Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Business Meeting

Anaara was looking at everythign they had around here, with some small risks the situation of working with Sasori and seeing what Matsu was able to do well.... she had been hired to address some of the "problems" others liked to raise. Such as profiteering from wars, exploiting the people on worlds where they sold things. With a look though the business major was looking to ease into it and make it more profitable.
She was working hard on many things, the first to address was how Sasori exploited people by.... she was trying to find it. Their deals with everyone on different worlds saw them taking over operations, working to expand locations and provide services the people might not have access to on a normal basis... So where was the exploitation? She was trying to find it but if offering the people jobs and paying them was it....
Then she would have to see about it, the common claims of problems, of issues and of what could only be described as profiteering from sasorio on other worlds was a highly questionable thing. They provided equipment to the jedi, were in charge of acquiring and making for them what was needed. Now else could the order survive when most governments wanted to have control over it.
Anara was looking at more of it now, some of the claims where... well she couldn't see much of it. The business deals with different governments showed that Sasori was being given a chance for research oppertunities in excahnge for services, Klatooine where suddenly the watchmen of the world kicked Sasori off then left the planet was.... troubling. Mostly because a jedi would involve themselves so heavily.
Anara stretched herself out and this was going to be one long night of pouring over all fo these records and finding everything that wasn't above board... sadly compared to many of the others.... well Sasori actually did try and avoid handling and risking things with people here. She wasn't getting a lot of her own attention onto it. "Well things seem to be in order honestly, we have seen things.
Anaara was wanting to see more fo the things that they had been doing, her work as a business major had served her well and working to do the books for Sasori meant that it would be able to do a whol lot in the long run in terms of company support. She had some ideas about how to expand and grow the subsidiaries that they were all doing. She wanted to see some fo the things here for herself before they were moving on.
She could take a look at some of the other parts and thank to their mines for aurodium they were able to use that, vine silk with the richest in the galaxy, there was nova crystals and any number of kyber crystals that well weren't good for a lightsaber but people paid a lot for kyber crystals even if they were impure to the point they couldn't be used in a saer or creation for the jedi.
She also had a lot of things to do with the well Shion and Saori, they got paid and made a lot more credits because people were going more and more for the vacation and places where they could escape the problems of the galaxy. More and more which meant that they were spending their credits and working. Since Sasori had companies dedicated to entertaining the people, feeding them and housing them it all worked out.
She was picking up a few more ideas as well about what the jedi might be able to do to continue to augment their operating budget, it helped that they had developed the technology on par with a molecular furnace and could produce, break down and basically clean up plkanets now... It went a long way as they could literally be sustainable compared ot the others and building ships was easy as well.
She was going over it and thanks to the seeder and saratai project, Sasori had several major advantages, they had cargo haulers able to use the hyperspace maps and beacons that were set down betweent he galaxies. The companion galaxies were something nice and rich in resources that all of them were wanting to see and once they had the path way now it was giving stronger returns as they could reach them.

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