Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Ca be a'den


Mos Gamos, Tatooine
Tag: Vren Rook Vren Rook

Inside the main compound, more than a dozen scournels drank, gambled and feasted amongst themselves. Sitting in a throne-like chair a Nikto who wore makeshift fatigues of greenish color looked to his men, grinning like a feline. Him and the gang had yesterday raided a hover-train, stealing some good mechincise. Dolath couldn't help but snicker, recalling how the surviving guards and workers begged for mercy.

It was rather amusing but it didn't save them. With the bucket-heads too busy with their problems I'll be running this region within a month at least.

Lifting his glass he drank more ale, some of it dripping down his lips and neck.

Finished Dolath let out a satisfied sigh. "What a great night this is turning out to be."

Nearby at a table one of his new men, a young human named Curzon, caught his Gran cheating with the cards. Punched in the middle eye the alien fell back before Curzon jumped on, trying to pummel him some more.

Chuckling at the spectacle as others cheered the fight on, the gang leader was about to order a drink when chaos erupted. He just about noticed a small round object dropping from the ceiling and exploded right into the midst of his men.

Fire consumed most. Those lucky who died immediately others flail around, shrieking in torment. Shocked and horrified, Dolath fell out of his throne, overturning it in the process. He looked only for a jetpack to be heard and the all familiar Mandalorian armor appeared.

Minerva opened fire, blasting the few remaining guards in controlled bursts. The Nikto gritted his teeth but nevertheless started to run Minerva dive in pursuit. Closing in, she drew one vambrace, firing a grappling line that wrapped around Dolath's neck. Within a moment she flew back, yanking him away, gasping for air.

Busting through a door the Mandalorian continued her low flight while dragging her target, struggling to pull the line off his neck while kicking up dust. Once yards outside Minerva turned off the line, letting the thug drop and able to breathe again.

Coughing Dolath barely had time to register what just happened when Minerva descended upon. Seeing the armored figure he reached for hidden blaster but he was shot in the left hand. Screaming he gripped it with the other limb.


He was interrupted when his right kneecap was shot. Crying out again he rolled back and forth.

"Please..I'll pay…you a-anything."

Minerva scoffed beneath the helm.

"You without mercy now plead for it?! Pathetic!"

Suddenly she jumped on top of the thug, proceeding to punch him repeatedly in the face with both fists. Each strike that followed became worse than the last, with no end in sight yet.

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