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Building the Inquisition Fleet [Boan and Hauntruss]

Arriving to the Shipyards at Corellia, Darth Hauntruss watched the various mechanical maintenance ships and Wyrrlok ships parked in repair bays. Crossing her fingers in a central clasp she pondered the construction of the ships that would consist of her new Inquisition Fleet. During the First Gathering, she had made it clear that her ambitions were to create a constantly at ready force that would purge any enemy and its trace that would dare infiltrate the influence of the Emperor's domain. The Imperial Inquisition, would unlike its brethren Orders, live on a permanent fleet, which would patrol the Sith Core. To do so, Hauntruss needed to design a ship that could house large numbers of Stormtroopers and planetary invasion equipment.

Essentially she needed to create floating fortresses. This close planetary assault ships would be the back-bone of the Imperial Inquisition Fleet. Allowing swift drop of men, vehicles and power. Hauntruss smiled as she pondered the logistics and design. She had been inspired by the ancient Golden Age Sith Empire with their drop ships and siege battle-barges used to devastating effect during the Great Hyperspace Wars. As her shuttle rattled into its docking bay and the bay braces held the ship tight, a Sith protocol droid ushered Darth Hauntruss to an observation deck that looked over the giant hollow metal frame of the very ship she envisioned.

This metal husk would become the Ziost Fortress Class Heavy Carrier, a proverbial fortress holding a large garrison and land invasion equipment. Production would be expensive but the Titan Industries representative assured her that at least a limited steady production could be achieved on Corellia. Seating herself on a command chair on the far side of a large disc shaped holo-projector, Hauntruss had the protocol droid insert the schematics of the Ziost. She had come to discuss the specifics of the Ziost, other ship designs and the Inquisition Fleet itself with the Empire's most capable naval expert Vice Admiral [member="Boan Rein"]. Tapping her fingers against one another she awaited the vice admiral's appearance to begin the session.


She hated being at their beck and call. She hated having to do as they said.

It wouldn't be like that for long.

Prakith had been a great success for her. She had fought the Republic Fleet with one of her own that had been less than optimal. She had managed to beat them back and cause a retreat, a great victory, the first that the Sith had had against the Republic. She had been lauded as the Hero of Prakith and the one that had turned the tide.

She didn't know if that was actually true, but she didn't really care.

The esteem she had gained from that victory and rocketed her to the top. It had taken her away from the menial dealings of captaining only a single vessel and had seen her promoted to commanding an entire fleet. They had allowed her to choose a flagship and five Star Destroyers to command, she had chosen three Wyyrloks and two Dark Blades along with her Flagship.

The vessel that she had chosen to plant her flag on had yet to be found, though the thought of it excited her more than anything else.

Once she had it. She would be ready.

Another few steps and the smartly dressed Boan Rein stepped into the office of the Sith known as [member="Darth Hauntruss"], a smile on her face, but hate in her heart.
As [member="Boan Rein"] entered with a professional smile and brooding subtext to her professionalism, Hauntruss rose up with a smile. Sliding her sleeves back to expose her red skin and black inked fingernails she gestured for the Vice Admiral to draw near. Hissing in delight she addressed her guest expert to accompany her to the large observation windows that over look the growing metal frame of the Ziost Fortress-Class carrier. "I have heard a great deal about you Vice Admiral Fein." she began with a dark charm in her words, "An expert in fleet design, naval combat and battle doctrine." Hauntruss pause to watch the Vice Admiral. Naturally she said nothing, stoic and pondering. Hauntruss could sense her apprehension on being around her. The dark lady chuckle, leaving Boan to inspect the ship being built below.

Turning away she strolled to the holo-projector. "And yet, I feel you have little in the way of pleasantries reserved for me." Hauntruss' head tilted to shoot a playful glance at the vice admiral. "Hiss hiss hiss..." she laughed. "Well Vice Admiral you may dispense with the pleasantries. I require none. I may be a Sith Lord, but I am not one to lord myself over others of talent. And you Vice Admiral...are most talented." Reaching down to press the holo-activaton codes, a large porjection of what the metal frame husk outside would look when completed bubbled into materialization.

The Ziost would be a massive floating fortress. It possessed a large central disc comparable to a miniature garrison and a large stern structure that would house vehicles, shuttles and other minor spacecraft. "In order to completely stamp the Core of Jedi presence and Republic infrastructure. This ship...the Ziost-Class Carrier, will become the floating fortress to garrison the Stormtrooper legions of the Imperial Inquisition. A floating army which can be dispatched in a moments notice to remove any threat. An army that lives off of its fleet and is not vulnerable to its base-world being consumed or attacked." Hauntruss faced the Boan with a dark glare, "This is why I have requested your presence today. To study its schematics and provide me some criticism on its tactical and strategic values."


She looked at the woman like she was a fool.

Yes She was an expert in fleet battles, yes she was a strategist, and yes she was probably one of the most intelligent people within the naval forces, but she was by no means a designer of ships. She didn't know anything about the creation of vessels, all she knew was their use, and how to use them. Sure there was some overlap, but she was no engineer.

That had to be left to other people.

“Ma'am. I doubt I'm the person you wish to consult.” Her face was stern, those stark blue eyes contrasting very well with the determined look on her face, the single braid that ran down her back swinging slightly as the shook her head. “In order to tell a ships wants, needs, and uses, one has to be aboard that ship and see it in action. Schematics don't mean much, they're simply empty promises.”

That was her philosphy on it anyway, and why she had considered all of the One Siths ships completely useless until she had commanded them herself.
[member="Boan Rein"]

Hauntruss' smiled grew further. "Yes, yes. Ah but you see..." she began before walking closer and closer towards the vice admiral. "You see, you are the person I wish to consult. Just by your informed protestations I can tell. Oh yes. I...can...tell. Not much gets past me, vice admiral." Hauntruss was now very close. Her golden eyes reflected in Boan's stoic blues.

"Come, from one tactician to another, let us revel in the dark magic of stratagem." Turning slowly she pointed to the image of the Ziost, it melted away to form a wide disc image of the galactic core. "There are several key worlds within the Core now left isolated by the netherworld's intervention. With a floating fortress such as the Ziost and with accompanied star destroyer protection we can in effect possess a mobile army ready to strike any target."

"What say you, vice admiral." Hauntruss shot a glance, "Suppose you commanded this fleet based horde of death, how would you proceed. In what fashion would you command such ships - theoretically." She watched the vice admiral, her long finger rose up and beckoned her to join.

"Come now. I'm not that vile am I?"


She imagined stabbing the woman in the throat.

There was a knife on her person, secreted away. It was made by some corporation that designed things for use against the force, this particular blade was wrapped in terentatek leather and coated with a poison that caused debilitating pain. Of course that didn't mean it would disable the woman, which meant that it would put Boan in danger.

Not something she was willing to risk.

So instead she simply approached the table and began to study, her confident blue eyes shifting over the readouts and specifications.

Of course she instantly recognized what this was all focused towards. It was a campaign, one of exterminations and complete destruction, one likely geared towards the Jedi. That came as no surprise to Boan, but it did irk her slightly. She didn't see a point towards it. Better to assimilate the enemy than to destroy them.

Yet Sith would be Sith.

Nothing she could change.

“I would not utilize it as a single fleet.” She said simply. “Rather I would break it into separate elements and use them to attack several places at once with additional carriers.”

The fleet would remain whole when not in action, split when used to attack.
[member="Boan Rein"]
Hauntruss sat back in her chair. She smile and nodded. "A sound strategy." Hauntruss watched the image of the core worlds orbit around in holographic drift. ​"Long before the One-Sith took the Core, the Republic held an almost homogeneous grip over them. An probe into their worlds was meet with united resistance. Do you now the key to this resistance?" Hauntruss asked in a posed look.

"It was the Jedi Enclaves and Republic outposts, wired together in an invisible lattice." Hauntruss lectured in a sinister tone, while weaving her finger together to illustrate her lattice imagery, "Together each world relied on each other's strength in a phalanx of fortification. Now you may look at my ambitions as random maddening rage, the classical tendency of Sith who only see the Jedi and their lot as the main focus." Hauntruss hissed, before continuing in a deadly tone, "But on this occasion you are quit in error Vice-Admiral. The real goal of these purges is to break the foundations of this lattice, so that it will never again be rebuilt against us. For the Republic the Core Worlds will never again be a phalanx for their protection. Instead it will become the foundation to your and my continued dominance."

"That, is why you are here. Because I intend, once all of this is complete, to lobby your ascendancy into Grand Admiral over the Core World defensive fleets."


She understood.

More so, she now knew why this was in benefit to her, why she should care at all. If this particular Sith succeeded, she intended on setting Boan on a pedestal. The blonde didn't particularly care about how she rose to the top, she only cared that she did. Of course being around Sith she had managed to mask her distaste before, and she did so now.

A small smile crept over her face.

“I see.” She said simply, as if her eyes had been opened and there was now new analysis to be given.

“Strategically speaking...” She trailed off for a moment more. “The best defense is a good offense. With respect Lady Hauntruss, I do not believe that you are going far enough. The Core Worlds are all well and good. When they are broken their purpose will be served, but I believe this is another posible step forward after the core.”

Why stop there after all? Ambition was the fruit of Kings and Emperors.

One Boan dined on.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Rushing into something heedless of the consequences was the purview of the young and foolish. He'd learned that lesson long ago, as commander of Low Orbit boarding team. He still remembered nearly every detail of that day, and how close he had come to dying. The rush he'd felt, the wave of anger and fury that had washed over him. It had been a horrific, almost intoxicating feeling, that first roll of the dice with death. That first taste of failure.

So it was one learned to always come prepared. And so it was that Cyrus found himself perusing the file on the new rising star of the Sith Navy, a one Boan Rein. She was young, not even the age of his sister, and a defector. But she was also skilled, as the file showed, and there was something amusing that she had began her tenure with the Sith in one of the frigates Cyrus himself had helped design. What limited psychiatric information there was on her indicated she was extremely confident, potentially to the point of excess.

The girl almost sound like she could be a Tregessar.

But he wasn't here to scope out a new Admiral. He was here at the invitation of an old comrade. Setting the file down, he swept into the office of [member="Darth Hauntruss"] and with a nod to acknowledge [member="Boan Rein"] presence turned towards the Sith with as close to a friendly greeting as he could muster. "Hauntruss, it's been a while since we worked together. Is this your newest poorly put together toy?" As he spoke he swept his arm out in a dismissive manner, and any observer would've been hard pressed to tell if he was referring to the hollow frame of the ship, or the uniformed woman.

Better to shoot first and see how they jump, after all.
[member="Boan Rein"]
Hauntruss' gaze grew more fascinate as she caught Boan's smile. "All in due time Vice-Admiral, all in due time." Hauntruss touched the key pads on her chair and changed the holo-projection to a general over view of the fleet structure of the Imperial Inquisition. How it become a floating garrison with speciality in planetary invasion and subjugation. "The One-Sith fleet and legions as they are now, are poorly manned in the military sense. During Palpatine's Empire the Sith drew upon thousands of well trained officers and admirals. Direct leadership of forces by Sith Lords is an old curse that ruined the Old Sith Empires of history. If this Imperial Inquisition is to be a powerful deterrent for any Republic Operations it will need a proper military staff." This is when Hauntruss could sense the domineering presence of an old war-comrade. One she had full confidence would add to the desperately needed military professionalism.

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
And just like that, in a whirlwind of hot bravado and military pomp, Command Cyrus came onto the scene in his usual dry wit. Hauntruss chuckled and rose up to meet her old comrade of the Old Sith Empire. "Forthright as always my friend." Reaching out for a handshake she turned and gestured Boan to come and meet Cyrus as well, "Vice Admiral Boan, please allow me to introduce to you Cyrus Tregessar, one of the most able naval commanders of the Old Empire. He and I have been on countless operations over low-orbit and planetary invasions. His expertise on the matters of low-orbit infiltration are invaluable to our cause here today."

"Now Cyrus, I have a message to you from Sith Lords themselves." Hauntruss, changed her tone to a business serious one, "I am commanded to promote you to Vice-Admiral so that you may assist me and Boan in rejuvenating the One-Sith fleet and preparing the ground work for the Imperial Inquisition fleet. You should be honored, even the Emperor has foreseen your rise."


[member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

If Boan was annoyed or shocked by the arrival of Cyrus she gave no indication of such, in fact she seemed to relax slightly as the other man stepped into the room. Even with the mans dismissive wave she still showed no indication of anger.

The oddity in that would have been noticeable to anyone that really knew Boan, but to these two it would appear as she was simply biting down her rage.

“A pleasure, Admiral.” Boan said with a voice dripping with honey.

Her thoughts whirled away from the man for a moment and back towards Hauntruss' earlier point. Yes the One Sith Navy was severely understaffed. The current Admirality was filled with fools and idiots, one of whom she had already killed. Yet more permeated the leadership, and before long they would have to be removed.

Boan knew that, and it seemed this Sith did as well.

Of course she had a plan for such a thing, a reminiscence of how Daala had rid herself of squabbling Moffs. Perhaps this woman could be used for that.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
The woman didn't react to Cyrus' bait. Holding back anger, perhaps? But that was an act Cyrus knew better than most, and it didn't seem to fit. Something else, then. It would have to be puzzled out later, there were more pressing matters at hand. "About damn time," he muttered in response to Hauntruss' on the spot promotion. Sith were typically a chore to work with, always jockeying for power and position. Hauntruss was an exception to the rule, and had proven she knew the value of a good soldier several times, not least of all in the short-lived Imperium based out of Bastion.

He turned to look at the holo-projector. The organization displayed seemed competently designed, which was to be expected. But the display belied the real problem currently afflicting the Sith. "You realize, of course, that organization is not the issue the Sith face right now. We have a crisis of personnel, the ranks of the administration and the staffs are filled with sycophants, bootlickers, and traitors. Promoted for their apparent devotion to the Sith, rather than their skill. I wouldn't even trust the army to hold their own against the Republic's forces if all else were equal, and as for the Navy, well, that story has already been told."

The reports on Kashyyyk, Manaan, and Prakith had been sobering reads. The Republic, faced with a crisis in their fleet, had responded far swifter than Cyrus had considered possible. It still bothered him that he had misjudged them so badly. The Inquisition wouldn't be able to change the Sith Navy from the ground up, but it would be a step in the right direction.
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Boan Rein"]
Hauntruss couldn't help but chuckle.

The Imperial Inquisition would need these critical points to make it a proper military force and not just some Sith weapon.

"What say you Vice-Admiral Rein." Hauntruss said looking to the stoic faced lady, "I know you surely have some ideas a to what we should do to balance is high time we began ambitious conscription of the newly conquered worlds."

Hauntruss' eyes glared down at the worlds projected. The Empire would need to revamp its Imperial Edict campaign to ensure the continued dominance of its military arm. It couldn't be run by Sith Lords solely, such a method was archaic at best.


[member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Boan looked from Hauntruss, then to Cyrus.

A single blonde eyebrow perked for half a second, as if she was caught in a thought. Her lips thinned momentarily and her haunting blue eyes shifted towards the holo-projection on the table. Would she dare? Would she dare simply say what she had been thinking for months now? It was a risk to be sure, but one that was perhaps well taken.

Especially in the company of this woman.

Her eyes shifted to Cyrus for only a moment, mulling the words that he had just spoken. Then for once in her life, Boan Rein decided to take a gamble, a step out onto the ledge, a shot in the dark.

“Kill them.” She breathed. “All of them. Rid the One Sith of its incompetency and draw from new ranks. We have Taken Anaxes. The Ascendency is at our back. Republic Defectors are more than common. Kill the Admirality and replace them.”

Both of them could now have her killed for treason.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
They'd caught themselves an ambitious one, then.

Power for powers sake had never had much appeal to Cyrus. He fought for the thrill of the battle, the ultimate expression of struggle, the greatest challenge any man or woman could experience. Rank came because he was tired of serving under those who were inferior to him, and his brutality to officers because he tolerated no failure. It was a natural development, really. But this woman... He'd mistaken the fire in her eyes edge to her words as something else at first. That could have been a dangerous mistake.

In spite of himself, he grinned. Where were the officers like this when he was climbing the ranks? He'd squared off against so few other captains of any real talent or skill, and most of those that possessed any amount of either were content to find safe, secure positions as ship commanders or in staff positions. No one wanted to die for a dimwitted superior's idiot mistake. How much more enjoyable navigating the murky the internal politics of the Navy would have been with worthy opposition...

For a moment Cyrus thought simply of agreeing, but now was no time to underestimate the woman across from him. Nor overestimate. Better to see how she reacted when she thought she was sinking.

He frowned, one of deep concern and contemplation. A practiced face, an absolute requirement to survive in the whirl of Axxilan politics. "Vice Admiral Rein, your words are treason. At best, one could think you have some vendetta against some of the Admiralty, at worst, I begin to think you have something else in mind, and I wonder about the circumstances of your promotion."

Would she squirm now? It had taken every resource he had to launch a covert investigation after Prakith, and the results had been inconclusive. But there was just enough doubt about the death of the fleet commander that she might not know how well she had covered her tracks. Now he waited, her reaction would dictate his next step.

Too bad this battle wasn't being fought out on the bridge of a battleship, it would have been an entertaining fight.

[member="Boan Rein"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"]


[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"]

Boan kept her face completely straight. She didn't blink, she didn't twitch, nothing about her body language gave anything away. She was so perfectly nonchalant that a Lorrdian would not have been able to tell the shift that occurred within her.

Perhaps she was feeling true confidence, or perhaps she was an amazing actor. Either way, she looked to Cyrus with an impassive face, her eyes listless. “Vice-Admiral, my promotion was won through my success over Prakith. With a lackluster fleet and a support staff chosen by an incompetent buffoon I managed to beat the Republic back. That is why I was promoted. Not due to Admiral Nielsens untimely death or any circumstance surrounding it.”

Of course, she had in fact killed Admiral Nielsen, but nobody knew that.

Autopsy results would show no trace of what she had done, and the investigation had simply shown that the old mans heart had given out. Why it had given out was undetermined, and only Boan knew that.

“What I say may border on treason, but my loyalty is to the Empire.” A smart man would have noticed she made no mention of the One Sith, but rather the Empire that they had created. “As I'm sure is yours.”

She turned her gaze away from Cyrus and regarded the Sith Lord once more. “What I suggest is drastic yes, perhaps treasonous, but it is also effective. When a parasite enters your body a doctor gives you medicine. The medicine aids you, slows the parasites growth, often kills it. Yet sometimes, sometimes the parasite survives. It grows and festers, becomes stronger, roots itself within your body, becoming too large for medicines to properly remove. When this happens the only option left to you is to cut it out.”

Bo looked towards Cyrus, then back at Hauntruss. “I'm afraid our parasite has grown too large.”
[member="Boan Rein"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Hauntruss said nothing. Her face froze in a permanent stare and it did not leave from Baon's face. The dark side had been passively hissing in the ether during the occasion. Huantruss' eyes narrowed so that her dark eyelashes obscured the bright golden orbs that gazed at the bold vice-admiral. Curious. And Curiouser. Her mind pondered. Hiss, hiss hiss. Her mind tickled. Sighing she adjusted her seat, swivelling it so that she gazed out into the construction bay below.

"Parasite hmm." She began in an accusing tone. Hauntruss began to tap her red index finger against the steel arm of her chair. "Cyrus, Ms. Rein. This does not leave this room...understand." Hauntruss' voice became gnarled and violent as if a utterly dark scheme had bloomed in the abyss of her mind. "If the One-Sith is to dominate the galaxy, it will need a resolute core that can withstand its tendencies to disintegrate. And that core will not come from the likes of me or the blind fools that bow to us. We need a truly Imperial Core. I have my plans to bring about this change, the Imperial Inquisition Fleet is put one factor in this reformation."

"We will go with Boan's plan." Hauntruss then suddenly turned her seat so that she was in dead center eye contact with Boan, "ONLY. If you pledge yourself to me Boan. Together your ambitions...hiss hiss hiss...shall be achieved through mine." Hauntruss then stood up and strolled over to Boan, peering down at her like a dark tower, "I maybe Sith but I can spot talent when I see it. And currently you flounder in potential obscurity under the tutelage of any other Sith or Imperial Official." The darkside began to boil and bubble in dark excitement. A ominous feeling permeated from Hauntruss, "No better option will present itself any time soon...Boan...Rein."


[member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Besides the unsettling feeling of the Darkside slowly growing within the room Boan did not move.

Her face remained impassive, her eyes stared at the Sith Lord, bright staring considerately. One could tell she was mulling it over, but only for the briefest of seconds. She had just proposed treason in front of these two, but then this Sith Lord had condoned treason. That in it of itself was damning, though Boan would likely be punished far more than this Sith ever would.

Even taking that into account however it didn't matter.

“I pledge myself to no one save the Empire and it's Emperor.” It was as simple as that. Her words were damning, but if she would work for this Empire then she would remain loyal to the Empire. Not to any one individual Sith. Pledging herself to this Sith or any other would absolutely defeat the purpose of what she was doing, of what she wanted to do.

“If I am to rise, I will rise upon my own wings.” Boan said quite plainly. “Not those of any other.”

She had done well on her own so far, moving from a small frigate to commanding an entire fleet. She would continue to do the same. Sure she could make alliances with other Admirals like Cyrus, she could ask the aid of Titan Industries, and she could even debase herself by aiding Lady Hauntruss.

Yet she would never serve any of them. "If my wings are not enough, then I do not deserve to fly."
[member="Boan Rein"]

Huauntruss paused. "Your loyalty to the Emperor is quite admirable Vice-Admiral...I respect loyalty." Returning to her seat she sat down and gave Boan a nod. And then a wink of her black eyelashes.

"I shall be watching your career with great interest." She continued. "For now, it is a partnership...of equal understanding...I have plans for a larger Sith Administratum, with more of your type involved as a collective Imperial Bureau on Metellos. Once the Purges are complete, we will move to phase 2 of the reformation of the Sith Army."

"For now Vice-Admiral Boan Rein..." Hauntruss' became serious addressing Boan in full rank title, "We go about our individual business. We shall convene once again, perhaps on Metellos for another updating conversation."


Boan simply nodded.

An equal partnership she could live with, for now.

She didn't like Sith, and due to past experiences likely never would. For a moment she remained still, then placed her hands on the table. Boan was not to keen on governing worlds or the dominion of planets in general, they held little interest to her. If she had wanted that she would have become a Senator or placed her ambition into the organization of a Moff Council.

What she wanted was different.

She wanted power, she wanted control in an aspect that would grant her respect. Though Planetary governorship would give that, it would be far more simple to garner it in other ways. At least on her current path at the very least. As Hauntruss finished speaking Boan stood, giving the Sith and the other Vice-Admiral a slight bow.

“Vice-Admiral, when you have the time please contact me.” She turned to the Sith. “Lady Hauntruss.”

With that she turned and left.

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