Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Bypassing Time

Location: Tatooine, Mos Espa
Gear: Nelvaanian Longsword | KC-95 "Ace of Spades"

It wasn’t often or normal for Rath to stop by such an isolated planet without much of a goal. Other than fueling his ship and the process of acquiring more supplies. Of course he does so without his armor, but he still keeps his sword and blaster pistol on him. After the tragic event that took place on Cularin, Rath kept any of his involvement to the absolute minimum that managed to get out. Given that he’s been acting on his own Rath had no doubt that nobody even knew what took place behind the scenes. There was only one other instance that Rath had been so close to such concentrated energies of the dark side, and frankly the energy that was within him even currently felt like his body could break down at any moment.

Consequently, due to the fact that he absorbed the source of attempted creation of a nexus via the Force, every morning and once every couple of hours Rath would begin to feel a headache coming down. It wasn’t as bad as it originally was, but at least to say the sheer amount of Force swelling up in his body was like a fountain full blast of nothing but the dark side. Unfortunately, Rath could no longer hide his presence from any Force sensitives, and he didn’t know how much of a bigger target he became. All he knew was that Rath needed to return to the Eternal Empire and turn in what he found to the other Wardens.

Rath walked down the streets as he had already bought the supplies, but the refueling and minor repairs allegedly were supposed to take another couple of hours or so. Which meant that he planned on doing a little exploration as being a citizen was a bit foreign to him. He was used to always being on the move or doing something. Even when he technically called for a temporary leave Rath never sat still. Even so, just the mere presence of him appeared to unnerve the local folk as most stayed out of his way. Whether they could feel the sweltering energy stored inside of his body, or just his stoic expression with piercing yellow eyes. Rath wasn’t sure which was giving off such intentions, and frankly he wasn’t used to it either.

The young dark sider stopped at one of the stalls that was cooking various types of meat. The sizzling filled the air as the sweet scent of seasoned meat. Rath exchanged loose credits to purchase one of the seasoned meat which was akin to jerky. As he was garbed in a loose, short-sleeved black shirt with dark pants and boots. Other than a holster on his left thigh which held his pistol, Rath keeps the Nelvaanian sword sheathed at the right side of his waist since it was clipped onto his belt. Even while he ate, Rath was courteous enough to shift his sword so that it wouldn’t prevent anyone from moving around him as he continued to walk down the street. Minding his own business as he waited for the time to pass already.


Tarru's ship had landed hours ago on the hot desert planet. However the sweltering heat and scorching suns didn't serve his skin very well. He was more akin to planets with a bit more moisture in the air. Still, his curiosity level was stronger than any discomfort that would inherently occur during this little venture. And so he donned a tan hooded robe that hung loosely on his body, which made it all the more easier for him to waddle through the sand on his stumpy little legs. His feet were outfitted with sandals to protect them from burning.

The things that separated him the most from Jawas that were known to frequent desert worlds were his big blue eyes. There was such a friendly and curious quality to them that it did little by way of intimidation of anyone that he passes by. There was a childlike quality to him, however he was gifted with the Force and knew how to use it when needed. However Tarru was a pascifist, and so combat situations were very rare for him. He avoided the Core and wartorn sectors of space where his ship could be boarded or confiscated due to one law or another.

There was plenty of Darkness in the Galaxy, and plenty of Light as well. And as always they were in conflict with one side wanting to destroy the other. But in truth such a feat was impossible. Tarru knew this just as he felt that everyone should. However the desire to control others was much stronger than common sense, and so the conflicts persisted.

Yet all of that was pushed to the back of his mind. Tarru wasn't involved in any politics or military force. He wasn't even connected to any Force cult or union. He was loyal to himself and to the betterment of those that cross his path.

Today's venture had him exploring the market. He had purchased a beaded necklace with a variety of colours that had caught his eye. They were pretty. He liked to collect little trinkets anywhere that he went to store in his ship as reminders of his journeys. And what a vast collection he had!

The suns shone bright as he waddled through the market. However a dark shadow was cast over a young man approching in the direction that he walked. The shadow was inward, as opposed to one being caused by something external.... The Darkside.

Tarru felt the pain seeping through the shadow that hung around Rath Nihro Rath Nihro , and so he stepped up to him, lifting up his right hand with the forefinger glowing bright. "....Ouch...."
The dark side wasn't exactly the most pleasant side of the Force, and perhaps the deadliest part of the Force for the living. As Sith Alchemy and Magic have accomplished what would've been described in the past and present been impossible to achieve. Even the raising undead or the creation of Rakghouls wouldn't have been possible without the Force. Although, Rath fathoms that if some mad scientist was to study and experiment enough they would've achieved similar results. Perhaps even creating something more dangerous than Rakghouls.

Still Rath could not see what other people, what other Force sensitive, could see him as. The faint smell of flowers reached Rath's nostrils, as unlike many Force sensitive he couldn’t determine which was dark and which was light through normal means. Only through scent could he tell, and usually he wore something to mask the smell so all he felt was just the Force itself. So when he saw the jawa-apparent figure waddling towards him, Rath didn't think anything of it and was going to step to the side until Tarru lifted a hand with a glowing finger. Even in the sunlit street with heat waves swirling around them, the brightness was clear as day. Rath felt something within him shift in the light's presence, retreated even. He heard tales of some Jedi that used their light to suppress the dark side, and it was said to even destroy those corrupted or created through the dark side. However this would be the first time Rath came into contact with anyone who used it.

The alien uttered one word as it stepped closer to Rath. However the ex-soldier only gave a ghost of a smile before responding verbally.

"I would save your energy if I were you. This heat isn't exactly forgiving to anyone." Not to mention the discomfort he was starting to feel under the light's presence.


Tarru had a firm enough grasp of Basic to understand the jist of what Rath Nihro Rath Nihro was saying. The pause in his steps, the hint of a smile and tone of his voice gave him more to work with.

The Darkside swirled within him and it was even more curious as the shadow seemed to retreat away. And so Tarru tested those shadows out by moving his lit up finger around in a swirling motion just to see if those shadows would retreat even more so.

The pain was still present, yet it did not anger the man enough to lash out at the small being in front of him. That in and of itself was a positive sign.

"...Ouch...Shadow....hurt." Tarru tilted up his head, indicating that it was Rath that he felt was hurt and not himself. His bright blue eyes swirled and emanated nothing but an innocent kindness. If there was a way that he could help, Tarru would do so. But if not, then he was satisfied with at least having tried.
The messages, simple yet cryptic that Rath mistook to be an expression of the small alien's feelings. However it turned out that the one with the light was referring to Rath himself. That couldn't have been right, or could it? He's never talked to anyone about the headaches or how it sometimes felt like the dark side swelling up within him was going to tear him apart. The main way Rath got by it was that he used the Force in some way. Usually a form of sense, cloak, or even smell. Albeit Rath could never explain the smell as that was always been his thing.

When Tarru started to twirl his finger, Rath felt the Force pulling him. Raw emotions that clearly wasn't his attempted to raise up within his mind, but Rath kept a lid on it. With a gesture of his free hand, he willed the Force in a more casual manner to lower the glowing hand to the creature's side. Not violently, but more like a gesture of stopping the source that was causing him trouble.

"I'll be alright. I apologize if my presence bothered you as I fail to at least suppress myself these days." Not that he would say why this was the case since it was a delicate subject. One that he would only trust the Eternal Empress herself. Granted someone might pry into the cause of this abnormality, and someone such as Tarru would even go as far as trying to soothe Rath. Worse case scenario would've been he attracts some zealous Jedi wannabe that tries to destroy the dark side of the Force. Being amongst these people, Rath would rather not start a fight with anyone. Not that he couldn't control his powers, but since the incident the abilities have been a bit more potent that usual.


Tarru's expression never waivered, even as Rath Nihro Rath Nihro lowered his hand with the Force. Some might get angry or insulted over such an action, but he wasn't the least bit offended. So many overlooked him and he was quite confident that his small size had something to do with it.

Still, the man was polite in his manners, an indication of what the deeper core of his being was like, despite the shadows swirling within him.

"Heal....pain..." Again Tarru nodded, pointing first at his beating heart that began to glow through his robe, and then once more to Rath. He wasn't attempting to pry into the man's mind, for that wasn't his place to do so. He was only there at that moment to help.
The little guy was persistent to say the least, and Rath was beginning to understand that Tarru knew more of what was going on with Rath. Or at least, understood enough to know that the Force itself was on the verge of killing Rath. Most people viewed the Force as a gift, a tool for a desired end. Rath himself viewed it as a chaotic torrent of energy that knew nothing of order. Creating life and breathing destruction in the same instant. What many kept trying to separate the Light and Dark failed to understand was that the Force was both Light and Dark. There was simply too many idealists and power-hungry conquerors that failed to truly grasp that prospect.

Perhaps that was part of the reason that Rath nearly sacrificed himself as he consumed the Force from a powerful artifact that threatened to consume all life within Cularin to the point where the artifact ceased to function. In doing so, Rath consumed that very same amount of energy and it nearly tore him apart. He only managed to survive due to a clever usage of the Force to give some of it back to the planet. However, Rath couldn’t remember how he did that, but it saved him in the end. It was certainly a sensitive issue as it was related to a Warden who went rogue and threatened to open a nexus of the dark side. Even though Rath himself used the dark side, it was part of his duty to correct his previous master's wrongdoings. In truth, Rath viewed it as an unnecessary sacrifice and that was an instrument to breed chaos and discord upon the galaxy. They had enough problems with the Brynadul, the galaxy didn't need one of their own planets to be turned into something akin to Korriban.

Rath felt himself restraining a sigh as Tarru gestured towards the creature's heart then pointed back to Rath. The former soldier kneels down to be at eye level with Tarru.

"The pain is from something you and I both understand. I don't think healing would be a permanent solution, but is it possible that you could teach me to heal? To give back which was taken?" Granted Rath doesn't fully understand the Force Healing, but so far it was the closest thing Rath heard of what he did in the past. To give the Force of Life back to those that need it or what was wrongfully taken. Rath was never the type to even consider using the Light part of the Force, but if he has to do it in order to prevent it from killing him and give it back to the stream. Then so be it.



Tarru blinked his eyes as he smiled brightly and endearingly. Some might even find him irresistable, but that depended on the nature of the person. Usually such a thing was deemed for those with the purest of hearts. And although Rath Nihro Rath Nihro was kind, the shadows swirling within him had stripped away that purity from him.

"Come...." He turned on his heel and started to go back the waythat he came. His little robe slid down a little from the movement, causing Tarru to nearly stumble. However he caught himself with one of his long arms and gave an embarrassed grin before continuing. "" The market was far too busy for the focus required to teach Rath properly. Tarru wasn't against teaching him, even if the Darkside swirled within him like a hurricane. The man was in pain and if he could help, then he'd feel all the better. Maybe in the long run it could be better for the Galaxy that way. One could oy hope. Although he didn't do it for any personal benefit. Such a thing was selfish and Tarru was anything but.

His oddly round ship wasn't too far away and it could easily be spotted amongst the usual sharp corners of other vessels. His ship wasn't at all imposing, much like it's owner. "Come....quiet
The vocabulary that the short creature had was short yet easy to understand. It was true that the market possessed a lot of noise and prying eyes. Not that the situation was bizarre, but considering that Rath was essentially a trained killer who practically was coated with the dark side. It might be odd that Rath of all people decided to at least learn a bit of the Light side of the Force. After all, to him the Force was a vast well of energy that could be harnessed in many ways. The Force itself doesn't have morals or ideals. It was the people who can see and harness it in their own ways that gave that false image.

When Tarru turned and yet stumbled over his robes. Rath instinctively reached out with the Force, not to grab Tarru or assault him. But to produce a small kinetic burst of soft force that would've at least cushioned Tarru's fall or even pushed him back to his feet. However, that proved to be unnecessary as Rath lowered his extended hand since Tarru caught himself. It was at that moment, albeit Rath didn't realize it, but the nature of himself was beginning to feel conflicted. The years of training to put an end to someone's life whether it was as a soldier or as a Warden. He was always the Empire’s blade, and the said blade had cut down many in the past. Especially against his own kind who turned rogue over stupid trinkets and false ideologies.

Yet here the young man was, following after Tarru who happened to be a lightsider and was willing to give Rath a chance. A chance to not only use the Light for once, but to also open new possibilities. Whether that was a betterment to himself and/or to others, only time could tell what the future would unfold into the present.

The ship was actually easy to pick out since not many ships would go around without some kind of defenses. Whether that was the use of turrets, missiles, or even a shield. Anything to defend themselves against potential pirates. Yet Rath didn't see any of it on this ship. Even so Rath approached it with an open mind as it could host hidden defenses.

"I am not sure if it is just me, but the Force feels… thin on this planet compared to some of the others."



Tarru's walk was sort of a waddle, and it was easy for someone as tall as Rath Nihro Rath Nihro to keep up given the latter's longer legs. Still, the walk didn't feel too long as they moved towards his ship. Nor was it an uncomfortable one for him.

The round ship was home. Tarru's chest glowed once more from beneath his robes as he saw it. His face and eyes brightened up. The desert worlds were far too dry for his liking, not to mention hot. And even though he was the curious sort as to what trinkets and joys each planet that he visits could have, the longing for home was ever present.

"Less life....less Force..." It was a simple enough answer to give. The more life on a planet, the more Force that moved along with it. It was always easier to hide on a planet full of life than to try to hide on one where life was sparse.

The ramp to Tarru's ship lowered with a gesture of his forefinger, bringing with his the hiss of hydrolics. A heavy mist rolled out as well, giving evidence of high humidity within. Tarru gestured for Rath to follow as he waddled up the ramp.

The interior of the vessel seemed almost to be living. There were no sharp corners or harsh edges. Flora and fauna were everywhere and the floor was a carpet of soft moss littered with tiny colourful flowers. It was as though one stepped through a gateway to another planet. The air was thicker with the humidity, yet not too much that it'd make it difficult to breath.

And with the life inside of the ship that flourished, so too did the Force.

"Force feel....thick now?"

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