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Bynn Ulrith


Bynn's Theme

"I find that going slower usually gets the job done quicker."

NAME: Bynn Ulrith
FACTION: The Order of The Silver Jedi
RANK: Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Ithorian
AGE: 17
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 187 Pounds
EYES: Black
HAIR: Bald
SKIN: Brown
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Basic Galactic, Ithorese

Jedi Master:
Nima Tann (Formerly)


+Patience: Bynn's patience is most important trait, it is the center of his strength, while other Padawans his age act upon impulse and tend to try and finish things quickly, Bynn will work at his own pace and usually get the job done quicker and more effectively this way.

+Understanding: Bynn's strong connection with the Force has allowed him to never judge a book by its cover, and always help out those who have wronged in the past, his belief is that as long as you wish for forgiveness, you shall be granted it.

+Very Strong Connection In The Force: Bynn is very spiritually connected with the Force, his trust and belief in it go beyond wisdom or experience, and his power with it is extremely remarkable, especially for someone his age.

- Gullible: Because he is so trusting and accepting of other races and creatures, Bynn is very easy to trick, his belief that everything has a lighter side somewhere in them often blinds him of the truth, and of people's true character.

- Easily Forgives: While this can be considered a strength, it can also be a curse, Bynn does not hold grudges, and tends to forget or forgive the mistakes others have made, because of this, other Padawans believe him to be a poser or fraud who is only trying to impress his Masters.

-Slower: Bynn's species, Ithorians, have naturally slower reflexes than most other species, because of this, he is much slower than his comrades, while he can move around and duel at a fast pace, his moves and attacks will be more simple and predictable.


Known Force Abilities:
-Telekinesis (Novice)
-Telepathy (Novice)
-Healing (Novice)
-Bellow (Adept)


Known Lightsaber Forms:
Form I: Shii-Cho
Form III: Soresu


APPEARANCE: Bynn stands at 6 feet and 8 inches, he has a very light brown colored skin and shiny reflective bulbous black eyes. His back neck is spotted with even darker brown spots. He wears a sandy, tannish colored tunic, with a black, sleeveless vest over it, His tunic is held in place by a dark brown belt. He wears light gray pants and black socks. He usually walks barefoot.


BIOGRAPHY: Bynn Ulrith was a Force-Sensitive Ithorian born on the re-colonized planet of Felucia to his mother Kyula Ulith and father Hekerim Ulith. From a young age, Bynn showed signs of being Force-Sensitive, his parents believed that he should join the Jedi Order, as their race's nature and society shared many of the same peace keeping ideals the Jedi Order held dear. Unfortunately, their plans for Bynn to become a protector of peace failed when he was 7. A Gotal Bounty Hunter known as Leeman, kidnapped the young boy at the request of an unknown Sith Lord.

After abducting Bynn and taking him off of Felucia. Leeman flew to the planet Borao, the second homeworld of the Ithorians, to exchange Bynn for credits. Along the way, his ship was caught in a tractor beam by a group of Weequay Slave Masters, after boarding the ship and killing Leeman, the Weequay found Bynn hiding in the bridge of the ship, they then took him aboard their ship and enslaved him. For 2 years, Bynn suffered as a slave, during this time, he made friends with a lot of the other slaves, who raised him and treated him as their own child.

Eventually, after the encouragement of his fellow slaves, Bynn was finally able to grasp his hold on the Force. They decided to use his ability to their advantage, and one week later, they revolted. Bynn lead the attack, he used his ability the best he could, and helped take over the ship. After the slaves succeeded, they brought Bynn back to Felucia, bid him farewell, and flew off to imprison the pirates and regain their own freedom. Bynn eventually reunited with his parents, and lived with them for another year.

Then, at the age of 10, Bynn and his parents took a flight off of Felucia to Coruscant, after a short amount of sight-seeing, his parents brought him to the steps of the Jedi Temple. It was here that they told him that he would live on as a Jedi, and protect those who could not protect themselves. Despite knowing that he would have to leave his parents, Bynn decided that he would be strong for them and himself. He took the responsibility of becoming a Jedi, and over the years, has been learning the ropes and training his hardest to become a Master of the Force.

At the age of seventeen, Bynn was assigned to train under the well-known Silver Jedi Master; Nima Tann. However, due to complications in the process, and an injury she had suffered while fighting on Ziost, Bynn was re-assigned and was ordered to wait a while longer for a new Master. Bynn turned out to be more affected by the change than he had originally thought, he believed that Nima would be the first guardian or role-model to look up to ever since his parents left. As a result, Bynn became more reserved and quiet, which in turn led others to believe that he was far more isolated and distant from others than he actually was.
His Personal Starfighter:





(All Images Here Are Not Mine, Nor Do I Claim To Have Made Them.


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