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Bringing back the Armada (Jen'ari Empire ONLY)

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor

The Imperial Armada of the once great Jen'ari Empire sat alone hidden and un-used in orbit of Dromund Vatsu for nearly 600 years. It was finally time to repair the ships and maintain them and update them to get them working again. Darth Vyrassu leads the Order of the Jen'ari into orbit to work on the Sith Armada.

I: Repair the Reaper
Armada Command ship
Centurion-class battlecruiser

II: Repair the Devastator
Armada Captain Ship
Harrower-class dreadnought

III: Repair the rest of the fleet.
10 Harrower-class dreadnoughts & 12 Terminus-class Destroyers


Darth Vyrassu sat in the shuttle next to [member=Darth Rapax] and [member=Vaulkhar]. Vyrassu lifted his head looking around at [member=Kyros Fen] [member=atlas blackwood] [member=amethyst] [member=Darth Venefica] [member=Darth Erebos] [Member=Vandalaz] [member=Evor] and Toka Spaga. Vyrassu then nodded to each of them then looking over to the chest full of tools. Darth Vyrassu tried to remember the last time he was on one of the ships in his fleet. He was unsure on the condition it would be in but he knew he had to get the fleet fixed for the sake of his order. Vyrassu then again looked among his Sith, still acolytes in the Sith Academy, some are apprentices, Darth Rapax his only Lord ranked Sith so far, then Darth Venefica and Darth Erebos, the two Darths besides himself. Vyrassu felt a sense of pride in rebuilding his Sith Order, rebuilding his fleet.

Now it was only a matter of time before the Order of the Jen'ari was 100% up and running again. Vyrassu looked out the window and saw the fleet as they got closer and closer to it. They would be landing in the hangar of the Reaper, Vyrassu's personal ship and the command ship of the fleet, from there that would stay together or go work on a different part of the fleet, it was thier personal choice.

After a long awaited few more minutes the shuttle came into the Hangar and landed. Vyrassu watched as the Jen'ari Imperial Shadow Troopers got up from thier seats and unload what tools were needed for the maintenance of the Reaper. Vyrassu then stood from his seat and walked off the shuttle and inhaled then exhaled as he looked around and remembered this hangar, he remembered the wars, the Imperial Pilots, Sith Fighters taking off and landing in here. Vyrassu nodded as he continued to admire the massive hangar.
As he was sitting on the shuttle he slumped into a deep kind of moving meditation. The room made him blind, he wasn't used to such a high quantity of force users around, it made shimmering of the force around him. His meditation was to make his sight narrower and to get used to the abundance of force energy around him. When [member="Darth Vyrassu"] nodded to him he slightly inclined his head in acknowledgement and felt a slight rush of relief when the shuttle touched down.
Once outside the shuttle he looked around the hangar and then out the shimmering blue field that kept the hard vacuum of space at bay spotting The Devastator as it floated in space it's size making the hundreds of meters between the ships seem like only a few meters. He smiled a little under his mask as he looked the ship over, it was a nice design and should it be repaired and brought into full operation it would be a magnificent ship. "Tsitira Vyrassu tuti anas Itwi- dnira dreadnought diwisira sas kamz?" He then said as he turned his head towards Darth Vyrassu and gestured to The Devastator.

High sith Translation
«Darth Vyrassu is that Harrower-class dreadnought captained by anyone?»


Rapax walked in and went to take command of the Devastator, It was to be his ship so he shall get it up and running and repaired in no time....His first flag ship.....and in this mighty armada he will command it and use it to wreck destruction across the galaxy for all time....But first it must be repaired...He boarded it and roamed across its halls he ordered techs to immediately begin there work to repair and bring this ship to its top condition and ready to command and destroy those who get in its way.....he thought of adding somehting new to it...but thats another project entirely he watched as he roamed the halls. His tech's and repairmen start replaceing and repairing the ship it will fly again.....soon..

[member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Darth Vyrassu"]

P.S [member="Darth Erebos"] if you look in the imperial armada you will see that it has been made my flagship ....sorry..

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
Vyrassu looks to [member=Darth Erebos] and speaks to him in the Ancient language of the Sith.

Liudnas Urvaz Erebos, vi Ari Rapax zinot zodis, anas kraud buti jiso, kad ar j'us mazo svajone mes gal itik j'us wo kia xuontai.
(Translation: Sorry Darth Erebos, as Lord Rapax has said, that ship is his, but if you so desire we can get you one to command.)

Vyrassu then orders his Imperial Troops to meet him on the Bridge, Vyrassu wanted to get that cleaned up and running and then he would move onto the rest of the ship. Vyrassu then looked to [Member=Darth Rapax] and nodded to him as he departed for his command ship The Devastator. Vyrassu waited for Erebos reply as he used the force to start picking up fallen pieces of the ship hangar and continued to clean up the hangar
Erebos simply inclined his head in understanding. "Anas waria tuti jisi." He then said as he then went onto his coms and began to speak with the captain of his current ship and gave him a few coordinates to follow. He then walked around the ship, while also using the force to move debris to manageable positions in the hangar. "Nu zinot kontakta nuyak Kraud ir tau valia buti nesti is kair lidija kia tarnas su sis planas Urvaz Vyrassu." He then said as he was moving a large piece of debris out of the way.

[member="Darth Vyrassu"] [member="Darth Rapax"] (It's ok)
«That would be appreciated.»
«I have contacted my Ship and they will be bringing in some labour to help with this project Darth Vyrassu»

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
Darth Vyrassu looks to [member=Darth Erebos] and then walks over to him and pulls out a piece of paper and hand it to him.

Pick one from the list that is not already captained

Vyrassu then orders some of the Shadow Troopers to follow him as he makes his way to the Bridge of the Reaper. Once he arrives he takes a look around. The Bridges windows were very large giving a look out of space. It was very dark as no power has been given to the ship in nearly 600 years, there was Debris scattered everywhere.


Vyrassu ordered his troops to help him start cleaning the bridge as he did so himself


Rapax walked across the bridge looking around, It was a fairly large room with a large holographic strategy projector in the middle that was without power...the whole bridge was dark minus what ever light the outside provided to it....He had his tech's priority be restore power to life support and general power, Then to bring its mighty weapons and sheilds back to life once more...this ship was old yet it held fairly well against its stand of time. Which was good....he had those not working on the tasks he assigned to start resupplying this ships missles rearm its warships and to repair or replace entirely the old fighters and vehicles that where aboard.

[member="Darth Vyrassu"] [member="Darth Erebos"]

Erebos bowed once again to [member="Darth Vyrassu"] after he was handed the list. "Thank you I'll look over it." He then said before a ping came to his comlink, signalling the arrival of The Doppelgangers Lament with a full compliment of Shuttles and worker droids along with four jita class freighters accompanying his personal ship. The Jita class freighters also had a full compliment of shuttles and work droids ranging from the normal Zuguruk labor droid of the mark 1 variety to the much heavier Zuguruk heavy loader droids also of the mark 1 variety. Captain Peralious called in with a status report and Erebos waited for a shuttle to come and unload a few droids along with workers and technicians that went to work on the Reaper's interior while the droids left the hangar and moved onto the exterior.
Boarding the shuttle he asked the pilot to move out and observe the other Harrower-class dreadnoughts as he decided on a ship to choose for his own. The one he spotted was a few kilometers bellow and to the side of [member="Darth Rapax"]'s flagship, The Devestator. Once the shuttle lazily settled into the Cruisers hangar along with four other shuttles filled to the brim with droids, Technicians and engineers, the first of which left first to set up the hangar's atmosphere generator as well as the two way ray shield to allow the shuttles to come in and out without compromising the atmosphere inside the hangar.
The operation took around half an hour to get the hangar breathable and ready for the organics to leave their shuttles. "All right I want life support, major systems and the inner transportation system repaired first Then we can move onto full hull integrity and finally onto weapons and shields." Erebos ordered as he got another message from Captain Peralious stating that the other shuttles had moved on to board and help out all those ships which had been boarded and were in the middle of being repaired by the others.
When a full hour had passed the internal shields were up and sweet life giving oxygen was being pumped throughout the ship as the technicians and engineers went on to their assigned jobs. "My Lord, the Jita class freighters have jumped away to retrieve some of the raw material needed to finish repairs on some of the cruisers as you ordered." A senior engineer said as he followed behind Erebos on his way to the bridge of the dreadnought that he had chosen for himself. "Good but what took them so long to do the jumps in the first place?" He then asked as the two entered a turbolift and headed up the ships interior towards the bridge, the question itself though made the engineer wince a little. "W-Well there was a small haul of cargo inside the freighters that was used to initiate the repairs to the life support systems of this dreadnought as well as some of the wiring on the other two ships as well."
The engineers sense was one of anxiety and anticipation of the worst but what came next was simply confusing for him. "Oh was that the reason well can't fault you for using what we had already and but it to good use." He then said simply as the turbolift dinged and opened up on the nearly untouched bridge of the ship. The engineer let out a slight whistle but stifled it as Erebos turned his head to look at him. "Don't stop on my account I concur. Please if you will access the main computer and find the ships name." He then ordered and the Engineer saluted him in military fashion and went ahead. Erebos simply strolled down the main hallway marker as he looked over the dust settled computers and holo displays that hadn't seen use in over six centuries, the shimmering blue of the shield over the empty view ports made a creeping suspicion dawn on Erebos as he reached the command theater of the Bridge.
"Sir the ship was rushed through construction, they even settled on simply using ray shields instead of transparasteel. Sufficed to say the ship wasn't christened anything." The engineer then said.

[member=Vaulkhar] [member=Kyros Fen] [member=atlas blackwood] [member=amethyst] [member=Darth Venefica][Member=Vandalaz] [member=Evor]

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
Darth Vyrassu watched as the Imperial Troopers restored power and thew life support systems to the Bridge. All the controls begin to light up and the computers became active. Vyrassu then projected red lightning out of his hands into the triangle pillars around the bridge walkway and they lit up with a red glow. illuminating the bridge in red.



Vyrassu could feel the darkside swarm the bridge. It felt the way it did once 600 years ago. Vyrassu could only help but crack a smile as he walked along the walkway of the bridge and stared out into space through the massive windows. From there he could see [member=Darth Erebos] boarding the ship only he assumed was going to be the ship he choose for his capital ship. Vyrassu then looked to the Devastator and saw the bridge light up knowing [member=Darth Rapax] got the power back on in his ship. Vyrassu begin to wonder where the rest of the Jen'ari Empire was, but it mattered very little as he turned and begin to help his troops fix and repair the rest of the bridge.

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