Darth Hauntruss
Wraith of the Sith

Arriving to the Shipyards at Corellia, Darth Hauntruss watched the various mechanical maintenance ships and Wyrrlok ships parked in repair bays. Crossing her fingers in a central clasp she pondered the construction of the ships that would consist of her new Inquisition Fleet. During the First Gathering, she had made it clear that her ambitions were to create a constantly at ready force that would purge any enemy and its trace that would dare infiltrate the influence of the Emperor's domain. The Imperial Inquisition, would unlike its brethren Orders, live on a permanent fleet, which would patrol the Sith Core. To do so, Hauntruss needed to design a ship that could house large numbers of Stormtroopers and planetary invasion equipment.Essentially she needed to create floating fortresses. This close planetary assault ships would be the back-bone of the Imperial Inquisition Fleet. Allowing swift drop of men, vehicles and power. Hauntruss smiled as she pondered the logistics and design. She had been inspired by the ancient Golden Age Sith Empire with their drop ships and siege battle-barges used to devastating effect during the Great Hyperspace Wars. As her shuttle rattled into its docking bay and the bay braces held the ship tight, a Sith protocol droid ushered Darth Hauntruss to an observation deck that looked over the giant hollow metal frame of the very ship she envisioned.
This metal husk would become the Ziost Fortress Class Heavy Carrier, a proverbial fortress holding a large garrison and land invasion equipment. Production would be expensive but the Titan Industries representative assured her that at least a limited steady production could be achieved on Corellia. Seating herself on a command chair on the far side of a large disc shaped holo-projector, Hauntruss had the protocol droid insert the schematics of the Ziost. She had come to discuss the specifics of the Ziost, other ship designs and the Inquisition Fleet itself with the Empire's most capable naval expert Vice Admiral [member="Boan Rein"]. Tapping her fingers against one another she awaited the vice admiral's appearance to begin the session.