Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Business Of The Fittest (Not Really)

On the planet of Tirahnn, La'kuus was waiting outside of her new Starfighter. There was supposed to be a visitor today, someone who was interested in her abilities of fighting, guarding, and lust for materialistic things. Letting out a single sigh, she rolled her head back and stared at her astromec unit, pursing her lips at the excited little droid. Rolling back up, she crossed her arms.

She wasn't sure where her business partner wanted to meet, but she was sure it would be... half decent. If no one else started fighting over her.

[member="Jartani Ponds"]
The Doctor of Plague was one of a less serious note. As his ship landed, and he exited without a single question, someone could see why he was scary to deal with in the first few seconds. His appearance. Though his cane tapped away innocently on the ground with his steps, his mask especially brought a look over to some of the locals. A long-bird-like beak that almost looked like he grew into it, almost like it was real.

Approaching La'kuus in question, he leaned onto the cane and let out a tiny little "Hello."

After some silence, he nodded his head. "You are La'kuus Quelin. I am interested in your active duties of guard. I have a personal question involving you, pay, and your assistance to guard my ship while I'm away on small meetings." While waiting for a response, both hands clasped onto the cane in front of him.
La La crossed her arms at the strange man and nodded her head gently. "And it's so important we couldn't just discuss it through text." She shook her head gently, then leaned on her ship, bouncing onto it.
"Yeah, I'm a good guard. As long as the pay's good, I can do anything." She said with a touch of confidence.

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