Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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C.I.N.S (Civil Intergalactic Negotiation Society)

[SIZE=10.5pt]Corporation Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Civil Intergalactic Negotiation Society (C.I.N.S.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Headquarters:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Underwater Base on [/SIZE]Manaan

[SIZE=10.5pt]Locations:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] N/A[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Operations[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Employs and dispatches negotiators for faction communication.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Rationale[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: After winning a card game on Coruscant, Meraki inherited a small place in the underwater regions of Manaan. It acts as the headquarters, featuring a hangar, a meeting room, and several other components.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Tier[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: [1] - Generally small, is not partnered or contracted with any other companies or factions.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Description[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Started as a means for peace between factions, the C.I.N.S. goal is to resolve conflict wherever the need be. Negotiators are trained in basic languages and techniques, not to mention a wide array of exploration tools. As a means of business, it advertises it's services to factions and will dispatch one or more negotiators depending on the ROC (Rank of Communication) which takes into account: faction, neutrality, and status of war. The C.I.N.S. aims for everlasting neutrality, avoiding a corrupt government or an overruling faction. It has a strict code on war, aiming to resolve conflicts in war and keep it just. The C.I.N.S. unofficially and secretly sells supplies to Hutt Space in return for protection from enemies. Unfortunately for those who are force-sensitive, the C.I.N.S. is abruptly against those with the power of the Force, possibly because of manipulation used by those on the Dark side of the Force. It has a reputation for gaining things by chance or luck, after receiving the headquarters on Manaan via card game. Meraki Stomm II, the leader, is slowly revolting against the use of droids in communication, reasons for which are unknown.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Subsidiaries[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: N/A[/SIZE]

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