Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Business or Pleasure?


Siskeen, Training Facilities.
Time: 0500
Appearance: Outfit
Tags: Raphael Boucher

Raven ducked under the first punch and spun to the right as she used a palm to shove the second fist away from her person, only to deliver a quick punch to the throat. Light so then it wouldn’t seriously harm the person, but enough to leave her opposition gasping for air. Then, as she felt and heard the air swoosh of the incoming slice of the hand towards her own throat. Her left hand caught the attack by the wrist and she dropped her shoulder as she spun, while pulling them towards her so then her back was firmly pressed into the chest of her attacker. She quickly shifted her weight and flipped them over her back, so then they slammed into the training mats onto their own back. Without releasing her hold upon the wrist, her free hand pressed into the person’s throat.

It didn’t take long, before the other woman tapped out and the vampiress released her hold, only to take a quick step back. Nadia and Nala. They were her two bodyguards and recently, from time to time, those that she trained herself. Although they were masters in their own field, Raven had learned to fight for many years before she went into slumber. So the two Felacatians didn’t truly stand a chance against her. However, she did enjoy a quick spar from time to time when she felt the need to expel some energy. Today was just one of those days and while she had stayed overnight in Siskeen after the day that Derek Dib had formally made a physical appearance; along with Seraphina. She had stayed overnight on Siskeen and so she figured that she could fit in a quick sparring session before heading off.

”You went easy on me,” She said as she moved away from the two and shook her head. ”Next time, I’ll be a little more harder with my hits if you continue to baby me; I'll become a real threat with no punches pulled.” Two bodyguards who swore an oath to protect the woman, were still more reactive to strangers and unknowns. However, they were slowly beginning to relax just a little and that was all that she could ask for. If she continued to kick their butts, then maybe they would eventually stop holding back and become real opponents.

With that, she crossed over to check the time upon her datapad and she chuckled. ”Alright. Time to shower, change and continue with other business. I want to be leaving Siskeen at zero hundred.” A pale hand rose to pull her black and red locks from the tie that bound them into a high ponytail. Once the tie was taken out, her hair fell around her shoulders in gentle waves and she moved to pick up the datapad so then she could look at the rest of the agenda for the day.

The first notation was to return to her room so then she could quickly shower and change into something more appropriate for a Viceroy. Although, she simply wore this attire whenever she felt as if she was going to be doing some sort of sparring. Taking a moment to allow her bodyguards to rise from their position, she moved to exit the room with Nadia and Nala following close upon her heels. Fingers darted across the datapad as she began to walk towards the room where she had stayed overnight in. There was but only one minor edit that she had made in regards to the Customs Station proposal and she was quickly previewing it before she would send one of the guards upon her heels, to return it to the King of Illyria.


Raphael Boucher



The Viscount's business on Siskeen had been purely first. He had completed the instructions of his mission and should have looked to turning back to Illyria by now. However, he believed there were yet things Siskeen held for him. He'd been wearing a cloak of black and gold. It was actually a favored attire of those taking on the role of an Ambassador of Illyria. However, he was not currently acting in an official capacity, not exactly. His senses often served him well and after he'd finished his morning studies he'd set out to find a certain someone. It was a difficult prospect, to move about a foreign world without someone taking notice of your movements. Raphael need only ask around and he'd find that the woman he'd searched for, Raven, had committed her morning to martial training.

cloak flowed behind him as he moved down the hall, his eyes fastened on the route before him. Why was he taking special notice of this Viceroy? She was unlike any other that he had met and in many ways she was like him. His footsteps fell to a halt before his lips curled into a soft smile. No, not like him, but they did share some subtle points.

His line of inquiry led him to the training hall, where those who wished to enhance their physical might could focus on such. Still, when he rounded the corner to the training atrium Raphael could see Raven standing amidst her two guards. Sweat bled off the brow of all three to show that they must have just finished their exercise for the morning. Perhaps the two guards would take notice of Raphael first, yet he looked to Raven with an interested expression. "Well, here I was hoping to find a show." He said, clasping his hands at his waist as he looked to the trio with mild interest.

"Perhaps another time." He punctuated his own sentence before looking to Raven pointedly.

"I understand you should be departing soon. I was wondering if you might accompany me for a few moments before you leave Siskeen? After all, it is not every day a man can speak with a Viceroy such as you." He said with no small amount of flattery lined in his words. "Perhaps a cup of coffee on the balconies?" He offered, gesturing to the floor above them.

Location: Siskeen, Training Facilities.
Appearance: Outfit
Tags: Raphael Boucher

The two guards had indeed noticed and were beginning to slowly fall back. This caused the woman to lift her head from what she had been doing, for their steps were no longer as close as they originally were. In fact. It was the sound of their footsteps that she paid the most attention to at times. For without meaning to, any falter, misstep or distance usually indicated that something was wrong, or that there was by chance, something that needed her direct attention. Which was usually rare, for most people had a habit of simply moving out of the woman’s way, or risk the Viceroy’s ire. Sometimes, if the guard's footsteps dragged just slightly or were heavier than usual, the vampiress could tell that they were beginning to tire out. If their steps were light, then they had boundless energy.

However, as her chocolate gaze was brought up, she smelled his scent and saw the black and gold cloak, before she spied the male’s face. His remarks were soon to follow as she came to a stop before him and a slow smirk crossed her red painted lips while she angled her head slightly to the right in contemplation. ”Viscount Boucher. The session was hardly worth watching.” Raven mused as she swept an arm out to the two behind her to indicate the Felacations for a moment. ”These two have still yet to learn many things and one of them is that, while we may be sparring, one should act as if they are going up against a real opponent. It was… Disappointing to say in the least.” The woman remarked as the two hung their heads in shame.

Her hand dropped back to her side and listened to the man as he spoke and she pursed her lips for a moment before giving a quick nod in response. ”I have the time to spend with you before I should wrap things up here.” Nadia stepped forwards then to hand her yet another datapad and she nodded a thanks. ”Nala. Nadia. Go see to the rest of the preparations and for heaven’s sake, tell that contractor that if I don’t see any kind of progress by the time I get back, then the total price will be five percent less as each day passes with nothing being done. I am not paying for tardiness. Am I clear?” Both of the Felacatians looked at each other and then nodded their heads, ”Of course, Viceroy Thystle.” With that, they bowed to Raven, then to Raphael, before they took their leave.

A soft chuckle of amusement parted her lips then as she tucked one of the datapads, under the other. With the threat of losing of profit, the Viceroy should see things move along a lot quicker and she angled her head slightly to the right, while she slid her left foot backwards so then she could turn and prepare to begin walking towards the direction that would take them to the balconies. ”Should we be off then?” The woman asked the man before her and with his confirmation, they would soon be taking a slow walk down along the hallways towards their destination.

”I must say, Viscount Boucher. I did not expect to see you again before I left. In fact, I’m fascinated that you are still here yourself and taking the time to seek me out. Or does your King still have things for you to do here?” Raven questioned as her gaze took in the male for a moment, only to turn back to view the path that they were on. ”However, I do have to admit that I am rather glad that you are still here.” The vampiress said with a gentle smile curving her lips.

Raphael Boucher



Raven Thystle.

Wasn't she an interesting woman? His eyes regarded her favorably even as she chastised her assistants turned bodyguard. He couldn't help but show off a single fang as his lips curled into an amused smile. "Perhaps in time they will meet your standards." He said, before watching as the duo were dismissed. Raphael bowed his head slightly to the two women before turning his eyes back to the woman worth his attention. When Raven turned towards the balcony, Raphael fell in step with her.

Raven's words were met with an arch of the man's brow. "No, my King's mandate ended after the first time I spoke with you." He said, turning his eyes to her with a meaningful gleam in his eyes. "I'm here for me now. Well, more apt to say I am here for you." He told her.

They moved through the halls and it was not long before they found themselves upon the balconies that overlooked the city. Raphael felt this was as fitting a place to speak with the woman as any, afterall the morning breeze was flowing effortlessly over them. "So many days are devoted to mty people and my King, though I still find time to pursue those things that catch my own eye." He told her. "Besides, it has been hundreds of years since I have spoke with another of my kind. However, I have never met someone like you, someone who is marked as I am."

He paused for a moment before leaning against the balcony and speaking plainly. "When you told me how you received your banishment it made me think. Think about things I had not considered in hundreds of years." He chuckled a bit before turning his head to Raven with a slight shrug. "Suppose I just enjoy talking to someone with a thing or two in common with me." He told the woman. He ran a hand over his chin before his voice got a bit lower this time that he spoke. "I didn't tell you the entire truth before. I was exiled for conspiring to kill my father and brothers to take control of the Von Black Family."

"My father was murdered by my brothers in an attempt to take over the Family. So, I killed my brothers for their treachery. However, when the Winterhalls' heard they were sure I had killed all three in an attempt to consolidate and steal the power of House Von Black." He said, before turning his eyes to Raven curiously. "That is why I live in exile. They did not end my life because they could not prove I was lying any more than I was telling the truth. The only fact they could confirm in my favor was that I was away from Bastion when my father was killed. That is the only reason I yet draw breath, because they could not reasonably believe I directly killed my father." He told her.

Location: Siskeen, Balcony.
Appearance: Outfit
Tags: Raphael Boucher

To say that she was surprised to see Raphael Boucher was an understatement and yet, here he was. The fact that he was still here because of her, made a brow rise up at the man’s bold statement. Anyone doing anything because of her, was partly amusing, because she rarely bothered to make anyone stick around for her sake alone. No, she had grown used to her solitary lifestyle and was used to making any decision based around number one. Was it selfish? Potentially, but she had never thought about solitude as a curse. Rather, she thought of it as a blessing in disguise. One that meant that she would never again feel the ultimate sting of betrayal that she had experienced when she was only a child.

Basked in a realm of internal silence, the woman listened to the man, all the while, her gaze lingered upon his form and simply took in his appearance as she caught the meaningful gleam that seemed to linger within his eyes. Even after they had arrived at the balcony, the woman simply leaned against the railing and a soft sigh parted her lips in quiet thought. Raven was a tad more relaxed when she wasn’t on any official business and so, the man would get to see more than what she would openly display in a room full of politicians and monarchs. A relaxed expression, instead of a bored one and a face that wasn’t guarded and expressionless, but more readable and a tad more open to the conversation being held. In fact, if she had to guess as to who knew her better, it would be the two bodyguards that followed her day in and day out. They were solid and loyal. Traits that were hard to come by.

Chocolate eyes watched her companion for a moment as he talked about the mark of banishment and then seemed to fall silent for a time. Raven however, didn’t interfere, for she could see with the man’s movements and the way his jaw seemed to tense up, that he still had more to say and that the best thing in this situation was to remain silent. To be quiet and let him say what he had to say without feeling rushed. With the silence that seemed to stretch, she felt the wind gently tug at her black and red locks, all the while, her head angled slightly so then she could view the city that stretched out before them in all its glory.

To hear that he was banished by the Winterhalls was not a surprise to her, especially when the Von Blacks had originally been a branch that had broken off from them. In fact, she knew he wasn’t lying about the reasoning behind why he was still alive and it truly did not surprise her at all that his life could have ended many, many years ago. ”I am not at all surprised that they did not believe you. Treachery is still treachery to them, even if they had believed you, the outcome still would have been the same. In their eyes, it was not up to you to determine the fate of those that had murdered your father; it was up to the higher ups to make that call.” Raven said softly as she angled her chin down slightly while she drew a pale hand over the cool balcony railing. Winter was coming soon and she had felt the shift in temperatures on Felacat. She had even noticed it even within Siskeen’s climate that the winds were changing.

”I wouldn’t let the mark define you and although you call it exile, I feel as if you should consider it as something else. An opportunity, one that isn’t bound by others who only wish to mold you into something they want. I don’t see this as exile.” Raven said as she swept an arm out to the city below them. ”I see freedom, opportunities and a chance to make my own rules that are not governed by someone else’s desires and so, I wear my mark of banishment with a sense of pride. For it means that my decisions and sense of self code is no longer moderated by other people’s rules. I can, in a sense, do whatever I want. Be whoever I want. Exile is not the end, it’s the start of something.” The woman chuckled as she looked up at the man for a moment and shook her head, ”I honestly, don’t have much to say about the past, except that it’s the past. Whether your choice to kill your brothers was the correct one or not, is not up to me. I can only ask you this. How did the act of killing your brothers make you feel?”

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