Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Burn Baby Burn

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Kessel Spice Mines

A spice lord by the name of Kalso stood over a uppity worker who thought it was a good idea to try and unionize the workers here at the mines on Kessel. This of course only made the man laugh as he chomped down on a cigar. This wasn't exactly an office job with a cushy 401K and benefits, even with the rise of selectivism and that accursed little black book there were limits to what order it could bring. But when it came to the criminal underworld the best thing that book could be used for was kindling. So the man grabbed a his heavy blaster pistol aimed it at the man's head and smiled.

"Please no!" was all the little human could say before Kalso put a bolt between his eyes.

The body fell limp and dead before he could say another word. Placing the pistol down Kalso chuckled and dragged the body out towards a balcony, tearing off a set of expensive curtains along the way he tore it off it's rod then wrapped it around the dead man's neck like a hang mans rope. Afterwards he tied the other end to a piece of the balcony and threw the man's dead body off the balcony to let him hang from it as an example to the other workers.

Walking back to his desk he sat up and puffed on a cigar as he pressed a button for the intercom.

"Shifts just doubled, if anyone has any complaints please just look up." he said with a little chuckle then made a call to the engineering team on floor three.

He wanted a way to make sure these people got the point that he was in charge. They would be coming up in the next few minutes to get his request ready.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The team of engineers and chemists were on the boss' floor in the next five minutes, various species that were trained in how to mix chemicals and operate machinery. You needed things like these in the spice business, how to cut your product with different agents that wouldn't kill your buyer. So Kalso just looked at them raised up his pistol and shot the guard on the right of the team. His body hit the ground and Kalso sighed.

"You see that? Wasn't as intimidating as it could of been. I want them on fire." he said with a chuckle.

"We still have that thermite lying around for mining operations yes? Take that and turn it into a napalm, I want people to watch as their friends are burnt to nothing." he said with a cold voice.

The engineers and chemists quickly nodded and sent a team to grab two ingredients that they would need for this process. Thermite and a thickening polymer agent. So as the boss sat back he put his legs up on his table and continued to smoke a cigar.

"I keep some spare pistols in the cabinet over there. Get to work." the engineers quickly sprung into action and moved to grab the unloaded pistols where Kalso had stated where they were.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The engineers quickly removed the guns and began to set up their tool area on a nearby work bench. The design of the weapon would be pretty simple. Just take an existing heavy blaster pistol and add on a under barrel attachment that squirted out jelly like substances. That would be easy to do and would require hardly any effort on their part, so they got to work.

Taking a the bottom half of the pistol they opened up the metal frame and began to hollow out an area to attach a small tank of what would be the gel. Sending for a few canisters that would fit in the pistol they would use the same type of technology used as a common squirt gun but with a bit more power. Using a small electronic motor they would have that pressurize the liquid in the canister by having it run through a few tubes and out through a sprayer. They would just need to wire the motors activation switch to the pistols trigger. Which would be easy.

"Hurry up now, I'm getting bored." Kalso said as he puffed out more smoke.

The engineers rushed again and soon the chemists came back with their ingredients, thermite and thickening agents and plenty of it. They would set up a few burners and a metal bucket to start the mixing process of the gel.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The chemist started off by taking a small brick of thermite and placed it in a bowl and began to grind it down to it's base powdered form with a mortar and pestle. Again a very simple process. The iron III and scent of metallic agents were in the air and it all smelt like the sweet sweet scent of oppression to Kalso. With a heavy sigh he chuckled afterwards and inhaled more smoke. With the thermite ground down to a powder the chemists would begin taking the gel with the thickening agents mixed in and placing it into the buckets which had a medium flame brewing beneath it.

"Faster!" Kalso demanded and a few whimpers rang out as various guards cocked their weapons to emphasize his point.

The engineers still working away were starting the process of placing the small motor inside the pistol near the trigger housing unit. Afterwards they attached two sets of hoses, one that lead to where the canister would be placed and the other facing outwards so it would work it's way through the under barrel so it could fire. They would have to remove the safety feature so they could toggle the weapon to the gel shooter, so if would have to work or it would be their skins.

"Maybe it's the spice but I really love my job!" Kalso said as he did a very long line of spice off the table and laughed.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Setting up the trigger onto the electrical motor when it was pulled it would cause the motor to pressurize and fire the gel, quite easy. Now they just needed those canisters and they would be golden. So with the return of another engineer returning from somewhere he sprawled out various canisters and set them out on the table for the other engineers. Taking the canisters they had to pick one that would fit inside the pistol so they rooted through them looking for one that would fit just right. Hopefully it was in here or they would find themselves taking a space walk without a suit on, and that was never a fun way to go. So they frantically looked through them until they found one that could hold enough for about two solid doses of the gel.

"I AINT GOT ALL BLOODY NIGHT!" Kalso screamed as he did another line and was feeling pretty blazed at this point.

The chemist were still going at it though. With the thickening goo coming to a slow boil it was hot ave ready to take in the thermite. It wasn't hot enough to cause the powder to explode and burn but it was certainly hot enough to get the powder to fuse and bond with the agent and let it become one solid and highly flammable gel that could burn at hot enough temperatures to melt Beskar over longer periods of time.

"Oh man this feels better than it should!" he said with another loud laugh and fired a few blaster bolts into the air.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
With the canister chosen they had to assemble an easy way to replace an empty canister when it was spent. So they moved to the under barrel attachment and made sure that the outer plating could pop off on the bottom half to make sure they could reload it. Afterwards they began to assemble an easy snap on snap off system for a canister of it's size. Simply pinching and twisting the end of the hose and pushing a new one in. A easy and clean reloading system that could let it's user quickly put a new one in if they had a few seconds to reload. So Kalso just sat back and watched his engineers get ready to put the finishing touches on his new weapon.

"I can taste the lack of freedom!" he said now clearly very very high.

The chemists were beginning the mixing process as they began to pour the brownish powdered substance into the clear thickening agent. Combining the two they wore various gas masks so the fumes wouldn't kill them. As the goo began to boil and bubble the chemists stirred in the brown powder and stirred quite frequently. They wanted to make sure that everything was properly mixed and the agents were bonded to each other, it was an easy process and they would be sure to watch the mixture to make sure it would bond and not set their faces aflame in 4000 degree flames.

"How's it going?" the man asked.

"Almost done sir!" responded an engineer.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
With the mixture coming to an end and the weapon done the chemists took the mixture off the flame and kept stirring until the mixture went from a clear substance to a brown gel like material that could be squirted through the hose. The natural heat the blaster's energy cell would emit would make sure the gel wouldn't hardened and keep warm enough to be sprayed in globs from the motor. So the chemists and engineers came together and started to converse on how to fill the canister. They would fill it and then use the plug and shoot method the engineers had came up with for the loading system. The weapon was straight forward and the gel was going to be a very deadly aspect to it.

Kalso simply waited as the engineers and chemists conversed then did another line off the table feeling the spice flow through his body.

As they filled the canister with the thermite napalm gel they slowly topped off the canister and plugged into the weapon. So it was ready to go. Kalso sat back as they placed it on his desk. Letting off a sick wolf smile he picked up the weapon and slapped an energy cell into it. He liked it, quite a bit really. So he just sat back and pointed it at the lead engineer.

"How's it work?" he asked the man with his sick grin on his face still.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"It's your standard heavy blaster pistol sir, we just took that extra space beneath the barrel and added in a electric motor and the napalm jelly. You simply flip the switch over and the motor begins to pressurize the canister. And with a pull of the trigger it sprays enough of the gel to soak a persons torso. Afterwards you need to hit him with the blaster or with another mode of ignition. After the first shot is fired you have enough for another. The flames will burn for about five to six minutes and given enough time and applications are hot enough to melt phrik or Beskar. But it takes a good five seconds for he canister to pressurize again." the engineer said in a scared voice.

Kalso nodded and inspected the weapon. He reached under his desk still high on spice he decided it could use a little paint job. So spray painting it red with a skull on it he smiled and placed it on his desk. He liked it quite a bit, and he was going to use it very very soon.

"I like it. Oh boys, bring up that bounty hunter we caught last week. I want everyone to see what happens when you cross me." he said and a few guards left shortly after.

"For your sakes, let's hope it works. he said and lifted the weapon up to the light.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
A few minutes had passed and Kalso's men returned dragging a bounty hunter dressed in durateel armor. The man was thrown to the floor clearly beaten and bruised heavily. So Kalso sat back in his chair and chuckled at the sight of the pathetic man. He lifted up his new pistol it was a bit unruly but he aimed it at the man's leg and shot a bolt forward. It pierced the man's armor and he screamed loudly jerking in pain.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." Kalso said with a little humor filled scoff afterwards.

Taking another shot he hit the men's shoulder and he screamed again in agonizing pain. So Kalso stood up and walked over to the man laying on that ground. He smiled and had the man dragged to the balcony. So before he went over to join him he leaned over and pressed the intercom.

"Please all workers report to the meeting area." he said and began to slowly dance his way over to the balcony where the bounty hunter was gasping for air and holding back tears of pain.

Kalso simply smiled and flicked the gun over to it's gel mode. The sound of the napalm moving through the tubes sounded and a sick smile was plastered on his face as he approached the kill that was to come.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Kalso lifted the pistol and pointed it at the man with that smile still on his face. His eyes bloodshot red and hair a mess from the rampant spice use he opened fire with the gel that spurted out in thick globs of brown gel. Splattering on the man he put his arms up in a useless gesture of self defense but he was too wounded to do anything about it. Kalso chuckled and looked over to his men and motioned his head to have them stand by the wounded bounty hunter, they complied and two fat gamorian pigs stood near the man's downed body.

"Stand him up." he said with a deadly voice.

The two pigs stood the man up and leaned him against the balcony's rail that reached up to his pelvis. The man coughed and wheezed still covered in the slick slimey goo. Kalso motioned with his pistol for the guards to step away and they did so.

"I hope you enjoy hell." Kalso smiled and lifted up his pistol.

Pulling the trigger he shot the man dead in the chest and the fire ignited almost instantly as he fell backwards. Burning at over four thousand degrees the man was roasted and dead before he even hit the ground. Kalso laughed and held up his new little toy.

"I love this thing!" he said and laughed loudly as the workers watched the bounty hunter's body slag and burn away at the bottom floor.

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