go off-world and deal with exiles or dissenters who might be smuggling in forbidden ideas or encouraging revolt.

Caelia has been shaped by this, having been raised in a regimented life defined by discipline, obedience and lies. She has seen far too much of how ugly the Galaxy can be since childhood. She was trained to be mission-focused, view anyone except her handlers as potential threats and ignore moral considerations in favour of success. Lying comes natural to her. If there is something she wants or something that will make her life easier, she has no problem employing lies, blackmail or deception in order to attain it. In the lives she lives in, danger lurks at every corner. The enemy of today becomes the ally of tomorrow and vice versa. She was conditioned to have absolute faith in the Matriarchy, yet expected to break its laws on a regular basis.

Caelia still shares some of the prejudices of her species. For instance, she is speciesist. At the same time, it did not escape her notice that the humans whose worlds she visited were often far more technologically advanced than her people. They were supposed to be barbarians, yet her job also required her to mingle among them and do whatever what was needed to get close to them to eliminate her targets. In short, the doublethink was very strong.

In many ways, she is not a fan pf present Eldorai society. From her point of view, the present Star Queen, Tirathana VII, is too soft and does not go far enough in exerting her authority and eliminating her foes. Overall, she does not really respect the Queen. At the same time, she appreciates her new-found freedom, though she is uncertain of how she will use it. The Matriarchy is what she knows, yet it has changed profoundly, and the Eldorai have fractured into myriad factions. This has made her feel strong feelings of alienation and frustration, as seemingly all her work was for nothing. Caelia still has to process the fact that her Queen's tyrannical rule as well as her own actions helped weaken the Eldorai, leaving them exposed to the manifold threats of the Galaxy.

When she is not playing a specific role, say to get close to a target, she has a dour, serious demeanour. This is not to say that she is antisocial or incapable of socialising. Rather it means that she compartmentalises a lot. She is a good actress who can play a role and has the ability to get people to open up to her, but most of the bonds she forms remain superficial. On the job she is rather resourceful and practical. She has serious emotional walls in place. Caelia is slow to trust. She feels uncomfortable around children. This is probably not surprising since she was trained to kill from an early age, has done some horrible things and been trained to respond with violence at a split second's notice.



Caelia was born as a convent baby. She was the bastard of an upper class who dropped her off at a convent in the middle of the night. As a result she was raised without family. Except of course all of Ashira's children are family. For the first twenty years she was raised as a foundling and had a basic education, which mostly consisted of scripture, religious sayings and strict discipline. Caelia learned to adapt and hold her feelings in check. She found an outlet by playing mean pranks on particularly vicious sisters of the concent. She was put to work at age twenty, which was about six to seven in human terms. This involved monotonous, dangerous tasks with strict discipline and little rest. First she planted and picked low crops, then she swept away dust in a primitive factory.

She learned how to keep her emotions and thoughts to herself, for she saw what happened to kids who did not. However, one particularly bad overseer who was fond of the whip had an 'accident' by tripping into something nasty. She was Caelia's first kill. Time went by and she became hardy for an Eldorai, but still thin and wiry. Shorter than average at this time she got picked on...for a while...until those who bullied her end up having (non fatal) accidents. By age thirty these instances were getting more common, only to those who bullied or were cruel to her. Nothing could be pinned on her though. Outwardly, she was compliant, obedient and reserved. However, it had drawn the attention of Madam Saenar, the head of the Scarlet Blades and Madam of the Watchers. She was fascinated by the reports and pieced together what no one else had by using her brain. This foundling could be an asset, so she invoked her rights to commandeer her.

Caelia was inducted into the Temple of the Watchful Blades. The training was tough, even brutal, but fair. Saena taught her girls how to be perfect assassins and spies. Of course, it started slowly, but by age forty Caelia was already a skilled infiltrator. No one noticed the children, after all. It was only one step further to use Caelia's skills to ensure that accidents happened to those who displeases Saenar, and by extension the Queen. By age fifty she was being sent on longer missions in a deep cover role. Her first serious assignment of this nature took place over a period of three months. She worked as a servant girl to seduce the husband of a powerful yet deviationist noble, who secretly followed the Arrynist heresy, on her estate, then proceeded to investigate and kill her. This was her test, and her success made her become a full Blade. The next five years saw her participate in similar missions. Each one was more taxing than the last, but she was well rewarded by Saenar. However, the Blades were fiercely competitive and she acquired a rival who tried to outdo.

Finally, Caelia was summoned by the Queen herself with a mission. Though the Queen's image was omnipresent, very few Eldorai had ever seen her in person, or caught a glimpse of her. However, they were all taught to regard her as the emissary and viceroy of Ashira in the material realm. Thus Caelia was in awe. An Eldorai off world was causing problems, spreading sedition and preaching heresy, so Caelia was sent to infiltrate her circle and dismantle it from within. It was her first time off-world. She tracked the Eldorai down to Corellia and eliminated her. Several more misisons like this followed.

She targeted disaffected Eldorai officers, terrorists, emigres who had fled from the Matriarchy, journalists who spread their story and others. For a while she and other agents collaborated in setting up a fake revolutionary group, which supposedly wanted to organise the emigrants and bring about change back home on Kaeshana. However, the dummy organisation was a trap. Some emigrants were forced to collaborate, lest their families back home be hurt. Some others were lured back to Kaeshana with the promise of safe conduct and amnesty. A prominent revolutionary fell for the bait of an insurrectionary underground, was abducted and murdered after a show trial.

She kept tabs on Varisanthra Lycaeni, an Eldorai dissident and businesswoman, but never received the order to kill her. This confused Caelia at first since Vari had considerable resources, but her superiors told her that the iconoclast was less dangerous alive than dead. The businesswoman's wealth was significant, but the very fact that she had built herself a life in the stars meant that she would be reluctant to risk it by undermining the Matriarchy. But if an attempt on her life succeeded, the exiles could see her as a martyr rather than a selfish capitalist who had gone native, and someone more radical might commandeer her resources. And if it failed, she would be incentivised to throw in her lot with the radicals. This was an important lesson for Caelia.

In order to pass as one of them, Caelia had to immerse herself in the underworld and the vibrant communities of Eldorai exiles that had sprung up in the stars. She soon discovered that although all dissidents were lumped together as Dark Eldorai, they were actually extremely diverse. Some wanted a republic (though often with a limited franchise), others a military dictatorship or a theocracy. Others again were fine with the system, but rejected Tirathana as an usurper and wanted to put a different dynasty in power. Many of these groups were just as hostile to each other as they were to the Matriarchy, if not more so. Some of the revolutionaries even willingly collaborated with royalist agents like Caelia in order to discredit or weaken their ideological rivals. Ironically, one of her best collaborators was a revolutionary who despised the Matriarchy and wanted to replace it with a radical egalitarian regime, which meant that any moderate reformers who could preserve the system past its expiration date had to be thwarted.

She also had to learn to blend among the humans the Church had taught her to regard as demons. Soulless they might be, but their motivations and drives were far too similar to that of the Eldorai. Their advanced technology both fascinated and intimidated her. Eventually she was tasked with dealing with Taenarys, a scion of the deposed Evora dynasty and pretender to the throne. Calling herself the 'rightful Star Queen of the Eldorai', the pretender had amassed an army composed of foreign mercenaries and Eldorai who had been liberated from the clutches of slavers. The would-be queen styled herself as a liberator and breaker of chains, but the agent was not impressed. Her plans for ruling were half-baked, and she seemed to have little idea of conditions on Kaeshana.

After all, she had spent most of her life in exile. Caelia posed as an escaped prisoner who told Taenarys the masses awaited the return of the true queen. Thus spread disinformation that strengthened Taenarys' belief that the Eldorai masses yearned for the day when she reclaimed her rightful throne. They drank secret toasts in her name and would assuredly rise up to topple the usurper. This was nonsense, but stroked her ego. The information she gathered about the internal dynamics of Taenarys' camp spread disinformation about the rebel, portraying her as the stooge of foreigners. Caelia gathered information on Sahome Tyral, a fiery Eldorai priestess who had denounced the Church's practice of selling indulgences that promised remission from sin. After being excommunicated, she had gone into exile to escape execution.

Persecution and exile had made the cleric even more radical, as she proclaimed that the Queen was not Ashira's emissary. Every Eldorai could find her own way to the Goddess without needing an intermediary. At first Caelia's handlers considered assassinating her, hoping that it would decapacitate here religious movement, the Aspirants, especially after learning that Taenarys had approached her. However, information acquired by Caelia indicated that Sahome detested Taenarys' foreign liaisons, while her likely replacement might support the usurper. Thus she was given the order to stand down and work on gathering intel and discrediting the pretender instead. When priestess was received by Taenarys at her court, Sahome ended up refusing to bend the knee. When Taenarys ordered her to be burnt alive, Sahome proved she was divinely protected by quelling the flames. This undermined Taenarys' standing.

Caelia gathered intelligence on her invasion plans and Thus the Matriarchy had received advanced warning and was on full alert when Taenarys' army landed on Kaeshana. The HRD the pretender sent to assassinate Tirathana VI was thwarted before she could reach the Queen, and the rebels were defeated. Taenarys' own mercenaries turned on her. However, Tirathana VI rewarded them as traitors deserve and gave her 'dear cousin' a 'crown of gold'. Their deaths served as an example for all rebels. But not everything went well for Caelia. She had succeeded in her task, but found that she had been set up by a rival and framed for heretical actions. She briefly went rogue and proved her loyalty by terminating her rival. But as a consequence of the whole affair, Saenar was forced to resign. Caelia was distraught, as the matriarch was the closest thing she had to a mother figure. The new Madam was far less sympathetic, and begun institutung a policy of having agents frozen and then defrosted to send on missions.

Moreover, Caelia was subjected to a mental programming to compel loyalty. When she was given the assignment to eliminate a dissident whose writings proclaimed that Eldorai and humans shared a common ancestor, she obeyed and made the death look like an accident. The infidel's writings were confiscated and burnt. After one last mission, she returned to the Blades' secret off-world base of operations, a remote asteroid. There she was frozen again. But then the Queen passed away, the Madam died in the brief civil war and Caelia was forgotten. Thus she slept through the Lost Kar'zun invasion, the Eldorai Exodus from Kaeshana, the First Order occupation and the final destruction of Kaeshana. Until one day she was reactivated. Suffice to say she woke up to a world that was very different from the one she remembered.



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