Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Brett Amell

Brett Amell

Prince Of Theivery Son Of Shadows
NAME: Brett Amell
RANK: None
AGE: 17
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5' 9"
WEIGHT: 140 lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Jet Black, Shaved
SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Quick on Feet
+Hand To Hand

-Below average Blaster skills
-Not very friendly

As Seen In Picture

Brett Amell son of Roland and Marry Amell spent most of his childhood in poverty living on a planet like Coruscant was no easy thing. Sure there were many other unfortunate people around the galaxy but who cared. Amell started thievery at a very early age, it first began as just a thing to do to get by it soon expanded into a fun and playful thing to do. One day Brett came across a dying man and laughed. Sure because the man was suffering but more because his armour had Red Xs on them. He walked closer to the man and the man said "Spending your time thieving is fun but what if you killed?" This really struck Brett the man died and Brett took the armour. Living by those words is what Brett's life has came to.

Does your character have a personaAhip? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

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