Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Broken Minds - Broken Hearts

Uriel V1.5m Prototype Testing Model.

Archangel Deployment: Single HRD Drone
Accessing Uriel Unit Command Matrix:
Primary Mission: Steal Ebon Hawk Vessel, Extremely High salvage Value.
Secondary Mission(s): Steal Star Chart Navigation Data, Eliminate Crew.
Tertiary Mission: Investigate the possibility of hawks nesting aboard the vessel

Battle fought below or outside, all the noise was assessed as minor cover for her actions. With all this gear, in dreadnaught mode, Uriel was just slow, heavy footsteps leaving imprint upon the metal as she walked, foot actually going through a metal grate at one point. Stuck, she started to pull the limb up, but this cost her a few minutes, she really was that heavy with all this extra gear.

That’s when they hit her.

Uriel only had the experience her CPU recorded and then sent back to upgrade the next model. A heavy m4 bolter at this range inside the ship was ineffective, as she founded out firing at a turret, the explosion inside was poor, barely an explosion at all giving the round no time to prime. Taking a few shots to the face, her shield juddered, a second small turret the other side of her also took time to fire. Jerry rigged by the droid no doubt, clever setup as she saw no crew aboard, either that or she’d tripped a sensor coming in. Not that uriel thought of intelligence, just calculated risks and mission objectives.

The huge hip bolter was tossed forward across the metal floor, and the droid pulled herself out, still taking fire. Methodically, her regular bolter was drawn from her back, regular in that it was still the most lethal weapon she’d found to use. Force help the galaxy if our walking dreadnaught or archangel came across worse!

Assessing threats

Tracking the first turret, the bolter fired again, this time turning the ships' defenses into a smoldering wreck, the same the other side, its friend joining it. Nothing left to do but walk to the cockpit door, her bolter fired another shot to weaken it, shrapnel exploding outward, then raising her fist she just punched into the door to cause a hole.

It would be about then the pilot might find her, fist through the cockpit door…

Analysing Uriel Unit:
Waist - Standard issue Personnel Shield: 55%
Back - Standard issue Personnel Shield: 0% (Backup Status Offline)
Archangel Experimental issue Duraplast Armor Condition: Nominal
Armor Ionization Buffers Condition: Empty 0%
Damage to Combat Chassis Endoskeleton: 1%
Primary Systems Damage: None
Combat Capability 275% (Shield/Armor + Unit + Ionization Buffers)
Damage Readout
*Minor Chemical damage to surface cheek skin.
*Surface Damage to right ankle joint.

Weapons | Gear: Viborsword, Standard Issue Bolter (Hands), Experimental MK 4 Heavy Bolter (Dropped), 2x SW-12 Jacknife, Echani Shield Generator, Echani Shield Generator (Backup), Experimental Model EDB Armor (Reinforced EMP Duraplast, equipped with Ionization Buffer), x[4/5] Chemical Grenades.

Uriel 1.5m Upgrades: Heat/Night Vision, Backup Shield Generator, Internal Self Destruct, Experimental Model EDB Armor, Experimental Model MK 4 Heavy Bolter

[member="Kei Garnik"] | [member="Edwin Setyl"]​
He half limped, half crawled up up the boarding ramp of the Ebon Hawk, grunting lightly to himself. He didn't try and hide his pain, he assumed T3 would hear him and come and save him. Yet, the ship was silent, and it was missing a door. He clutched his DL-33 blaster again, a blaster that had seen plenty of action over the last few hours. He coughed slightly, quietly, slowing down. He turned into the main hold, slowly towards the cockpit.

Why did someone try and steal his ship?

He shot, aiming to miss, but to make himself known. He gulped to himself, smiling. At least the person in front of him wasn't a force user, so he stood some sort of basic chance. He gulped again, staring dead at the female in front, coughing lightly into his fist, waiting for the attention.

"Mhm. Explain?"

[member="Project Uriel"]
Uriel V1.5m Prototype Testing Model.

Archangel Deployment: Single HRD Drone
Accessing Uriel Unit Command Matrix:
Primary Mission: Steal Ebon Hawk Vessel, Extremely High salvage Value.
Secondary Mission(s): Steal Star Chart Navigation Data, Eliminate Crew.
Tertiary Mission: Investigate the possibility of hawks nesting aboard the vessel

The shot whizzed by the drones head, hitting the wall, bouncing back and smacking its face around to face the intruder, shield absorbing the bolt of course, but draining more of the primary unit.

Scanning Threat... Humanoid... Blaster.... Assessment.... Cannok level?

Of course not knowing he was a force user, yet, though archangel had programmed her for such eventualities in the field from experience!

Closest hand currently trapped in the bridge door, she pulled it once, stuck. Looking at her further hand which held the bolter, her targeting software tracked back to him, but she couldn't bring the weapon around either, because her armored body was in the way. HRD problems at the office.

Explain. Accessing Dictionary.
  • make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts.
  • give a reason so as to justify or excuse (an action or event).
  • be the cause of or motivating factor for.

"The door's metal composition is unexpected. Old and imperfect. Applying reverse pressure does not grant the desired result."

Uriel took things literally. In an attempt to appear less threatening, the drone HRD formed what looked like the most awkward smile you might ever see, thankfully the piece of her face he could probably see was the skin covered, undamaged half. Really a delaying tactic till she got her hand free... which happened about now, coming with half the door. Slowly her armored form turned the rifle sized standard bolter around, slowly bringing the muzzled to bear, showing the metal underneath her face.

"Thank you for your patience."

Then she fired a slow, thunderous, explosive shot from one of the nastiest weapons this side of the galaxy.

Analysing Uriel Unit:
Waist - Standard issue Personnel Shield: 47%
Back - Standard issue Personnel Shield: 0% (Backup Status Offline)
Archangel Experimental issue Duraplast Armor Condition: Nominal
Armor Ionization Buffers Condition: Empty 0%
Damage to Combat Chassis Endoskeleton: 1%
Primary Systems Damage: None
Combat Capability 275% (Shield/Armor + Unit + Ionization Buffers)
Damage Readout
*Minor Chemical damage to surface cheek skin.
*Surface Damage to right ankle joint.

Weapons | Gear: Viborsword, Standard Issue Bolter (Hands), Experimental MK 4 Heavy Bolter (Dropped), 2x SW-12 Jacknife, Echani Shield Generator, Echani Shield Generator (Backup), Experimental Model EDB Armor (Reinforced EMP Duraplast, equipped with Ionization Buffer), x[4/5] Chemical Grenades.

Uriel 1.5m Upgrades: Heat/Night Vision, Backup Shield Generator, Internal Self Destruct, Experimental Model EDB Armor, Experimental Model MK 4 Heavy Bolter

[member="Kei Garnik"]​
He narrowly ducked the shot. Why did everyone want to kill him today? He grunted, attempting to get closer to the "female", push her against the wall and put the gun to her head. It was clear that it wouldn't work, but it was still worth a try. He needed it to be work, he needed it to be perfect.

"Don't shoot up my ship"

He charged, the force telling him when to duck, when to get down and save himself. He felt himself getting closer, the female didn't have a force signature at all. He stopped slightly, in reaching range. She didn't have a force signature. The only thing without a force signature was...

"You're a droid"

[member="Project Uriel"]
Uriel V1.5m Prototype Testing Model.

Archangel Deployment: Single HRD Drone
Accessing Uriel Unit Command Matrix:
Primary Mission: Steal Ebon Hawk Vessel, Extremely High salvage Value.
Secondary Mission(s): Steal Star Chart Navigation Data, Eliminate Crew.
Tertiary Mission: Investigate the possibility of hawks nesting aboard the vessel

The bolter missed, so she dropped it. As he closed it was less and less use loaded with explosive rounds. The standard bolter had a minimum safe range of ten meters, her metal skeleton allowed for use at 8 with some surface shrapnel damage but no closer, the heavy bolter below them requiring at least 20 meters safe distance!

Uriel’s armored and indeed metal hand lashed forward to try and grab at him to hold. Chemical burns along her face as all of it greeted him, more than likely revealed the full truth behind her surface skin, hard metal shell visible on the half of her damaged face. Certainly she’d appear as inert in the force. Uriel was a HRD model drone, but wouldn’t repeat that due to her mission directives, far beyond that of a standard droid though she had no conception of pride, just tactical awareness of how combat capable most droids were.

“Yes.” Seemed the logical answer to quell suspicion of being more. “You are a human male, weight… height… “ She read off his vitals, assessing heart rate by the pulse along the veins and various other characteristics, vital spots to kill, any sight of old wounds to inflict maximum damage, such as the brawl that just went on outside.

“Is your designation ship's crew?”

Uriel was a killing machine, plain and simple, she followed predictable routines that were growing in diversity. Either way if she grabbed him successfully or not previously, she went for a solid metal hook punch to send him back to the floor. Her primary mission was the ship, crew were a secondary target, he had confirmed it was his ship, did that make him crew? Answers here would help or hinder him in the future!

Analysing Uriel Unit:
Waist - Standard issue Personnel Shield: 47%
Back - Standard issue Personnel Shield: 0% (Backup Status Offline)
Archangel Experimental issue Duraplast Armor Condition: Nominal
Armor Ionization Buffers Condition: Empty 0%
Damage to Combat Chassis Endoskeleton: 1%
Primary Systems Damage: None
Combat Capability 275% (Shield/Armor + Unit + Ionization Buffers)
Damage Readout
*Minor Chemical damage to surface cheek skin.
*Surface Damage to right ankle joint.

Weapons | Gear: Viborsword, Standard Issue Bolter (Dropped), Experimental MK 4 Heavy Bolter (Dropped), 2x SW-12 Jacknife, Echani Shield Generator, Echani Shield Generator (Backup), Experimental Model EDB Armor (Reinforced EMP Duraplast, equipped with Ionization Buffer), x[4/5] Chemical Grenades.

Uriel 1.5m Upgrades: Heat/Night Vision, Backup Shield Generator, Internal Self Destruct, Experimental Model EDB Armor, Experimental Model MK 4 Heavy Bolter

[member="Kei Garnik"]​
He didn't have a crew persay. He had a droid and a friend, and the droid currently stood in his cockpit was not a friend. He felt it's hand close around him, and he didn't have the strength left in him to fight it. Instead he slumped, closing his eyes, an old tactic he'd learned. He felt out in the force, battle meditation. He needed to feel, he needed to feel the force flow through him, but he needed to keep himself alive.

"My name is Kei Raxis. What are you doing aboard my ship?"

He attempted to kick back, stretching his arms out. The force pushed through his body, everything he had pushing against the droid in front of him. He fell backwards, head smashing off the floor, knocking him out. He needed to get her away, out the windscreen. Maybe then she'd give up, he wasn't sure.

She wasn't a she, he had to remember that. It was a droid, heartless.

And the force stopped. He lay. Peaceful.

[member="Project Uriel"]
Uriel V1.5m Prototype Testing Model.

Archangel Deployment: Single HRD Drone
Accessing Uriel Unit Command Matrix:
Primary Mission: Steal Ebon Hawk Vessel, Extremely High salvage Value.
Secondary Mission(s): Steal Star Chart Navigation Data, Eliminate Crew.
Tertiary Mission: Investigate the possibility of hawks nesting aboard the vessel

For your muse!

The force's power surging through the desperate force user was channeled well, throwing the drone back sharply into the wall, specifically against a large piece of metal acting as a handrail, which cracked her centrally in the back. To anyone else that might have meant a nasty bruise on the spine, but Uriels endoskeleton didn't have the give in the exterior it was just hard metal, perhaps a fault? She analysed new upgrades that might be pending, shock absorbers....

Did Uriel kill the humanoid? It would be efficient to, to secure the secondary mission. A mission which dictated her next action. The drone picked him up and strapped him to whatever was around, if nothing was she bent a strip of metal to pin him against the wall (Hopefully). The drone needed answers as to how many crew were left, as that was her secondary mission, she had no record there was only one sentient and a droid. Her need had just saved Kei's life!

After that, if successful or if he cleverly faked being secure! She returned to the cockpit, sat down and started trying to get the ship to start. No great technical expert, and having no program to override the lockout, she would be here for one hour, one day, or one week from now repeating the same routines. If it wasn't that several gunslingers outside had gathered, someone was obviously furious at the loss of their port staff and wanted pay pack. Kei might soon be in the middle of the gunfight, inside his own ship!

In fact that was exactly what he'd see when his eyes did open, several bodies about, small fires, a man being thrown out of the landing ramp and blaster shots going back and forth... Standing on that landing ramp was Uriel with her Experimental Heavy Bolter, whistling rounds away aimed outside like a small artillery barrage, Kei's ship was receiving fire from every area you could imagine! So much for respecting his wishes for a peaceful departure, there'd be paint damage for weeks!

Analysing Uriel Unit:
Waist - Standard issue Personnel Shield: 0%
Back - Standard issue Personnel Shield: 65%
Archangel Experimental issue Duraplast Armor Condition: Dented at Back, Multiple Holes in Front, Left Leg Armor Missing, Right Arm Armor on Fire
Armor Ionization Buffers Condition: 50%
Damage to Combat Chassis Endoskeleton: 22%
Primary Systems Damage: Minor Damage to Targeting Controls, Minor Damage to Left Leg Motor Controls
Combat Capability 145% (Shield/Armor + Unit + Ionization Buffers)
Full Damage Readout
*Minor Structural Damage to Rear Spinal Supports
*Minor Damage to Targeting Controls
*Moderate Damage to Chest Plating

*Minor Damage to Left Leg Motor Controls
*Surface Damage to right ankle joint.
*Minor Chemical damage to surface cheek skin.
*Registering Moderate Damage to Armor, Low Shield, Ion Damage Reaching Moderate Levels.

Weapons | Gear: Viborsword, Standard Issue Bolter (Dropped), Experimental MK 4 Heavy Bolter (Hands), 2x SW-12 Jacknife, Echani Shield Generator (Blown), Echani Shield Generator (On), Experimental Model EDB Armor (Reinforced EMP Duraplast, equipped with Ionization Buffer), x[4/5] Chemical Grenades.

Uriel 1.5m Upgrades: Heat/Night Vision, Backup Shield Generator, Internal Self Destruct, Experimental Model EDB Armor, Experimental Model MK 4 Heavy Bolter

[member="Kei Garnik"]​
[member="Kei Garnik"] [member="Project Uriel"]
[Kei said save me save me and no one steals his ship but me]

Noriko had been in the city, mostly just farting around from place to place trying to help who she could as the small atrisian jedi knight stood there in the middle of the street. The sensation of the force coming to her with a feeling for Kei at the ship and something was happening when she started running If he was in trouble it could mean a couple of things... most likely he had been flirting with soe woman and her boyfriend came around to punch him a lot and endanger the Ebon Hawk. That was her ship if anything bad happened to him while she was going over some of the bigger things running into the hanger and looking towards the cockpit as she used her datapad to open the ships cargo hold not the ramp. The area to get into the back near the secret compartments that could be loaded from below with swoop parts. She spoke into the comlink. "Kei what are you doing now?"

He felt the force flow through him, pushing the metal away from him with the force. He dropped to his knees for a moment, crawling up to his feet, gripping the fallen DL-44 blaster pistol with his spare hand. He felt pain, lots of pain, but he had to keep moving. He had to save his ship. The force couldn't desert him now, he needed it to fuel everything, it was his pain relief, the only reason he was still walking. Still talking.

He couldn't contact Noriko, his comlink had been crushed against the wall. Yet, something wasn't right. She was close, too close for comfort and he didn't like it. He felt out in the force, trying to drop force sized bread crumbs to his friend. He felt he was going to need her assistance soon enough.

He charged, Kei charged at the droid on his boarding ramp, shoulder first, attempting to fall on top of it. If he could get his gun pointed at the main systems in the head, he would be very, very happy. If all went to plan he would be lying on top of the droid, gun pointing at it's head. Everyone would of, for the moment, stopped firing, no-one putting anyone else in danger.

"Asta Lavista"

He pushed down on the trigger, not once, but twice. He wanted to end this droid now.

[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Project Uriel"]
Uriel V1.5m Prototype Testing Model.

Archangel Deployment: Single HRD Drone
Accessing Uriel Unit Command Matrix:
Primary Mission: Steal Ebon Hawk Vessel, Extremely High salvage Value.
Secondary Mission(s): Steal Star Chart Navigation Data, Eliminate Crew.
Tertiary Mission: Investigate the possibility of hawks nesting aboard the vessel

Due to the sloped angle she was on, his protective force channeled for his ship, his own pain and her damage to her left leg, Kei knocked Uriel down without too much fuss, but it wasn't like knocking down a small girl in how she landed. The already heavy drone was overloaded in this gear, and she fell with the weight of what sounded like a small car hitting the floor under him, only concentrated on the ground in a small area, carving an uriel shaped hole out of it underneath him.

The huge experimental bolter weapon now between them made immediately striking him difficult, and her hands were attached to it, so he got a shot off on that metal head with his blaster, and a second. Uriel's vision fuzzed showing some static where he'd made impact, her arm came up to try and grip the blaster hand and turn it left, sharply, but she'd settle for his weapon just as well. Looking to hurl him best she could to the side and away, she brought up her legs and used them to leverage the padawan off her best she could. Disabling the threat as was her programming, she still needed him to assess the number of crew and to perhaps crack the ship's lockdown, which made securing Kei now a primary objective.

"Designation Lavista Asta.... Not Recognized." Her voice was slower than usual, showing damage from binary to audio translation, and much more robotic in nature.

Sadly around them this distraction gave the now dozen or so shooters left alive time to regroup and take cover, though the spaceport was resembling more of a battleground, with large craters where the heavy bolter had landed its shells. Being Tatooine, most other ships had simply got the hell out of there! When Kei was free and clear again, one rodian not much caring for the damage to his own ship's nose had pointed his ship's underbelly cannons at the droid... BETTER DUCK!

And then the world around her erupted in red laser shots, as did much of the ground!

Analysing Uriel Unit:

Waist - Standard issue Personnel Shield: 0%
Back - Standard issue Personnel Shield: 0%
Archangel Experimental issue Duraplast Armor Condition: Dented at Back, Major Holes in Front, Left Leg Armor Missing, Right Arm Armor on Fire and Torn.
Armor Ionization Buffers Condition: 50%
Damage to Combat Chassis Endoskeleton: 52%
Primary Systems Damage: Minor Damage to Targeting Controls, Damage to Left Leg Motor Controls, Damage to Visual Readout, Damage to Spinal Supports, Damage to Verbal Translation Matrix
Combat Capability 95% (Shield/Armor + Unit + Ionization Buffers)
Full Damage Readout
*Damage to Visual Readout, Display and Audio Matrix
*Moderate Damage to Spinal Supports
*Minor Damage to Targeting Controls
*Major Damage to Chest Plating

*Moderate Damage to Left Leg Motor Controls
*Surface Damage to right ankle joint.
*Minor Chemical damage to surface cheek skin.
*Registering Heavy Damage to Armor, Shield at 0%, Ion Damage Reaching Moderate Levels.

Weapons | Gear: Viborsword, Standard Issue Bolter (Dropped), Experimental MK 4 Heavy Bolter (Hands), 2x SW-12 Jacknife, Echani Shield Generator (Blown), Echani Shield Generator (Blown), Experimental Model EDB Armor (Reinforced EMP Duraplast, equipped with Ionization Buffer), x[4/5] Chemical Grenades.

Uriel 1.5m Upgrades: Heat/Night Vision, Backup Shield Generator, Internal Self Destruct, Experimental Model EDB Armor, Experimental Model MK 4 Heavy Bolter

[member="Kei Garnik"] | [member="Noriko Ike"]​
[member="Project Uriel"] [member="Kei Garnik"]

Noriko felt him for a moment when she was looking over some of the things. her attention went to the larger things there she could use while opening the ramp to run and chase after the thing shooting at all of them. Her hand drifted towards the saberstaff activating it while she jumped up to clear the distance between herself, Uriel and Kei throwing the saber to pierce the droid before she kicked down with the force to work and try to knock her away from Kei shouting. "Hey she droid... go and try to use your motorpegger somewhere else." That sounded totally better in her head as Noriko retrieved her saber with a twirl of energies to fire off some force power to protect Kei.

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